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A Dad’s Plea To Developers Of iPad Apps For Children (smashingmagazine.com)

2012 Mar 12, 7:02

Set of issues run into by children using iPad apps.  Should be generally appropriate though:

Designing apps for children is extremely hard. Not only is quality, age-appropriate content hard to create, but designing the flow and interaction of these apps is made more difficult because designers must refrain from implementing advanced gestures, which would only confuse and frustrate kids (and, by extension, their parents). Yet all apps can and should adhere to certain basics. Hopefully, the four guidelines discussed here can become fixtures of all children’s apps.

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Report: Kindle produces nearly no electrical interference. FAA: "LALALALALA"

2011 Dec 28, 3:34

FTA: “Nick Bilton put the FAA’s claims regarding Kindles and airline avionics to the test. The result? They emit less EM interference than planes are required by law to withstand.” Much less, apparently.

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Tao Effect Blog » Blog Archive » Steve Jobs’ response on Section 3.3.1

2010 Apr 11, 2:16Lots of links, info, and thoughts on Apple's change to the iPhone SDK terms of service that now state "Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript..." Means no other languages or third party platforms...PermalinkCommentssteve-jobs apple sdk api tos legal law iphone ipod ipad technical

The iPad is a Comedy Gold Mine - CollegeHumor video

2010 Jan 29, 9:42"These jokes come so naturally you don't even have to think about it. You just mock."PermalinkCommentshumor video apple ipad ipod
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