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Tweet from David_Risney

2015 Nov 19, 11:04
Finished Breaking Bad finale last night. As last person to do so, feel free to now discuss spoilers. Thank you for your patience.

David_Risney: YouTuber Hank Green on news media's reaction to him interviewing the President. (Spoilers: not a positive reaction)

2015 Jan 25, 10:22
David Risney @David_Risney :
YouTuber Hank Green on news media's reaction to him interviewing the President. (Spoilers: not a positive reaction) https://medium.com/@hankgreen/holy-shit-i-interviewed-the-president-fa3e8fb44d16?source=tw-lo_dnt_b3025335d87e-1422301772502 …

The Interview ending interpretation

2014 Dec 25, 2:29

As the title suggests, spoilers for The Interview follow.

Towards the end of the movie, after Dave Skylark is shot, he miraculously has a bullet proof vest, blows up Kim Jong-un, finds a random tunnel and is picked up by Seal Team Six. These are the same details of the unbelievable scenario that Dave Skylark describes to Agent Lacey at the beginning of the movie.

This isn't a coincidence. Everything after Dave is shot is his fantasizing about how things should have gone as he dies in the interview chair. Unsurprisingly his fantasy closely matches his original ridiculous thoughts about how he would assassinate and escape.

This is similar to movies like Brazil in which the later fourth of the movie is the main character’s romantic fantasy as he is tortured and killed in real life. Or Total Recall where the end of the movie matches the description of the memories that the main character will have implanted at the beginning.

Its safe to assume that after Dave is killed, Aaron and Sook are captured and also killed.



2013 Jun 19, 2:50




So I lost. Wah, boohoo, etc etc. It doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. I love The Last Halloween. If you also loved The Last Halloween, don’t worry, it’s happening. But first I have to Kickstart it! The Kickstarter goes up within the next few days, and I hope you guys will fund it, if you’ll have me.

I’ll do a much larger post when the Kickstarter kickstarts so you’ll all know my feelings and how great everything is and how much you will be into backing it. 

I’m one of these guys being sshhhhhsh’ed. Abby had the best comics on Strip Search and so for my continued entertainment I shall help kickstart!

PermalinkCommentskickstarter strip-search

Play Fez

2012 May 7, 3:30

I'm done playing Fez. The style is atmospheric retro nastalgia and on the surface the gameplay is standard 2D platformer with one interesting Flatland style game mechanic but dig deeper to find Myst style puzzles. Despite the following I thoroughly enjoyed the game and would recommend it to anyone intrigued by the previous. Five eighths through the game I ran into one of the game's infamous Fez save game breaking issues, but I enjoyed the game enough that I started over before any patches were released and had no further issues.

While playing the game I created some tools to help keep track of my Fez notes (spoilers) including a Pixelated Image Creator that makes it easy to generate data URIs for large, black and white pixelated images, and (spoilers) a Fez Transliteration Tool to help me translate the in-game writing system.

PermalinkCommentsvideo-game fez game xbox

Star Trek Thoughts

2009 May 8, 8:23

I watched the new Star Trek movie Thursday morning, along with many others who work on Windows. Microsoft rented out a theater and played the movie on all screens. I greatly enjoyed the movie!

Spoilers follow... I'm obviously not the biggest Star Trek nerd (or at least TOS nerd) since I didn't even pick up on the fact that Kirk's dad being dead was a discrepancy from the TV series. I only figured out the alternate time-line stuff when they killed most of the Vulcans. I was just surprised they didn't set right what once went wrong by the end of the movie with some more time travel magic to bring back Vulcan. On that note, I'm pretty sure the Spock-Spock conversation at the end, is Nimoy Spock sending Sylar Spock off to school so that Nimoy Spock can get freaky repopulating the Vulcan race. Although at first after his 'two places at once' comment I thought he was saying... something else. Also, was the main evil guy a random miner turned psycho? And his crazy looking spaceship that destroys the Federation fleet was just a mining vessel from the future? Once they invent time travel anybody can get drunk, go back in time, and conquer Earth.

PermalinkCommentspersonal2 nerd movie star-trek spoliers time-travel

Kal Penn [spoiler redacted] for White House | TV | A.V. Club

2009 Apr 7, 5:26"According to an exclusive interview Penn gave to Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello, he's been asked to serve in the Obama administration as as the associate director of the office of public liaison." Spoilers in the link.PermalinkCommentskal-penn house tv politics

Game Theory in The Dark Knight: the opening scene (spoilers) - Mind Your Decisions by Presh Talwalkar

2009 Feb 10, 11:22Game theory analysis of the opening scene of Dark Knight.PermalinkCommentsgame-theory analysis economics movie batman

Dr. Horrible Link Roundup

2008 Aug 10, 3:33PermalinkCommentsdr. horrible doctor horrible humor link roundup

The Riddle of the Universe and Its Solution by CHRISTOPHER CHERNIAK

2007 Dec 31, 1:18A short short story titled 'The Riddle of the Universe and Its Solution' by CHRISTOPHER CHERNIAK. A classic (apparently) from the early 80s. No spoilers here. If you liked Snow Crash just read it.PermalinkCommentsread scifi story literature free fiction short-story rainbow

Portal is fun; the cake is a lie!

2007 Oct 22, 4:47I purchased the Orange Box off of Steam a bit ago and like others before me who have discussed elsewhere, I already owned two of the five games that come from the Orange Box. However, the combined price of HL2E2 and Portal, the two games I actually wanted was supposedly equivalent to the price of the Orange Box bundle. Incidentally, if anyone would like HL2 or HL2E1 I can gift them to you.

HL2E2 was excellent of course but the big surprise for me was Portal. (Mild spoilers follow) It has a sort of zen simplicity: there are a few simple game-play mechanics, a handful of textures and objects, and a deceptively simple story all used well and tied together to produce an entertaining and polished game. It seems a bit short but its probably better to end with the gamer demanding more. The humor and the sort of play within a play aspect of the game is what really sold me though. It has the funniest ending theme I've heard (also blogged by the creator). The voices of the automated turrets are so adorable I would feel compelled to hug them if they weren't always trying to kill me. Additionally the weighted companion cube seems like an experiment in understanding gamers' attachment to NPCs. In this case the NPC is a box and yet I still felt awful incinerating it. The whole time I was vaguely reminded of Solitary the reality show that sticks contestants alone in small rooms forcing them to endure various tests all the while being watched by a humorous computer with a female voice. Someone should sue...

RPS has articles on Portal including a Portal review, a page suggesting Portal is a tale of lesbianism, and others.PermalinkCommentshl2e2 game hl2 solitary valve portal nontechnical

GAMERadio :: View topic - Portal - the end credits song (mp3/ogg) download :)

2007 Oct 17, 11:31Portal / HL2 E2 Spoilers! This is the lyrics and an mp3 of the end credits of the most excellent game Portal. What a great game. "Anyway, this cake is great."PermalinkCommentsportal game mp3 music humor

Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Finale Sountrack (Bear McCreary's Blog)

2007 Apr 2, 12:04Bear McCreary creates the soundtrack for Battlestar Galactica. In this blog entry he talks about creating the cool piece for the season 3 finale. (Spoilers in the article)PermalinkCommentsbear-mccreary blog article bsg music scifi battlestargalactica battlestar

Penny Arcade! - As Regards Spoilification

2005 Dec 5, 6:14PermalinkCommentsmovie penny-arcade kong comic spoilers
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