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Tweet from David Risney

2016 Nov 30, 1:16
Twitter is 1984 two minutes hate

Tweet from David Risney

2016 Nov 20, 2:47
Just fun: draw a sketch and see how fast a Google neural net takes to figure out what it is https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/# 

Tweet from David Risney

2016 Nov 18, 4:11
@PA_Megacorp I read the title as Couchomancy and imagined a necromancer that summons couches. No one steal my new YA fantasy novel idea pls

Tweet from David Risney

2016 Nov 6, 1:17
@ericlaw Very fitting for the show but... those serifs. Aspects of 80s aesthetic I can do without include: wood paneling on cars, that font.

Let's Encrypt NearlyFreeSpeech.net Update

2016 Nov 5, 8:59

Since I had last posted about using Let's Encrypt with NearlyFreeSpeech, NFS has changed their process for setting TLS info. Instead of putting the various files in /home/protected/ssl and submitting an assistance request, now there is a command to submit the certificate info and a webpage for submitting the certificate info.

The webpage is https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/{username}/sites/{sitename}/add_tls and has a textbox for you to paste in all the cert info in PEM form into the textbox. The domain key, the domain certificate, and the Let's Encrypt intermediate cert must be pasted into the textbox and submitted.

Alternatively, that same info may be provided as standard input to nfsn -i set-tls

To renew my certificate with the updated NFS process I followed the commands from Andrei Damian-Fekete's script which depends on acme_tiny.py:

python acme_tiny.py --account-key account.key --csr domain.csr --acme-dir /home/public/.well-known/acme-challenge/ > signed.crt
wget -O - https://letsencrypt.org/certs/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem > intermediate.pem
cat domain.key signed.crt intermediate.pem > chained.pem
nfsn -i set-tls < chained.pem
Because my certificate had already expired I needed to comment out the section in acme_tiny.py that validates the challenge file. The filenames in the above map to the following:
  • signed.crt is the Let's Encrypt provided certificate
  • account.key is the user private key registered with LE
  • domain.csr is the cert request
  • domain.key is the key for the domain cert
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Tweet from Jen Gentleman 🌺

2016 Nov 4, 8:39
If you ever see a dialog box in this style & need to record what it said, instead of typing it out, just CTRL+C ➡📋

Tweet from David Risney

2016 Nov 3, 3:57
@FakeUnicode At least some of that is from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 . For unreserved characters (a-z0-9._-~) normal form is decoded.

Tweet from David Risney

2016 Nov 2, 1:16
@osterman @ericlaw 'CLR cooks' I assume means you get the .NET projection of the WinRT APIs? That's good enough for most of my purposes.

Parsing WinMD with .NET reflection APIs

2016 Nov 2, 6:13

Parsing WinMD files, the containers of WinRT API metadata, is relatively simple using the appropriate .NET reflection APIs. However, figuring out which reflection APIs to use is not obvious. I've got a completed C sharp class parsing WinMD files that you can check out for reference.

Use System.Reflection.Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad to load the WinMD file. Don't use the normal load methods because the WinMD files contain only metadata. This will load up info about APIs defined in that WinMD, but any references to types outside of that WinMD including types found in the normal OS system WinMD files must be resolved by the app code via the System.Reflection.InteropServices.WindowsRuntimeMetadata.ReflectionOnlyNamespaceResolve event.

In this event handler you must resolve the unknown namespace reference by adding an assembly to the NamespaceResolveEventArgs's ResolvedAssemblies property. If you're only interested in OS system WinMD files you can use System.Reflection.InteropServices.WindowsRuntimeMetadata.ResolveNamespace to turn a namespace into the expected OS system WinMD path and turn that path into an assembly with ReflectionOnlyLoad.

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Tweet from Jason Scott

2016 Nov 1, 2:06
Running Windows 3.1 in browser emulation on an XBOX One because that's a thing that happens

Tweet from David Risney

2016 Oct 23, 4:24
Didn't know retrospective realization of "that was a date" is common to super-smart-afraid-of-conflict narcissist’s club. Thx to @hodgman

Tweet from SwiftOnSecurity

2016 Oct 13, 11:02
Give flair to users with 2FA turned on. Make it a status symbol, then public shaming takes over. "U don't have 2FA what if you get hacked?"

Tweet from Alice Maz

2016 Oct 12, 7:00
here's what the electoral map would look like if we had four political parties none of which won two adjacent states

Tweet from Jen Gentleman 🌺

2016 Oct 8, 2:19
In case you were wondering: Yes, the new address bar that was added to RegEdit supports Alt+D to set keyboard focus 😊

Tweet from Ken Jennings

2016 Oct 7, 2:48
I get it, guys. I mean, how could you possibly have guessed that Donald Trump was terrible to women? http://www.sltrib.com/news/4444721-155/after-video-huntsman-says-it-is â€¦

Tweet from Clickbait Robot

2016 Sep 26, 12:53
18 Screwdrivers That Look Like Matt LeBlanc

Tweet from Magic Realism Bot

2016 Sep 17, 12:07
A goose lays an egg. Minecraft hatches from it.

Tweet from Mike Birbiglia

2016 Aug 24, 11:12
When people hack someone's shit you have a responsibility as a decent person to not look at it. You're better than that.

Tweet from David Risney

2016 Aug 23, 1:50
Can I pitch a @SamplerShow spin off that is just like Sampler but covers exclusively PFT podcasts and podcast appearances?

Tweet from David Risney

2016 Aug 21, 2:43
Podcasters hate paying too much for legal advice.
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