2011 Mar 10, 6:14Polar bears destroy hiddern cameras (filming them for Science!) It is a well known fact that polar bears are very protective of their rights to privacy. videosciencenatureanimalsbbchumor
I just found out that I like the group Ratatat. I'd first heard them way back when the Zune was first released as the backing for Los Corazones on the zune-arts.net website.
But I didn't know who they were until today when I watched this Filmography 2010 video (via Kottke)
Until about 1:16 in, the music is Ratatat's Nostrand. On the first viewing it drove me crazy because I could only vaguely recall hearing
something like that music before. I tracked it down via the zune-arts thing above and eventually found my way to the Nostrand video. Funny, all the recent comments on that one are from people who
also just watched the Filmography video.
2010 Sep 4, 8:10"Reminiscent of the Beastie Boys "Awesome; I Fuckin'Shot That", more than 50 Radiohead fans captured the band's Aug. 23 show in Prague on Flip cameras, with the resulting footage later assembled into
the new Live In Praha DVD." radioheadmusicvideoyoutube
2010 Jul 1, 3:33"By charting the production of new books, new music albums, and new feature films over the last decade, the authors tried to see whether creative output went up or down in correlation with
file-sharing." They find that creative output is going up while piracy also increases. But this is correlation not causation. They can't say there wouldn't be more creative output with less piracy.
Regardless, still an interesting statistic.arstechnicacopyrightlaweconomicsippiracymusictechnical
2010 Apr 21, 1:47So... There's Downfall a 2004 film about the final days of Hitler's life. Then folks take the most dramatic scene and parody it with new subtitles having Hitler yell about various things like his
cell phone or Burning Man. It becomes a meme and meta Downfall parodies show up with Hitler yelling about the Downfall parodies. Now the studio producing the film has sent DMCA takedown notices to
Youtube and many of the videos are disappearing. In response is a new Downfall parody in which Hitler issues DMCA notices to Youtube...censorshiphitlerhumorcopyrightdmcaefflegalyoutubevideofairusememewebinternettechnical
2010 Mar 23, 12:02"Trailer for the upcoming Weird Al Yankovic biopic. This film is sure to sweep next year's Academy Awards." humorvideoweird-alparodytrailer
2010 Mar 12, 11:11"All of the sculpted noses on the planet Viltvodle VI were fashioned after Douglas Adams' own. The creators used a 3D model he had created for the game Starship Titanic." The noses mentioned in the
previous sentence were depicted in the movie in a church. The religion of this church maintains that the universe was created by their god sneezing out the universe and so they have statues of their
god's nose throughout the church. Of course this is intended to seem absurd, however based on the previous sentence -- that the nose belonged to Douglas Adams -- then they really were worshping the
nose of their creator.douglas-adamsbookhhgttgmoviereligionnose
2010 Mar 3, 2:59'Imagine watching Raging Bull in a dilapidated ring, or Shawshank Redemption in an abandoned prison. That is the concept behind Banksy’s latest stunt, for the UK premiere of his film “Exit Through
the Gift Shop“.' movieartbanksycultural-disobediancestreet
2010 Mar 3, 2:57As titles go 'Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter' is right up there with 'Snakes on a Plane'. They can film whatever they want and if they name it 'Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter' I will watch it. humormovefictionabraham-lincolnvampire
2010 Jan 6, 1:58Tom DeLonge tries to sell Vampire Weekend a website. "...this whole thing reads like a scene from a modern-day Spinal Tap. Weird music industry insanity crossed with internet startup hucksterism with
a dash of awkward standoffishness. I love it. All of this is heightened by the fact that BOTH parties are being followed by separate documentary film crews, who are filming the insanity. How weird is
2009 Nov 9, 11:39A montage of lines from movies containing the title of the movie. Worth it for the comments: "I'm just so tired of all these Star Wars." "That sounds really terrible. I will make sure write it all
down in my TYLER PERRY'S DIARY OF A MAD BLACK WOMAN."humorvideovia:waxymoviefilmquote
2009 Sep 2, 4:36"Consider it, maybe, the souped-up Tiger/Game & Watch LCD version of Mirror's Edge, then: you have one goal, and one button, and the goal is to run, and the button is jump, and the game comes
from simply maintaining breakneck momentum as you leap from rooftop to randomly generated rooftop."gameflashmirrors-edge