hitler - Dave's Blog

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Hitler tries a DMCA takedown | Brad Ideas

2010 Apr 21, 1:47So... There's Downfall a 2004 film about the final days of Hitler's life. Then folks take the most dramatic scene and parody it with new subtitles having Hitler yell about various things like his cell phone or Burning Man. It becomes a meme and meta Downfall parodies show up with Hitler yelling about the Downfall parodies. Now the studio producing the film has sent DMCA takedown notices to Youtube and many of the videos are disappearing. In response is a new Downfall parody in which Hitler issues DMCA notices to Youtube...PermalinkCommentscensorship hitler humor copyright dmca eff legal youtube video fairuse meme web internet technical

YouTube - Hitler finds out his subtitles are wrong

2009 Aug 26, 3:28"Don't they know this is just another passing lame-ass internet fad?" Hitler mocks the subtitled Hitler Internet meme, and those not in on the joke. Note that this is a bit meta: see some of the other videos first for examples of what Hitler is talking about here.PermalinkCommentshumor youtube video hitler meme

Time Travel Essentials - TopatoCo: We Sell T-shirts by the e-Shore

2009 Apr 15, 7:42"If you're like us, you live in constant fear of slipping into a wormhole and getting spit out in the 13th century, and the only real useful knowledge you have for your ignorant ancestors is 'watch out for that Hitler guy' and 'some of the Popes are evil.'" Its like they're inside my head! Love this shirt and poster telling you everything you need to know in case you accidentally fall back in time.PermalinkCommentstime-travel time shirt poster wishlist gift awesome

WWII Government Bonds Poster

2008 Jun 24, 9:57

sequelguy posted a photo:

WWII Government Bonds Poster

A WWII poster proclaims: "Save to beat the devil! Buy vicotry bonds" depicting a stylized Hitler as the devil looking concerned.

PermalinkCommentscanada art poster hitler wwii victoria devil royalbritishcolumbiamuseum

Hitler's Diary and Hermann Goering's Yacht - FRONT PAGE - How Markus makes $15k a day from free dating site Plentyoffish

2008 May 19, 11:54Forged fake art: "After being released from prison in 1988, Kujau opened a gallery in Stuttgart where he sold 'authentic fakes'... In fact, his work became so popular that other forgers began to create forged copies of Kujau's forgeries."PermalinkCommentsart fraud history via:boingboing.comments konrad-kujau

Abyss & Apex : Fourth Quarter 2007: Wikihistory

2008 Mar 19, 2:25A short story expressed as a forum for time travelers: "At 18:06:59, BigChill wrote: Take it easy on the kid, SilverFox316; everybody kills Hitler on their first trip. I did. It always gets fixed within a few minutes, what's the harm?"PermalinkCommentshumor fiction wiki timetravel forum via:boingboing
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