future page 2 - Dave's Blog

My timeline on Mastodon

Welcome to Life: the singularity, ruined by lawyers (by enyay)

2012 May 11, 10:15

Welcome to Life: the singularity, ruined by lawyers (by enyay)

PermalinkCommentshumor future singularity legal scifi copyright

Timeline of the far future (wikipedia.org)

2012 May 6, 3:01

Answers those questions like “When will the Sun boil away the Earth’s oceans?” and “When will the Sun burn out?”, but brings up new questions like which supercontinent configuration will win? I’m hoping for Pangea Ultima as it has the best name.

PermalinkCommentshistory future astronomy sun earth universe

(via The Future by The Limousines)

2012 Feb 13, 8:16

(via The Future by The Limousines)

PermalinkCommentsbttf the-limousines music music-video video

Glimpse of the future: Fiddler and HTML5 WebSockets

2011 Nov 24, 5:00PermalinkCommentstechnical fiddler websockets html5

Replacing Delicious with Google Reader

2011 Nov 17, 11:00

I had previously replaced my use of Delicious with Google Reader. Delicious had a number of issues during their switch over from Yahoo to the new owners and I was eventually fed up enough to remove it from daily use. I used Delicious to do the following things:

  • Create a list of things to read later
  • Save things to read again in the future
  • Search through things I read and enjoyed (esp via tags)
  • Annotate and share things on my blog
I realized that since I did most of my web browsing in Google Reader now anyway I may as well make use of its features. I star things to note I want to read it later or save to read again later. I can annotate with notes in Google Reader and I can share items to my web site by way of the shared items feed. Additionally for when I'm not in Google Reader there's a bookmarklet to add an arbitrary web site as a shared item in Google Reader.

Of course I wrote this and switched over about 1 week before Google removed the sharing feature from Google Reader. I'm irritated but in practice it forced me to find a different option which has worked out mostly better. New blog post coming soon about that...

PermalinkCommentsblog delicious me technical google-reader google feed

The Most Anticipated Shoe of All Time: Q+A With Someone Who Won A Pair of Marty McFly's Futuristic Kicks | Motherboard

2011 Sep 20, 9:27Interview with someone who bought the limited edition Back to the Future shoes: "[Interviewer] Have you watched the Back to the Future movies? [Respondent] Yeah, some of em. The hoverboards and shit. That was cool." ARGH! Not worthy!PermalinkCommentshumor bttf nike shoes

Three arguments against the singularity - Charlie's Diary

2011 Jul 1, 10:09"I periodically get email from folks who, having read "Accelerando", assume I am some kind of fire-breathing extropian zealot who believes in the imminence of the singularity, the uploading of the libertarians, and the rapture of the nerds. I find this mildly distressing, and so I think it's time to set the record straight and say what I really think. Short version: Santa Claus doesn't exist."PermalinkCommentsscifi singularity charles-stross future fiction

Welcome to HTML11 Labs

2011 Apr 11, 3:56PermalinkCommentshtml humor future html11 technical standard

YouTube - Fight For Your Right - Revisited

2011 Apr 8, 2:28Trailer for the upcoming video for the upcoming Beastie Boys album. Took me a second viewing to realize that was Elijah Wood and to see the DeLorean (from the future?!).
PermalinkCommentshumor video youtube beastie-boys

Come Back To The Future Now (And For Free) | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

2011 Apr 3, 11:40The Back to the Future game (Episode 1) available for free! Not April 1st related.PermalinkCommentsbttf backtothefuture game

Back to the Future (1985) - a set on Flickr

2011 Jan 23, 3:26Personal photos from the Back to the Future set during filming taken by a Universal security guard.
PermalinkCommentsphotos bttf backtothefuture movies

RFC 3797 - Publicly Verifiable Nominations Committee (NomCom) Random Selection

2010 Dec 13, 11:12Used to generate publicly verifiable random numbers. For instance to pick 'xn--' for the IDN prefix from a set of prefixes, they decided on a hash, a set of stocks and a time in the future to generate the hash from the stock values. The resulting value is random and anyone can check the work to verify that it was chosen randomly.

Although, now looking back from the future I can't verify that they didn't generate this data after the stock quotes came out. And they're using MD5...PermalinkCommentsrfc algorithm random election ietf technical

One more piece of Back To The Future ephemera: The full "Biff Tannen Museum" promotional video | Film | Newswire | The A.V. Club

2010 Nov 15, 9:27PermalinkCommentsbttf video biff

YouTube - TelltaleGames's Channel

2010 Oct 28, 10:41"In part one of our Back to the Future: The Game behind the scenes series, Bob Gale and Christopher Lloyd speak on their involvement and excitement on working with Telltale"PermalinkCommentsvideo videogame christopher-lloyd bttf backtothefuture

Never-before-seen footage of Eric Stoltz as Marty McFly in Back To The Future

2010 Oct 13, 3:11"To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Back To The Future, we've got never-before-seen footage of original star Eric Stoltz as Marty McFly. Plus Robert Zemeckis, Steven Spielberg and Bob Gale all explaining why they replaced him with Michael J. Fox"PermalinkCommentsbacktothefuture bttf movie video eric-stoltz

Telltale Games times 'Back to the Future' project - Game Hunters: In search of video games and interactive awesomeness - USATODAY.com

2010 Sep 1, 12:42Christopher Lloyd will voice Doc Brown in the Back to the Future game series
PermalinkCommentsgame videogame backtothefuture bttf christopher-lloyd

Encode-O-Matic: Guess Encoding

2010 Apr 4, 2:02

I've just updated Encode-O-Matic with a Guess Input Encoding feature. When you start Encode-O-Matic or when you use the 'Guess Input Encoding' menu item from the 'Tools' menu, Encode-O-Matic will try out various combinations of encodings and guess at which set seem to apply to your input. For instance given the following text, Encode-O-Matic will correctly guess that it is percent encoded, base64 encoded, deflate compressed text:

It should work fairly well for simple things but I did pick 'Guess' for the name of the feature to intentionally lower expectations. It doesn't currently apply to character encodings but that may be something to consider in the future.PermalinkCommentstechnical encodeomatic tool encoding

Ribbon Hero is the future [dive into mark]

2010 Mar 4, 1:00Its a game-ification link roundup on Dive Into Mark.PermalinkCommentsgame achievement office unit-test foursquare humor

Why the internet will fail (from 1995) « Three Word Chant!

2010 Feb 26, 8:50Did I read this already on Paleo-Future? Anyway still an awesome 1995 rant on why the Internet will fail. "Then there’s cyberbusiness. We’re promised instant catalog shopping–just point and click for great deals. We’ll order airline tickets over the network, make restaurant reservations and negotiate sales contracts. Stores will become obselete. So how come my local mall does more business in an afternoon than the entire Internet handles in a month? Even if there were a trustworthy way to send money over the Internet–which there isn’t–the network is missing a most essential ingredient of capitalism: salespeople."PermalinkCommentshumor internet fail article history

Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop on Vimeo

2010 Feb 22, 7:11Video of an artist's conception of our future augmented reality. I like the addition of the video artifacts and the slightly out of sync overlay. I take issue with the sort of video artifacts and the 'level of advertising'. Maybe they had the advertising supported AR goggles...PermalinkCommentsaugmented-reality gui 3d advertising art design video
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