2011 Mar 28, 4:06"ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler. Development started after Red Gate announced that the free version of .NET Reflector would cease to exist by end of February 2011.".nettoolsreflectorc#developmentcsharpdotnettechnicaltool
2011 Mar 14, 1:33A great intro to the details of JavaScript for developers familiar with other languages but only a passing knowledge of JavaScript.javascripttutorialprogrammingreferencetechnical
2010 Dec 30, 6:42"Posted here, verbatim, is an example of the sort of spam I get. 'hello I am China dinosaur factory .Hope that you know our product more .Also hope that we can establish long-term cooperative
2010 Dec 14, 11:21Documentary on WikiLeaks: "From summer 2010 until now, Swedish Television has been following the secretive media network WikiLeaks and its enigmatic Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange."wikileakstechnicalvideo
I've made two simple command line tools related to the console window and Win7 jump lists. The source is available for both but neither is much more than the sort of samples you'd find on MSDN
SetAppUserModelId lets you change the Application User Model ID for the current console window. The AppUserModelId is the value Win7 uses to group together icons on the task bar and is what the
task bar's jump lists are associated with. The tool lets you change that as well as the icon and name that appear in the task bar for the window, and the command to launch if the user attempts to
re-launch the application from its task bar icon.
SetJumpList lets you set the jump list associated with a particular AppUserModelId. You pass the AppUserModelId as the only parameter and then in its standard input you give it lines specifying
items that should appear in the jump list and what to execute when those items are picked.
I put these together to make my build environment easier to deal with at work. I have to deal with multiple enlistments in many different branches and so I wrote a simple script around these two
tools to group my build windows by branch name in the task bar, and to add the history of commands I've used to launch the build environment console windows to the jump list of each.
2010 Dec 7, 2:24"...suggested that I document this fact before history records that we all hated it from the second it was released: we didn’t hate it at all. We loved it."csshistoryie6iewebbrowsertechnical
2010 Dec 6, 12:17Ye olde DoS: "The Berners Street Hoax was perpetrated by Theodore Hook in the City of Westminster, London, in 1809. Hook had made a bet with his friend, Samuel Beazley, that he could transform any
house in London into the most talked-about address in a week, which he achieved by sending out thousands of letters in the name of Mrs Tottenham, who lived at 54 Berners Street, requesting
deliveries, visitors, and assistance."humorhistoryprank