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laughingsquid: Back to the Future Time Circuit Replica I would...

2012 Jul 3, 2:38


Back to the Future Time Circuit Replica

I would love this as a clock.

PermalinkCommentsback-to-the-future bttf toy diy

(via DIY Building Blocks Furniture) Its jumbo Legos to make...

2012 Apr 25, 4:18

(via DIY Building Blocks Furniture)

Its jumbo Legos to make furniture. At least in theory very cool, although I wonder about the comfort of a chair made from this.

PermalinkCommentslego humor furniture

Bluetooth Glove: Talk to the Hand!

2011 Mar 7, 9:13Instructions for a DIY bluetooth glove with mic in pinky and earpiece in thumb.
PermalinkCommentsbluetooth humor awesome phone diy

Electric Umbrella

2010 Dec 6, 9:03"The Electric Umbrella will glow with many pinpoints of light"
PermalinkCommentsart cool diy electronics geek umbrella

Meme-ify Your Home With These 10 Internet Wall Hangings Currently for Sale on Etsy

2010 Oct 22, 1:30PermalinkCommentscrafting DIY Etsy haters gonna hate home decor keyboard cat lolcats memes needlepoint pedobear Xzibit technical

Make: Online : Hand lights — Cool Tools contest winner

2010 Sep 14, 2:24Good idea and solves some of the head lamp problems: "...Enter the Hand Lights, a pretty simple and cheap DIY project that puts adjustable lights on your forearms to light whatever is in your hands."PermalinkCommentslight diy hand head-lamp tool

Remove a Stripped Screw with a Rubber Band - Household - Lifehacker

2010 Feb 3, 3:18PermalinkCommentsdiy tip howto screw rubber-band macgyver

How to Remove Caulk in 6 Easy Steps - Popular Mechanics

2009 Oct 18, 5:22"Q: The caulk around my bathtub is peeling away in places, and it looks pretty ugly. How do I remove it and recaulk?"PermalinkCommentshowto diy home tool caulk shower bathtub tile

How to Google Maps on Vimeo

2009 Aug 31, 4:53From Ira as part of The Balloon Project "... took the lo-fi diy map making essentials (portable helium tank, party balloons, and a disposable video camera) to Paris, France, where they launched a video camera into the sky not knowing where it would go, and created some very unique aerial cartography of the Place de la Concorde.' I'd love to see this run through photo stitching software like Photosynth and then layered on Google Maps.PermalinkCommentsmap balloon art ira-mowen france paris

The Electric Unicycle

2009 Jul 31, 6:04An electric unicycle controlled in a similar manner as the Segway.PermalinkCommentshumor photo unicycle transportation segway diy hardware howto via:swannman

Kitchen Garden Planner | Preplanned Vegetable Gardens by Gardener's Supply

2009 Jul 6, 3:47Howto make your own garden including pre-made plans like the 'Plant it and Forget it' garden.PermalinkCommentsvia:jen howto diy garden for:hellosarah

The Ultimate Lock Picker Hacks Pentagon, Beats Corporate Security for Fun and Profit

2009 Jun 1, 3:21"Marc Weber Tobias can pick, crack, or bump any lock. Now he wants to teach the world how to break into military facilities and corporate headquarters."PermalinkCommentsvia:boingboing hack diy business politics security video lockpicking lock crime wired

Infrared Goggles for $10, inexpensive IR filters, SCIENCE HOBBYIST

2009 May 29, 8:49Howto on goggles that block out everything but the small range of IR that's barely visible. "INFRARED GOGGLES FOR UNDER $10, A Human IR Vision Experiment, Sept. 14, 2002 Bill Beaty"PermalinkCommentsir infrared hack howto science photography diy hardware light

Big Mess o' Wires - BMOW 1

2009 May 28, 1:12A homemade CPU and computer. I love the primary colors on the mess of wires. The close up shot is lovely.PermalinkCommentshowto diy hardware computer electronics cpu homemade maker-faire

ioanghip - Tweeting Cat Door

2009 Apr 13, 12:20Cat door that opens only for the owner's cat's collars containing particular RFID tags. When opened a photo is snapped and twittered. "Best use of Twitter, the Tweeting Cat Door"PermalinkCommentsrfid twitter cat humor programming geek diy automation

A Bulbdial Clock - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

2009 Apr 9, 8:56Someone implemented the Ironic Sans artificial sundial clock concept! "Last year David Friedman published on his blog Ironic Sans an interesting design concept for something that he called The Bulbdial Clock. That's like a sundial, but with better resolution-- not just an hour hand, but a minute and second hand as well, each given as a shadow from moving artificial light sources (bulbs). We've recently put together a working bulbdial clock, with an implementation somewhat different from that of the original concept."PermalinkCommentshowto diy clock led sundial via:swannman

DIY Pepsi Challenge

2009 Jan 25, 5:39

Deutsches MuseumMicrosoft isn't completely shielded from our economies issues but I still have a job and still get free soda. While that's all still the case, I decided to test Sarah's claimed ability to differentiate between Pepsi, Coke, and their diet counterparts by taste alone. I poured the four sodas into marked cups and Sarah and I each took two runs through the cups with the following guesses.

Soda Identification Challenge Results
Drink Sarah Dave
Guess 1 Guess 2 Guess 1 Guess 2
Coke Coke Coke Pepsi Diet Pepsi
Diet Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Diet Coke Diet Coke
Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Coke Coke
Diet Pepsi Diet Pepsi Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi
Total (out of 8) 6 3

As you can see from the results, Sarah's claimed ability to identify Coke and Pepsi by taste is confirmed. The first run through she got completely correct and on the second run only mistook Diet Pepsi for Diet Coke. Her excuse for the error on the second run was a tainted palate from the first run. I on the other hand was mostly incorrect. Surprisingly though my incorrect answers were mostly consistent between run one and two. For instance I thought Pepsi was Coke in both runs.

PermalinkCommentscoke microsoft waste of soda pepsi waste of time soda

the box doodle project //

2008 Dec 31, 2:14Art on boxes: "the rules are quite simple: rearrange a box to make any kind of figure or object. make the most of least."PermalinkCommentsart box design diy paper gallery sculpture doodle illustration MAKE: technology on your time

2008 Dec 30, 1:03"Introducing Make: television, Coming in January 2009: A new national series from MAKE magazine, Twin Cities Public Television, and American Public Television"PermalinkCommentspbs tv make diy community hack via:boingboing


2008 Oct 14, 12:50Cardboard filter that turns video monitors into an array of large color-changing boxes applied to public video billboard ads: "Pixelator turns those ugly, blinding video billboard ads into art."PermalinkCommentsart streetart cultural-disobediance subway graffiti advertising nyc diy howto
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