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Swiss government keeps downloading legal after piracy study

2011 Dec 4, 2:28

“One in three people in Switzerland download unauthorized music, movies and games from the Internet and since last year the government has been wondering what to do about it. … The overall conclusion of the study is that the current copyright law, under which downloading copyrighted material for personal use is permitted, doesn’t have to change.” Wow, that sounds like almost reasonable and understandable copyright law.

PermalinkCommentstechnical political swiss copyright law legal

Indicating Character Encoding and Language for HTTP Header Field Parameters

2011 Nov 24, 7:45

From the document: ‘Appendix B. Implementation Report: The encoding defined in this document currently is used for two different HTTP header fields: “Content-Disposition”, defined in [RFC6266], and “Link”, defined in [RFC5988]. As the encoding is a profile/clarification of the one defined in [RFC2231] in 1997, many user agents already supported it for use in “Content-Disposition” when [RFC5987] got published.

Since the publication of [RFC5987], two more popular desktop user agents have added support for this encoding; see
   NET/http/content-disposition-tests#encoding-2231-char for details. At this time, only one major desktop user agent (Safari) does not support it.

Note that the implementation in Internet Explorer 9 does not support the ISO-8859-1 encoding; this document revision acknowledges that UTF-8 is sufficient for expressing all code points, and removes the requirement to support ISO-8859-1.’

Yay for UTF-8!

PermalinkCommentstechnical http http-headers ie9 internationalization utf-8 encoding

"The 'about' URI Scheme" - Lachlan Hunt, Mykyta Yevstifeyev

2011 Oct 17, 5:58
Essentially anybody can resolve it however they like except for tokens from the about URI special token registry which currently only contains 'blank'.

PowerShell Script Batch File Wrapper

2011 May 22, 7:20

I'm trying to learn and use PowerShell more, but plenty of other folks I know don't use PowerShell. To allow them to use my scripts I use the following cmd.exe batch file to make it easy to call PowerShell scripts. To use, just name the batch file name the same as the corresponding PowerShell script filename and put it in the same directory.

@echo off
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
if "%1"=="/h" goto help
if "%1"=="-?" goto help
if "%1"=="-h" goto help

%systemroot%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command . %~dpn0.ps1 %*
goto end

%systemroot%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command help %~dpn0.ps1 -full
goto end


Additionally for PowerShell scripts that modify the current working directory I use the following batch file:

@echo off
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
if "%1"=="/h" goto help
if "%1"=="-?" goto help
if "%1"=="-h" goto help

%systemroot%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command . %~dpn0.ps1 %*;(pwd).Path 1> %temp%\%~n0.tmp 2> nul
set /p newdir=
PermalinkCommentspowershell technical programming batch file console

HTTP framework for time-based access to resource states -- Memento

2011 Apr 30, 4:33"The HTTP-based Memento framework bridges the present and past Web by interlinking current resources with resources that encapsulate their past. It facilitates obtaining representations of prior states of a resource, available from archival resources in Web archives or version resources in content management systems, by leveraging the resource's URI and a preferred datetime. To this end, the framework introduces datetime negotiation (a variation on content negotiation), and new Relation Types for the HTTP Link header aimed at interlinking resources with their archival/version resources. It also introduces various discovery mechanisms that further support briding the present and past Web."PermalinkCommentstechnical rfc reference http header time memento archive

IE9 Document Mode in WebOC

2011 Apr 4, 10:00

Working on GeolocMock it took me a bit to realize why my HTML could use the W3C Geolocation API in IE9 but not in my WebBrowser control in my .NET application. Eventually I realized that I was getting the wrong IE doc mode. Reading this old More IE8 Extensibility Improvements IE blog post from the IE blog I found the issue is that for app compat the WebOC picks older doc modes but an app hosting the WebOC can set a regkey to get different doc modes. The IE9 mode isn't listed in that article but I took a guess based on the values there and the decimal value 9999 gets my app IE9 mode. The following is the code I run in my application to set its regkey so that my app can get the IE9 doc mode and use the geolocation API.

        static private void UseIE9DocMode()
RegistryKey key = null;
key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\FeatureControl\\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", true);
catch (Exception)
key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\FeatureControl\\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION");
key.SetValue(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName, 9999, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
PermalinkCommentsweboc fck ie document mode technical ie9

Console Build Window Jump Lists Tool

2010 Dec 13, 11:14

I've made two simple command line tools related to the console window and Win7 jump lists. The source is available for both but neither is much more than the sort of samples you'd find on MSDN =).

SetAppUserModelId lets you change the Application User Model ID for the current console window. The AppUserModelId is the value Win7 uses to group together icons on the task bar and is what the task bar's jump lists are associated with. The tool lets you change that as well as the icon and name that appear in the task bar for the window, and the command to launch if the user attempts to re-launch the application from its task bar icon.

SetJumpList lets you set the jump list associated with a particular AppUserModelId. You pass the AppUserModelId as the only parameter and then in its standard input you give it lines specifying items that should appear in the jump list and what to execute when those items are picked.

I put these together to make my build environment easier to deal with at work. I have to deal with multiple enlistments in many different branches and so I wrote a simple script around these two tools to group my build windows by branch name in the task bar, and to add the history of commands I've used to launch the build environment console windows to the jump list of each.

PermalinkCommentswin7 jumplist technical console

Meme-ify Your Home With These 10 Internet Wall Hangings Currently for Sale on Etsy

2010 Oct 22, 1:30PermalinkCommentscrafting DIY Etsy haters gonna hate home decor keyboard cat lolcats memes needlepoint pedobear Xzibit technical

Revision 60.000, first bits of the URL API and pingin’ the anchor « Peter Beverloo

2010 Sep 27, 3:08Adam Barth's URI API draft starts to appear in webkit: "One of the things Adam Barth is currently working on is an URL API. Citing it, the API can be used for constructing, parsing and resolving URLs through scripting, easening up tasks like getting and setting parameters. Today the first part landed in WebKit, which added the “origin” property."PermalinkCommentswebkit adam-barth uri url api javascript dom html html5 browser webbrowser technical

Members Of The Supreme Court As Human Beings

2010 May 14, 9:37New York Times article from May 15th 1910 titled "MEMBERS OF THE SUPREME COURT AS HUMAN BEINGS: When Not on the Bench They Are Pretty Much Like Other People — Characteristic Stores About Them". This is the NYT 1910's version of US Weekly's current "Celebrities Are Just Like Us!" feature.PermalinkCommentshumor history article supreme-court

RFC 5843 - Additional Hash Algorithms for HTTP Instance Digests

2010 Apr 21, 6:51Adds SHA 256 & 512 to HTTP instance digest: 'The IANA registry named "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Digest Algorithm Values" defines values for digest algorithms used by Instance Digests in HTTP. Instance Digests in HTTP provide a digest, also known as a checksum or hash, of an entire representation of the current state of a resource. This document adds new values to the registry and updates previous values.'PermalinkCommentshash cryptography http instance-digest sha security technical ietf rfc standard

Encode-O-Matic: Guess Encoding

2010 Apr 4, 2:02

I've just updated Encode-O-Matic with a Guess Input Encoding feature. When you start Encode-O-Matic or when you use the 'Guess Input Encoding' menu item from the 'Tools' menu, Encode-O-Matic will try out various combinations of encodings and guess at which set seem to apply to your input. For instance given the following text, Encode-O-Matic will correctly guess that it is percent encoded, base64 encoded, deflate compressed text:

It should work fairly well for simple things but I did pick 'Guess' for the name of the feature to intentionally lower expectations. It doesn't currently apply to character encodings but that may be something to consider in the future.PermalinkCommentstechnical encodeomatic tool encoding

Currently Hanging: Art on the Tracks | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

2010 Mar 1, 1:26A couch and art setup outside randomly next to the freeway.
PermalinkCommentsart couch seattle

Tetris Guideline - Tetris Wiki

2010 Jan 20, 8:56I had no idea of the amount of variation: "The Tetris Guideline is the current specification that The Tetris Company enforces for making all new (2001 and later) Tetris game products alike in form." Covers things like piece color, vocabulary, speeds, rotation system etc etc etc. I'll be adopting some of this in Polytope Tetris...PermalinkCommentstetris wiki reference game videogame


2009 Oct 29, 10:43"Augmented Reality for Maintenance and Repair (ARMAR) explores the use of augmented reality to aid in the execution of procedural tasks in the maintenance and repair domain." Giant goggles hooked up to a G1 give 3D overlays over the mechanics view to point them to and help with the current task.PermalinkCommentsvideo augmented-reality 3d research

Conceptual Trends and Current Topics

2009 Oct 15, 6:33"Besides the canonical Bristlecone Pine, there are many other organism on earth that will outlive you. Photographer Rachel Sussman has been traveling around the world to find and photograph them."
PermalinkCommentsphoto time nature biology age

Are you new to "Hadoop"? Settle in...

2009 Oct 8, 4:59A brief introduction to Hadoop, its history, subprojects, and current statusPermalinkCommentsvia:pskomoroch hadoop introduction google yahoo facebook database technical

CableCARD now a go for homebrew home theater PCs - Ars Technica

2009 Sep 10, 5:52Just in time for Comcast switching channels above 30 to digital only. My current Windows Media Center setup will not function soon. How much do you think I'm going to have to spend to get it working now...PermalinkCommentscablecard cable tv windows mediacenter media technical

HTTP Tracing - Export Format - Firebug Working Group | Google Groups

2009 Aug 31, 4:22"This document is intended to describe a HTTP Archive format that should be used when exporting data from Firebug Net panel. The current version of the format isn't finalized and is open for further proposals."PermalinkCommentshttp fiddler debug format firebug technical via:mnot

Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)

2009 Jul 29, 5:48The new draft IRI spec to replace RFC 3987. "To accomodate widespread current practice, additional derivative protocol elements are defined, and current practice for resolving IRI-based hypertext references in HTML are outlined."PermalinkCommentsiri uri rfc html reference technical
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