2010 Mar 9, 9:08
I've just put up an update for Encode-O-Matic with the following improvements:
- Hex editor: the output and input views can now be switched between a UTF8 textbox view and a hex editor view. This is built using the free Be.HexEditor.
- Compression: I've added the .NET GZip, deflate, and inflate streams to the list of supported encodings.
- Quick Show Output: There are now 'Show Output' radio buttons next to each encoding in the encoding stack. Clicking on them changes the output view to show the output from that encoding in the
stack. This lets you easily jump between different parts of your encoding process. Adding or removing an encoding to the stack resets the view.
- Minor visuals improvement: added app icon, changed buttons with one word symbols to command names.
technical encodeomatic project