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Eleventy on GitHub Pages

I wanted to replace my existing blog solution with a simple markdown setup. I decided to give Eleventy a try and host it on GitHub Pages. Here are the steps I've taken so far:

  1. Create a new GitHub project using Elventy Base Blog as a project template.
  2. Used the yml from How to deploy eleventy to github pages with github actions in a new file .github/workflows/build_eleventy.yml.
  3. I updated some version numbers, and added a permissions contents write per the peaceiris/actions-gh-pages help.
  4. I also made sure to create the gh-pages branch.
  5. And in the GitHub project's Settings | Pages, set Source to Deploy from a branch and Branch to gh-pages.
  6. Then I needed to update the pathPrefix setting to /blog/ to match my project name.

With this I've got Eleventy mostly setup and running on GitHub with GitHub Pages to serve the blog and GitHub Actions to rebuild the site whenever I push. Next up, how do I find a better site layout? And after that, the much harder problem of can I move my existing blog content over to this? Maybe in the interim just merge this blog content into