On Monday in Germany we went to Marienplatz and wandered around the Christmas Market, some of the stores, had drinks in a little pub, visited the Toy Museum, and checked out an impressive looking church. We accidentally drew in some other tourists as we stood gaping at the Glockenspiel tower waiting for the little show to begin at the wrong hour. That night Megan and Oliver came by our hotel and took us out to a traditional Bavarian restaurant and brewery that had been brewing beer there for hundreds of years. It was fun although we may have kept Megan and Oliver out too late on a weeknight.
The next day we went to the Deutsches Museum the largest science and technology museum in the world. And indeed it is very large, six floors on a large grounds. I needed to better pace myself: I spent too much energy being interested in the engineering sections with steam engines, mining, aerospace etc. I was completely worn out by the time we got to physics, chemistry, etc. etc. and we didn't even look in the natural sciences section. Anyway, its very large. That night we ate with Jon at an Italian restaurant. During the meal two period dressed children came in and began singing then tried to shake down their captive audience in the restaurant asking for money. The man at the table next to us asked one of the children what charity the money was going towards, the child said they kept the money, and the man said never mind then and sent the child away.
Sarah and I are back from Munich, Germany as of Thursday and I've just about recovered. The trip there via Air France we watched many movies and it was much better than the trip back in which the entertainment system failed and I had a cold. When we arrived, Jon met us at the airport, helped us with the subway system, we played Guitar Hero, ate at a Bavarian pub, and then later at an Australian bar.
The following day we met up with Jon and three of his friends, one of whom was visiting from England and we all took a train to Neuschwanstein Castle. Apparently its the 'Disney' castle in that Disney's castle's are based upon it. The castle is filled with images and statues of swans in homage to the Swan Knight. We ate in the town at a cafe with traditional Bavarian food before taking the train back and getting all you can eat fajitas for dinner.
Sarah and I are off to Munich tomorrow. I was about to lose a lot of vacation time if I didn't use it so its good timing and it will be nice to get away from work for a bit. I've made a map of some of the places I'd like to visit. Prost!
The text/plain fragment documented in RFC 5147 and described on Erik Wilde's blog struck my interest and, like the XML fragment, I wanted to see if I could implement this in IE. In this case there's no XSLT for me to edit so, like my plain/text word wrap bookmarklet I've implemented it as a bookmarklet. This is only a partial implementation as it doesn't implement the integrity checks.
Check out my text/plain fragment bookmarklet.
PowerShell gives us a real CLI for Windows based around .Net stuff. I don't like the creation of a new shell language but I suppose it makes sense given that they want something C# like but not C# exactly since that's much to verbose and strict for a CLI. One of the functions you can override is the TabExpansion function which is used when you tab complete commands. I really like this and so I've added on to the standard implementation to support replacing a variable name with its value, tab completion of available commands, previous command history, and drive names (there not restricted to just one letter in PS).
Learning the new language was a bit of a chore but MSDN helped. A couple of things to note, a statement that has a return value that you don't do anything with is implicitly the return value for the current function. That's why there's no explicit return's in my TabExpansion function. Also, if you're TabExpansion function fails or returns nothing then the builtin TabExpansion function runs which does just filenames. This is why you can see that the standard TabExpansion function doesn't handle normal filenames: it does extra stuff (like method and property completion on variables that represent .Net objects) but if there's no fancy extra stuff to be done it lets the builtin one take a crack.
Here's my TabExpansion function. Probably has bugs, so watch out!
function EscapePath([string] $path, [string] $original)
if ($path.Contains(' ') -and !$original.Contains(' '))
'"' $path '"';
function PathRelativeTo($pathDest, $pathCurrent)
if ($pathDest.PSParentPath.ToString().EndsWith($pathCurrent.Path))
'.\' $pathDest.name;
# This is the default function to use for tab expansion. It handles simple
# member expansion on variables, variable name expansion and parameter completion
# on commands. It doesn't understand strings so strings containing ; | ( or { may
# cause expansion to fail.
function TabExpansion($line, $lastWord)
switch -regex ($lastWord)
# Handle property and method expansion...
'(^.*)(\$(\w|\.) )\.(\w*)$' {
$method = [Management.Automation.PSMemberTypes] `
$base = $matches[1]
$expression = $matches[2]
Invoke-Expression ('$val=' $expression)
$pat = $matches[4] '*'
Get-Member -inputobject $val $pat | sort membertype,name |
where { $_.name -notmatch '^[gs]et_'} |
foreach {
if ($_.MemberType -band $method)
# Return a method...
$base $expression '.' $_.name '('
else {
# Return a property...
$base $expression '.' $_.name
# Handle variable name expansion...
'(^.*\$)([\w\:]*)$' {
$prefix = $matches[1]
$varName = $matches[2]
foreach ($v in Get-Childitem ('variable:' $varName '*'))
if ($v.name -eq $varName)
$prefix $v.name
# Do completion on parameters...
'^-([\w0-9]*)' {
$pat = $matches[1] '*'
# extract the command name from the string
# first split the string into statements and pipeline elements
# This doesn't handle strings however.
$cmdlet = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1]
# Extract the trailing unclosed block e.g. ls | foreach { cp
if ($cmdlet -match '\{([^\{\}]*)$')
$cmdlet = $matches[1]
# Extract the longest unclosed parenthetical expression...
if ($cmdlet -match '\(([^()]*)$')
$cmdlet = $matches[1]
# take the first space separated token of the remaining string
# as the command to look up. Trim any leading or trailing spaces
# so you don't get leading empty elements.
$cmdlet = $cmdlet.Trim().Split()[0]
# now get the info object for it...
$cmdlet = @(Get-Command -type 'cmdlet,alias' $cmdlet)[0]
# loop resolving aliases...
while ($cmdlet.CommandType -eq 'alias') {
$cmdlet = @(Get-Command -type 'cmdlet,alias' $cmdlet.Definition)[0]
# expand the parameter sets and emit the matching elements
foreach ($n in $cmdlet.ParameterSets | Select-Object -expand parameters)
$n = $n.name
if ($n -like $pat) { '-' $n }
default {
$varNameStar = $lastWord '*';
foreach ($n in @(Get-Childitem $varNameStar))
$name = PathRelativeTo ($n) ($PWD);
if ($n.PSIsContainer)
EscapePath ($name '\') ($lastWord);
EscapePath ($name) ($lastWord);
if (!$varNameStar.Contains('\'))
foreach ($n in @(Get-Command $varNameStar))
if ($n.CommandType.ToString().Equals('Application'))
foreach ($ext in @((cat Env:PathExt).Split(';')))
if ($n.Path.ToString().ToLower().EndsWith(($ext).ToString().ToLower()))
EscapePath($n.Path) ($lastWord);
EscapePath($n.Name) ($lastWord);
foreach ($n in @(Get-psdrive $varNameStar))
EscapePath($n.name ":") ($lastWord);
foreach ($n in @(Get-History))
if ($n.CommandLine.StartsWith($line) -and $n.CommandLine -ne $line)
$lastWord $n.CommandLine.Substring($line.Length);
# Add the original string to the end of the expansion list.