Dinner with Goodwins at Icon Grill - Dave's Blog

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Dinner with Goodwins at Icon Grill

2008 Mar 27, 9:33

The Goodwin family, except for Michelle who is taking a class trip to Washington DC and New York, was in Seattle this week. Sarah and I met up with them for dinner last night at the Icon Grill. I enjoy the Icon Grill in general and last night was no exception especially having dinner with the Goodwins which was a lot of fun. It was particularly cold and at one point snowed. The Goodwin's are seeing all the classic tourist attractions in Seattle some of which are depicted in the following 1962 Seattle's Worlds Fair postcard. The postcard is featured on Paleo-Future and unsurprisingly the 1962 Worlds Fair favored Seattle's Space Needle and monorail.

[Icon Grill front. Licensed under under Creative Commons. By Troy B Thompson][Seattle's Worlds Fair Postcard]

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