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My timeline on Mastodon

(via Invisible Mercedes)

2012 Mar 5, 3:25

(via Invisible Mercedes)

PermalinkCommentscar invisibility video ad

(via Music: Newswire: Hear two new songs that Radiohead debuted...

2012 Feb 28, 7:25

(via Music: Newswire: Hear two new songs that Radiohead debuted last night in Miami)

PermalinkCommentsradiohead video youtube music

Super Mario Bloco em Santa! (by only4crap) Also, great...

2012 Feb 28, 7:20

Super Mario Bloco em Santa! (by only4crap)

Also, great BoingBoing comment:


The slow pace of the initial march and the placards makes it look more like an Occupy World 1-1 protest march.

PermalinkCommentshumor video-game mario music video

Client Side Cross Domain Data YQL Hack

2012 Feb 27, 2:28

One of the more limiting issues of writing client side script in the browser is the same origin limitations of XMLHttpRequest. The latest version of all browsers support a subset of CORS to allow servers to opt-in particular resources for cross-domain access. Since IE8 there's XDomainRequest and in all other browsers (including IE10) there's XHR L2's cross-origin request features. But the vast majority of resources out on the web do not opt-in using CORS headers and so client side only web apps like a podcast player or a feed reader aren't doable.

One hack-y way around this I've found is to use YQL as a CORS proxy. YQL applies the CORS header to all its responses and among its features it allows a caller to request an arbitrary XML, HTML, or JSON resource. So my network helper script first attempts to access a URI directly using XDomainRequest if that exists and XMLHttpRequest otherwise. If that fails it then tries to use XDR or XHR to access the URI via YQL. I wrap my URIs in the following manner, where type is either "html", "xml", or "json":

        yqlRequest = function(uri, method, type, onComplete, onError) {
var yqlUri = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=" +
encodeURIComponent("SELECT * FROM " + type + ' where url="' + encodeURIComponent(uri) + '"');

if (type == "html") {
yqlUri += encodeURIComponent(" and xpath='/*'");
else if (type == "json") {
yqlUri += "&callback=&format=json";

This also means I can get JSON data itself without having to go through JSONP.
PermalinkCommentsxhr javascript yql client-side technical yahoo xdr cors

(via The Many Samples and Sound-Alikes of Earthbound [Video])

2012 Feb 24, 5:35

(via The Many Samples and Sound-Alikes of Earthbound [Video])

PermalinkCommentsvideo-game music earthbound

(via Alcoholic Monkeys Stealing Cocktails from Caribbean...

2012 Feb 24, 5:26

(via Alcoholic Monkeys Stealing Cocktails from Caribbean Beach-Goers)

PermalinkCommentsvideo monkey

(via School of Fail: Technically Not Inaccurate.)

2012 Feb 24, 5:22

(via School of Fail: Technically Not Inaccurate.)

PermalinkCommentshumor harry-potter school

(via Listen to two full albums of Daft Punk songs, remixed as...

2012 Feb 21, 7:47

(via Listen to two full albums of Daft Punk songs, remixed as Nintendo soundtracks [Daft Punk])

PermalinkCommentsmusic chip-tune video-game daft-punk

(via GIF: The Goat Hop)

2012 Feb 19, 4:19

(via GIF: The Goat Hop)

PermalinkCommentshop goat cute

What a cool idea! (via Mad Science Monday: Never Visit The...

2012 Feb 16, 5:43

What a cool idea!

(via Mad Science Monday: Never Visit The Dentist Again)

PermalinkCommentshumor teeth dentist video bow-and-arrow

(via Taxi-window sticker: our security stinks and your credit...

2012 Feb 15, 5:14

(via Taxi-window sticker: our security stinks and your credit card will be sniffed)

Don’t you have to meet some minimum security requirements to process credit card transactions?

PermalinkCommentshumor credit-card security

(via The Future by The Limousines)

2012 Feb 13, 8:16

(via The Future by The Limousines)

PermalinkCommentsbttf the-limousines music music-video video

More humor next trailer? (via Coming Distractions: Trailer:...

2012 Feb 13, 2:01

More humor next trailer? (via Coming Distractions: Trailer: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)

PermalinkCommentshumor video movie history lincoln

This is a great screenshot for IT departments to display at new...

2012 Feb 10, 8:32

This is a great screenshot for IT departments to display at new employee orientation (via FAIL Nation: Probably Bad News: loln00bs)

PermalinkCommentstechnical humor passwords

(via Ferris Bueller, Film & Super Bowl Commercial...

2012 Feb 7, 11:53

(via Ferris Bueller, Film & Super Bowl Commercial Side-by-Side Comparison)

PermalinkCommentshumor video ferris-bueller ad

(via Portlandia: The Dream of the 1890s is Alive in Portland)

2012 Feb 6, 4:26

(via Portlandia: The Dream of the 1890s is Alive in Portland)

PermalinkCommentshumor video portland portlandia tv

(via Stereogranimator: transform historical stereographs from...

2012 Jan 30, 8:47

(via Stereogranimator: transform historical stereographs from NYPL archives into animated gifs and 3d images)

PermalinkCommentshistory photo 3d

(via Celebrity Sleepovers, Comedian Crashes at Celebrity Homes)

2012 Jan 26, 4:57

(via Celebrity Sleepovers, Comedian Crashes at Celebrity Homes)

PermalinkCommentshumor la celebrity video

(via Where Can You Watch More Retro Game Master? [Video])

2012 Jan 18, 4:29

(via Where Can You Watch More Retro Game Master? [Video])

PermalinkCommentsgame video-game video

(via Defend our freedom to share (or why SOPA is a bad idea):...

2012 Jan 18, 3:21

(via Defend our freedom to share (or why SOPA is a bad idea): Clay Shirky on TED.com)

PermalinkCommentsvideo copyright clay-shirky sopa pipa legal politics mpaa ted
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