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Site 7

2009 Apr 23, 9:33

sequelguy posted a photo:

Site 7

PermalinkCommentscalifornia napa

Site 7 - Side

2009 Apr 23, 9:33

sequelguy posted a photo:

Site 7 - Side

PermalinkCommentscalifornia napa

Language Log - Send a private message to

2009 Mar 16, 4:23The underwhelming answer to the question of "What are the commonest five-word sequences on the Web?"PermalinkCommentslanguagelog culture internet web research language english

FormToAccelerator Internet Explorer Extension

2009 Mar 12, 2:17

I've made an extension for Internet Explorer 8, FormToAccelerator which turns HTML forms on a web page into either an accelerator or a search provider. In the design of the accelerators format we intentionally had HTML forms in mind so that it would be easy to create accelerators for existing web services. Consequently, creating an accelerator from an HTML form is a natural concept and an extension I've been meaning to finish for many months now.

This is similar in concept to the Opera feature that lets you add a form as a search provider. The user experience is very rough and requires some knowledge of accelerator variables. If I can come up with a better interaction model I may update this in the future, but at the moment all the designs I can come up with require way too much effort. Install IE8 RC1 and then try out FormToAccelerator.

PermalinkCommentsactivity html accelerator ie8 internet-explorer activities formtoaccelerator extension

The 'Is It UTF-8?' Quick and Dirty Test

2009 Mar 6, 5:16

I've found while debugging networking in IE its often useful to quickly tell if a string is encoded in UTF-8. You can check for the Byte Order Mark (EF BB BF in UTF-8) but, I rarely see the BOM on UTF-8 strings. Instead I apply a quick and dirty UTF-8 test that takes advantage of the well-formed UTF-8 restrictions.

Unlike other multibyte character encoding forms (see Windows supported character sets or IANA's list of character sets), for example Big5, where sticking together any two bytes is more likely than not to give a valid byte sequence, UTF-8 is more restrictive. And unlike other multibyte character encodings, UTF-8 bytes may be taken out of context and one can still know that its a single byte character, the starting byte of a three byte sequence, etc.

The full rules for well-formed UTF-8 are a little too complicated for me to commit to memory. Instead I've got my own simpler (this is the quick part) set of rules that will be mostly correct (this is the dirty part). For as many bytes in the string as you care to examine, check the most significant digit of the byte:

This is byte 1 of a 4 byte encoded codepoint and must be followed by 3 trail bytes.
This is byte 1 of a 3 byte encoded codepoint and must be followed by 2 trail bytes.
This is byte 1 of a 2 byte encoded codepoint and must be followed by 1 trail byte.
This is a trail byte.
This is a single byte encoded codepoint.
The simpler rules can produce false positives in some cases: that is, they'll say a string is UTF-8 when in fact it might not be. But it won't produce false negatives. The following is table from the Unicode spec. that actually describes well-formed UTF-8.
Code Points 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte
U+0000..U+007F 00..7F
U+0080..U+07FF C2..DF 80..BF
U+0800..U+0FFF E0 A0..BF 80..BF
U+1000..U+CFFF E1..EC 80..BF 80..BF
U+D000..U+D7FF ED 80..9F 80..BF
U+E000..U+FFFF EE..EF 80..BF 80..BF
U+10000..U+3FFFF F0 90..BF 80..BF 80..BF
U+40000..U+FFFFF F1..F3 80..BF 80..BF 80..BF
U+100000..U+10FFFF F4 80..8F 80..BF 80..BF

PermalinkCommentstest technical unicode boring charset utf8 encoding

Back From Vegas

2009 Feb 28, 2:21

Penn and Teller StageSarah and I met up with Jon, Scott, Jesse, and Grib in Las Vegas last weekend and we had a fun time.

PermalinkCommentspersonal2 monorail vegas penn-and-teller

Vegas Security Guard on Segway

2009 Feb 28, 1:55

sequelguy posted a photo:

Vegas Security Guard on Segway

Why do security guards love Segway's so much?

PermalinkCommentsvegas securityguard nevada segway

Penn and Teller Stage

2009 Feb 28, 1:54

sequelguy posted a photo:

Penn and Teller Stage

Penn and Teller's stage before their Las Vegas show

PermalinkCommentsvegas rio nevada pennandteller

Scott, Jesse, and Jon in Vegas

2009 Feb 28, 1:53

sequelguy posted a photo:

Scott, Jesse, and Jon in Vegas

On the bridge in front of Treasure Island just before the first show of 'Sirens of TI' that day.

PermalinkCommentsvegas friends beer nevada collegefriends

Las Vegas Street Crowd

2009 Feb 28, 1:52

sequelguy posted a photo:

Las Vegas Street Crowd

PermalinkCommentsstreet vegas nevada crowd

Sarah and I Are Engaged

2009 Jan 30, 5:21

Shot on the RocksOver the previous weekend Sarah and I got engaged. I had a limo pick us up and take us to a park that has a beautiful view of the Seattle skyline where I proposed, then out for dinner and drinks including a bottle of wine for the ride back. What's the point of a limo ride if you don't drink while being driven around? It was a nice night and only had a hint of rain when we came home. We don't yet have a date set.

PermalinkCommentsengagement personal nontechnical

DIY Pepsi Challenge

2009 Jan 25, 5:39

Deutsches MuseumMicrosoft isn't completely shielded from our economies issues but I still have a job and still get free soda. While that's all still the case, I decided to test Sarah's claimed ability to differentiate between Pepsi, Coke, and their diet counterparts by taste alone. I poured the four sodas into marked cups and Sarah and I each took two runs through the cups with the following guesses.

Soda Identification Challenge Results
Drink Sarah Dave
Guess 1 Guess 2 Guess 1 Guess 2
Coke Coke Coke Pepsi Diet Pepsi
Diet Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Diet Coke Diet Coke
Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Coke Coke
Diet Pepsi Diet Pepsi Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi
Total (out of 8) 6 3

As you can see from the results, Sarah's claimed ability to identify Coke and Pepsi by taste is confirmed. The first run through she got completely correct and on the second run only mistook Diet Pepsi for Diet Coke. Her excuse for the error on the second run was a tainted palate from the first run. I on the other hand was mostly incorrect. Surprisingly though my incorrect answers were mostly consistent between run one and two. For instance I thought Pepsi was Coke in both runs.

PermalinkCommentscoke microsoft waste of soda pepsi waste of time soda

Subway Graffiti

2009 Jan 7, 11:18

sequelguy posted a photo:

Subway Graffiti

PermalinkCommentsgermany munich graffiti

Arty Christmas Market

2009 Jan 7, 11:17

sequelguy posted a photo:

Arty Christmas Market

PermalinkCommentsgermany munich christmasmarket

Munich Germany

2009 Jan 7, 11:17

sequelguy posted a photo:

Munich Germany

PermalinkCommentsgermany munich

Ren Fair Christmas Market

2009 Jan 7, 11:17

sequelguy posted a photo:

Ren Fair Christmas Market

PermalinkCommentsgermany munich christmasmarket

Munich Germany

2009 Jan 7, 11:16

sequelguy posted a photo:

Munich Germany

PermalinkCommentsgermany munich

Munich Germany

2009 Jan 7, 11:16

sequelguy posted a photo:

Munich Germany

PermalinkCommentsgermany munich

Neon Art Thing

2009 Jan 7, 11:16

sequelguy posted a photo:

Neon Art Thing

PermalinkCommentsart germany munich neon

Munich Germany

2009 Jan 7, 11:15

sequelguy posted a photo:

Munich Germany

PermalinkCommentsgermany munich
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