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Tweet from David Risney

2016 Oct 20, 4:09
Surprised ICANN doc doesn't cover intranet name collisions issues http://archive.icann.org/en/topics/dns-stability-draft-paper-06feb08.pdf  Does consider file ext collisions: no problem... https://twitter.com/kpyke/status/789156391726387200 

Tweet from Justin Wolfers

2016 Sep 13, 12:05
Here comes the latest income and poverty statistics... Be prepared to adjust your talking points... http://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2016/demo/p60-256.pdf 

Reddit explains Obamacare

2012 Jul 1, 5:16

PPACA (aka Obamacare) broken down into its main subsections with brief explinations and citations linking into the actual PPACA document (why is it always PDF?).

Its interesting to see the very small number of parts folks are complaining about versus the rest which mostly strikes me as “how could this not already be the case?”

I’m no expert, and everything I posted here I attribute mostly to Wikipedia or the actual bill itself, with an occasional Google search to clarify stuff. I am absolutely not a difinitive source or expert. I was just trying to simplify things as best I can without dumbing them down. I’m glad that many of you found this helpful.”

PermalinkCommentshealth-care politics PPACA obama obamacare law legal


2012 Apr 20, 3:38

Web app for making diagrams like Visio.  Export your results as SVG, PNG, PDF and others.

PermalinkCommentstechnical diagram web-app javascript web visio svg

Image Error Level Analysis with HTML5

2012 Apr 16, 1:59

Javascript tool says if a photo is shopped. It can tell by looking at the pixels. Seriously. Links to cool presentation on the theory behind the algorithm behind the tool: http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel/files/bh-usa-07-krawetz.pdf

PermalinkCommentstechnical javascript jpeg photoshop

ViewText: Enter a URL to view its text

2011 Jun 5, 4:57"ViewText.org is a service provided to make reading content on the web easier, faster, and safer by extracting the main article content from news items, blog posts, RSS feeds, and PDF's." Includes API to extract the article text!PermalinkCommentsinternet web article html text api technical

That’s What She Said: Double Entendre Identification

2011 Apr 29, 3:54That’s What She Said: Double Entendre Identification
Chlo´e Kiddon and Yuriy Brun
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Seattle WA 98195-2350
fchloe,brung@cs.washington.eduPermalinkCommentstechnology humor twss science paper csc technical system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

An Analysis of Browser Domain-Isolation Bugs

2010 Oct 28, 7:49PermalinkCommentsdavid-ross security browser research web webbrowser technical todo system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

Introducing Adobe Reader for Android - Adobe Reader Blog

2010 May 25, 12:04PDF reader for the Android
PermalinkCommentsadobe reader android pdf technical free

The Emperor’s New APIs: On the (In)Secure Usage of New Client-side Primitives

2010 May 6, 7:43Covers case studies of insecure usage of HTML5 cross-document messaging and web storage.PermalinkCommentshtml html5 web browser security technical webstorage research facebook google system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

Fair Use Economy (pdf)

2010 May 4, 10:49PermalinkCommentsvia:felix42 fair-use economics pdf legal law copyright todo system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

The State of Web Development 2010 – Web Directions

2010 Apr 29, 11:51Stats from the State of Web Development 2010 web survey including: "Few respondents use any form of Internet Explorer for their day to day web use, but IE8 is the number one browser developers test their sites in. Google Chrome has jumped dramatically as the browser of choice for developers, to rank 3rd, at 17% just behind Safari at 20%."PermalinkCommentsie web browser chrome statistics development html technical system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

The Essential Message: Claude Shannon and the Making of Information Theory

2010 Apr 20, 9:34PermalinkCommentstechnical pdf information-theory cryptography history system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

PDF Most Common File Type in Targeted Attacks - F-Secure Weblog : News from the Lab

2010 Mar 22, 8:40PDF overtakes Word as targeted attack vector of choice.PermalinkCommentssecurity office adobe pdf word powerpoint microsoft technical statistics internet malware

A Practical Attack to De-Anonymize Social Network Users

2010 Mar 8, 1:50Paper suggests history stealing to find what popular social networking site groups a visitor to your web site belongs to and stats on how easy it is to then uniquely identify the visitor on the popular social networking site.PermalinkCommentssecurity privacy social social-network paper research web browser css technical system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

Protecting Browsers from Extension Vulnerabilities

2010 Feb 27, 10:06A web browser add-on security research paper that describes the Google Chrome security model. "We propose a new browser extension system that improves security by using least privilege, privilege separation,
and strong isolation. Our system limits the misdeeds an attacker can perform through an extension vulnerability.
Our design has been adopted as the Google Chrome extension system."PermalinkCommentssecurity design google chrome firefox addon plugin web browser technical research adam-barth system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

View PDFs on Android

2010 Jan 10, 4:07

Irritatingly, my G1 won't show me PDFs so I've made the Google Docs PDF viewer which will load PDFs on the web up in Google Docs. Google Docs has the useful ability to display PDFs in web browsers without any Adobe software and works (mostly) on Android.

This was very easy to put together as an Android activity. First its necessary to register the application as handling PDFs from the web. This is done via the intent-filter declaration in the manifest:

      action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/
      data android:scheme="http" android:mimeType="application/pdf"/
      category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/
      category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/
The action part says my activity will view PDFs, the data part says it accepts data with the PDF mime-type and with a URL that has an HTTP scheme. The browsable category is necessary to allow links from a browser to open this activity.

Second, the activity opens up the browser to Google Docs pointing to the PDF.

   Intent intent = new Intent();
    "http://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url=" + 

This is very simple code to invoke a new intent browsing to a newly constructed URL for the PDF in Google Docs. That was easy.PermalinkCommentsgoogle docs technical g1 code activity programming android google pdf

English Shellcode

2009 Nov 27, 6:10"What follows is a brief description of the method we have developed for encoding arbitrary shellcode as English text. This English shellcode is completely self-contained, i.e., it does not require an external loader, and executes as valid IA32 code."PermalinkCommentssecurity polyglot intel paper research programming hack obfuscation english language technical system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

Embeddable Google Document Viewer

2009 Sep 10, 6:11Google Documents can render any PDF on the web simply via an URL API. Step 2, implement HTML5. Step 3, call registerContentHandler('application/pdf', 'http://docs.google.com/gview?url=%s')PermalinkCommentspdf google web internet html5 technical via:waxy


2009 Aug 25, 7:10Research paper modelling zombie infection. "The key difference between the models presented here and other models of infectious disease is that the dead can come back to life." Also, love the references section with "Snyder, Zack (director), 2004 Dawn of the Dead" next to things like "Bainov, D.D. & Simeonov, P.S. Impulsive Differential Equations: Asymptotic Properties of the Solutions. World Scientific, Singapore (1995)."PermalinkCommentshumor zombie research via:schneier math science health apocalypse system:filetype:pdf system:media:document
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