delicious page 2 - Dave's Blog

My timeline on Mastodon

Math: It's Delicious! | Militant Geek Custom Shirts

2008 Jun 19, 11:24"Math is delicious" tshirt.PermalinkCommentstshirt shirt purchase product math humor awesome

Wordle - SequelGuy's Delicious Tags

2008 Jun 19, 4:53Create word art from your Delicious tags or any arbitrary block of text. Neat.PermalinkCommentsme delicious tag tagging word

Leaking Information Through Delicious

2008 May 18, 6:45

While re-reading Cryptonomicon I thought about what kind of information I'm leaking by posting links on Delicious. At work I don't post any Intranet websites for fear of revealing anything but I wondered if not posting would reveal anything. For instance, if I'm particularly busy at work might I post less indicating something about the state of the things I work on? I got an archive of my Delicious posts via the Delicious API and then ran it through a tool I made to create a couple of tables which I've graphed on Many Eyes

I've graphed my posts per week and with red lines I've marked IE7 and IE8 releases as stated by Wikipedia. As you can see, there doesn't seem to be much of a pattern so I suppose my concerns we're unfounded. I use it for both work and non-work purposes and my use of Delicious isn't that consistent so I don't think it would be easy to find a pattern like I was thinking about. Perhaps if many people from my project used Delicious and that data could be compared together it might be easier.
For fun I looked at my posts per day of week which starts off strong on Mondays and decreases as the week goes on, and my posts per hour of day. It looks like I mostly post around lunch and on the extremes I've only posted very late at night twice at 4am: converting media for the Zune, and Penn's archive of articles. In the morning at 7am I've posted only once: document introducing SGML.PermalinkCommentsmanyeyes graph cryptonomicon delicious

Welcome - doctype - Google Code

2008 May 16, 5:29Wiki filled with HTML, CSS, and other webdev type stuff from Google. Looks like almost everyone in my delicious network has added this already...PermalinkCommentsvia:kris.kowal google html css reference quickreference wiki

Search and Archive of Dave's Things

2008 Apr 7, 10:31

Photo of crates in a warehouse. Licensed under creative commons by Don Jones.I now have search and an archive available for my site. I previously tried to setup crappy search by cheating using Yahoo Pipes and now instead I have a slightly less crappy search that works over all of the content that I've produced on my blog, uploaded to flickr or youtube, or added to delicious.

You can now read my first LiveJournal blog post or, for probably much more entertainment value, view all the photos and videos of Cadbury by searching for 'bunny'.

The search is only slightly less lame because although it searches over all my content, I still implemented it myself rather than getting a professional package. Also, the feed supports the same search and archive as my homepage so you can subscribe to a feed of Cadbury if you're so inclined and just skip all this other boring stuff. My homepage and feed implement the OpenSearch response elements and I've got an OpenSearch search provider (source) as well.

PermalinkCommentstechnical search archive opensearch homepage API Backup

2008 Apr 3, API allows you to get an XML file of all your links.PermalinkCommentsapi delicious backup xml url

Pages tagged with "wtf" on

2008 Feb 27, 2:39Title says it all. The ratio of interesting stuff to not is pretty good.PermalinkCommentsvia:ethan_t_hein humor delicious links social tag tagging wtf

2008 Jan 16, 2:44I always have to hunt for this page when setting up a new IE.PermalinkCommentsajax bookmark bookmarklets browser delicious extension link script setupnewcomputer

Many Eyes : sequelguy's page

2007 Nov 7, 5:19My Many Eyes account page. Adding this to delicious so that I don't lose track of it. Associated IBMID: dave@deletethis.netPermalinkCommentsproldfile many-eyes statistics visualization me

Brief Miscellany

2007 Oct 29, 7:07Two brief updates to previous posts:

  1. I noted that I had a new entry on the IE blog. Some comments on the IE blog have recently been rude in their request for information on future versions of IE. For example see the first two comments responding to my post. Feeling bad about that I looked at my posts entry on delicious and saw the following:

    "This is the first blog from the IE team that I have found rigorous and informative. I skipped to the bottom to find it was written by one of the TA's from my first class at Cal Poly."

    That made me feel a bit better and I was able to catch up with someone from college. Thanks Kris!

  2. I previously had my GPS set with an Australian accent. When it encountered 'WA', as in the abbreviation for Washington in freeway exits, it pronounced it 'Western Australia'. Now I've got it with a British accent and WA is just 'W.A.' but when I tell it to drive to 'MS', the name of my saved location for work, it pronounces it 'Manuscript'.
PermalinkCommentsmicrosoft blog gps personal nontechnical

FoaF on my Homepage

2007 Oct 14, 3:12I've updated my homepage by moving stuff about me onto a separate About page. Creating the About page was the perfect opportunity to get FoaF, a machine readable way of describing yourself and your friends, off my to do list. I have a base FoaF file to which I add friends, projects, and accounts from delicious using an XSLT. This produces the FoaF XML resource on which I use another XSLT to convert into HTML and produce the About page.

I should also mention a few FoaF pages I found useful in doing this: PermalinkCommentstechnical xml foaf personal xslt xsl homepage

Date Time Formats

2007 Sep 27, 2:17Starting on a new simple project I wanted to get the history of my Delicious links. Delicious has an export tool available via the settings section so I thought I'd try that. However, the links aren't exported in XML not even in XHTML but rather in HTML. Shocking. An example:
"Don't Tase Me, Bro!" (UF Student Tasered Remix)
Remix of the 'Don't tase me, bro!' guy getting tasered.At this point I'm already not going to use this file because its in HTML but I'm even more disgusted by those date time values. Raymond Chen of the Old New Thing posted about recognizing timestamps and timestamp sentinel values. From the first blog post and with the use of a calculator for base conversion one can tell that those are UNIX style timestamps counting the number of seconds since 1970.

It reminds me of my hatred for the MIME date time format I developed working on my webpage's server side parsing of atom and RSS. Atom is of course my favorite as Atom uses the Internet date time format described in the following documents. Here's an example of one 2007-09-27T020:50:00.000-08:00 On the other hand the evil and villainous RSS uses the MIME date time format now described in the more recent IETF MIME standard. Here's an example Thu, 27 Sep 2007 20:50:00 -0800
The Internet date time format has the advantage of being so easy to sort. An alphabetic sort with normal C-style collation rules of strings containing Internet date times will also sort them chronologically. This is not the case for the MIME date time due to the preceding day of the week and the spelled out month name. This also means that when producing these you have to figure out the day of the week and when parsing them you have to match month names rather than just parsing out numbers. Anyway now days if I see mention of a date time in a new proposed standard or spec I be sure to point out the numerous advantages of the Internet date time format.
PermalinkCommentsdate xml html feed time technical date-time code atom rss

Bokardo - The Lesson

2007 Aug 15, 3:16Reasons why style tagging is different and better than things that have come before it.PermalinkCommentsarticle blog business taxonomy tagging delicious folksonomy reference tag ontology

Full Text: Keen vs. Weinberger -

2007 Jul 26, 12:05A debate between David Weinberger (of Everything is Miscellaneous) and Andrew Keen (of Cult of the Amatuer) on the Web as the end of intelligent society. Of course since I'm posting this on delicious its clear who I favor in this debate.PermalinkCommentsdavid-weinberger blog article debate taxonomy tagging social community web

Cat Roundup

2007 May 17, 1:04I've seen several humorous kitty related stories recently and then happened upon the whole lolcat scene. Rather than post all the links to humorous kitty lolcat photos to delicious I figure I'll roundup the links here.

A cat in England enjoys riding the bus and does so regularly (associated lolcat commentary).

A cat trees a bear (also with lolcat commentary).

xkcd has a comic on the topic of lolcat commentary. xkcd also had a non-lolcat cat related comic recently that I found funny.

And now I'm out of commentary so I'll just... "X cat is X": interested, aggressive/defensive. VG related: SF, Zelda. Other: cookie, sad.PermalinkCommentsroundup comic kitty personal cat humor nontechnical

Vizicious Search

2007 Apr 8, 9:27This is a search shortcut for Vizicious my delicious heirarchy visualization tool.PermalinkCommentsshortcut: delicious tool personal tag tagging ontology folksonomy :: foaflicious

2007 Apr 8, 9:07A tool to produce FOAF files based on your delicious account. Appears to be down now but the tool's blog has other ineteresting links.PermalinkCommentsdelicious foaf rdf tool phil-wilson blog

MAKE: Blog: HOW TO geotagg bookmarks

2007 Apr 8, 9:05Geotagging used in your delicious tags so you can plot your delicious links on Google Earth.PermalinkCommentsmake article blog delicious google geo tag tagging hack mashup map

boz - web bookmarking

2007 Apr 8, 9:02Bookmark things on delicious very privately. This is an actual tool this time that uses encryption to ensure that even delicious doesn't know what you bookmarked.PermalinkCommentsbookmark cryptography encryption privacy delicious tag tagging tool

Jon Udell: Semi-private bookmarking in

2007 Apr 8, 9:01How to bookmark things privately on del.icio.usPermalinkCommentsblog article delicious folksonomy howto identity privacy tag tagging jon-udell semi-private bookmark
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