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YouTube - Rowan Atkinson is Doctor Who - Classic Comic Relief

2010 Oct 14, 10:26"Doctor Who Special starring Rowan Atkinson, Richard E Grant, Hugh Grant (as Doctor Who), Jonathan Pryce and Joanna Lumley."PermalinkCommentshumor video doctor-who rowan-atkinson hugh-grant parody youtube

How To Name A Volcano

2010 Apr 25, 3:28
PermalinkCommentshumor volcano cat comic

'Firefly' Fan Webcomic Takes 'Serenity' Carnage to New Levels [Exclusive] - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews

2010 Apr 20, 5:04
PermalinkCommentshumor firefly serenity comic

Oh You Know - Comixed

2010 Mar 9, 5:24Classic I'm a PC, I'm a Mac rip-off.
PermalinkCommentshumor comic mac game videogame apple microsoft remix

Brawl in the Family » Archive » 221 – Dr. Wily’s Blueprints

2010 Mar 3, 2:55Dr. Wily's thinking behind one of his Mega Man levels documented here...PermalinkCommentshumor comic game videogame mega-man dr-wily

Awkward Zone: Defeated! (Questionable Content: New comics every Monday through Friday)

2010 Feb 25, 1:03PermalinkCommentshumor comic web awkward-zone

We Love xkcd, Real Live Version of Animated Version of xkcd Loves the Discovery Channel

2010 Feb 21, 2:54Internet folk sing about their love of various nerdy things ala xkcd comic of similar namePermalinkCommentscory-doctorow wil-wheaton video xkcd humor music song internet meme

BustedTees - Helvetica

2010 Jan 11, 2:30A t-shirt that says 'Helvetica'. Set in Comic Sans.PermalinkCommentshumor tshirt font typography wishlist gift

Cheap Multiplayer Tricks for New Super Mario Bros. Wii

2010 Jan 5, 1:47

The New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a great game. Its the fun of old school Mario with the addition of great graphics and the kind of multiplayer I've wanted for Mario since playing the original as a child: its got up to four player simultaneous cooperative multiplayer. I recommend it to anyone who has enjoyed Mario in the past. Watch this amazing video of level 1-3 you can unlock in the game.

As noted elsewhere, multiple players attempting to navigate platforms, grab power ups, and throw turtle shells creates new challenges but along with that there's new ways to be incredibly cheap.

Jumping Higher
A second player means a head one can jump on to reach higher locations. Jump on your friend's head at the apex of their jump while holding down the jump button yourself for maximum jumping. In the game you can also grab other players and hold them over your head. This is useful for reaching the top of the flagpole at the end of levels. On that same line, if the player you grab has a flying cap you can now use them to fly in the same manner you would use a flying block which makes it easy to get two players to the top of the finish flagpole if only one of you has a flying cap.
Normal power-up blocks now spawn enough power-ups for everyone. A mushroom is spawned for each small player and full power-ups for the rest, except in the case everyone is small: then one of the power-ups is a full power-up. If there's two players and you're both small, the full power-up always jumps out of the block to the right. Some hidden power-up blocks only give out one power-up and in that case its a mushroom or not based on the player who hits the block - so be sure that a big player hits that if you have one.
Death & Bubbles
When a player dies but at least one other player lives the dead player comes back in a limbo bubble from which they must be released before they may play again. Because of this, in a tough spot you can send one player in and leave a second behind. If the first dies you don't lose your place in the level and the first comes back in a bubble ready to try again. For instance, if you're trying to get the last star coin in 2-1 which sits just above the abyss, one player can just jump to their death for it and as long as another player lives you've collected the coin. However you need not sacrifice your life to do this: you can press down and 'a' to force yourself into a bubble saving yourself from death. This is true in general as long as you have enough time to see your death coming. This is also useful if one player runs ahead to the right. The screen will expand a bit but then it will just move to the right following the player in the lead. Players left behind walls or now forced into lava pits will die unless they use the bubble.
  • If all players hit the ground at the same time from a ground pound it acts like hitting a pow block, killing the enemies on the screen.
  • If you hold a player who has a projectile power over your head they can still use their power.
  • Bubbles can be popped by hitting them with your fire or ice projectiles as well as thrown shells or blocks.
  • All players get the extra lives from anyone collecting 100 coins or finishing a level with more than 7 enemies on the screen.
PermalinkCommentsmultiplayer mario wii

Hark, a vagrant: 145

2009 Dec 10, 6:53Tycho was a jerk.PermalinkCommentshumor tycho comic history

Mythbuster Adam Savage goes undercover at Comic-Con - TV Squad

2009 Aug 5, 2:18"Mythbuster Adam Savage attended this year's Con ... he roamed the convention floor in his own costume and egged his Twitter followers to sniff him out." He dressed as The Joker from the opening scene of The Dark Knight.
PermalinkCommentscomic-con humor adam-savage myth-busters tv

Olivia Wilde Talks Tron Legacy, Light Cycles | Underwire |

2009 Jul 27, 11:28Olivia Wilde (I know her from House) who will appear in Tron Legacy gives an interview at Comic-Con that includes "...her experiences working with Jeff Bridges (she had to put her fist in her mouth to not ask about “The Dude”)."PermalinkCommentshumor interview house olivia-wilde tron tron-legacy wired jeff-bridges dude video

APOKALIPS - Prove You're Human

2009 Jul 20, 5:04On robot tattoos.
PermalinkCommentshumor comic via:waxy robot tattoo captcha

hpl1.JPG : My[confined]Space

2009 Jun 27, 12:29HP Lovecraft as religious propaganda comic.PermalinkCommentshumor comic hp-lovecraft via:chris religion parody cthulhu

Cory Doctorow's Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now reaches 30,000 downloads | Robot Comics

2009 Jun 25, 11:45"Cory Doctorow's Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now is the Creative Commons comics adaptation of six short stories by Boing Boing editor and science-fiction writer Cory Doctorow... The result are eight Creative Commons mobile comics specifically designed for iPhone, iPod touch and Android devices."PermalinkCommentscory-doctorow comic android iphone mobile download book free

IE6 denial message for on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

2009 Jun 15, 4:46"This was such a fun project - this is what users of Internet Explorer 6 see when they visit Momentile." Funny image. There's just two things I don't like about this: (a) it makes me feel sorry for IE6 when the only thing anybody should feel in relation to IE6 is the urge to upgrade to IE8 and (b) I hate it when websites get all preachy and try to convert you to another browser.PermalinkCommentshumor webdesign ie6 ie browser comic

Nedroid Picture Diary - party cat

2009 May 3, 4:32Be sure to start with the first one! Vaguely reminds me of Slurms McKenzie, the original party worm.PermalinkCommentshumor web cat cute comic party party-cat via:mattb

Penny Arcade! - Further Education

2009 Apr 27, 3:47FYI: the official title of the 'backslash' is 'reverse-solidus', according to Unicode, ISO 10646, etc. Much cooler name IMO.PermalinkCommentspunctuation comic humor penny-arcade reverse-solidus back-slash

The Perry Bible Fellowship - Penguin Enemy

2009 Apr 25, 1:30Penguins!PermalinkCommentscomic humor penguin

Cowbirds in Love

2009 Apr 13, 12:14On mad science vs mad engineering.PermalinkCommentshumor science comic engineering
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