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Conserve Water, or the Fish Will Die - Design - GOOD

2010 Sep 15, 10:51That's an idea... Makes me feel really bad for the fish... I guess that's the point.
PermalinkCommentswater design fish

Make: Online : Hand lights — Cool Tools contest winner

2010 Sep 14, 2:24Good idea and solves some of the head lamp problems: "...Enter the Hand Lights, a pretty simple and cheap DIY project that puts adjustable lights on your forearms to light whatever is in your hands."PermalinkCommentslight diy hand head-lamp tool

The Curious History of Uniform Resource Names - IETF Journal

2010 Jul 1, 10:51"Sometimes it’s hard to judge whether an engineering effort has been successful or not. It can take years for an idea to catch on, to go from being the butt of jokes to becoming an international imperative (IPv6). Uniform Resource Names (URNs), which are part of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) family, are conceptually at least as old as IPv6. While not figuring in international directives for deployment, they-and the technology engineered to resolve them-are still going concerns."PermalinkCommentsietf urn uri history technical internet url

Shepard Fairey - Interview Magazine

2010 May 10, 8:59Iggy Pop interviews Shepard Fairey, including his Obama HOPE poster and AP lawsuit:

"... but the American public is generally pretty superficial, so an image like that just allows them to project whatever limited idea they have onto it. Obviously, not everyone is like that—I actually think there were a lot of people who were bummed by the image because they felt it was shallow propaganda."

"If I spend time conceiving and making a piece of art and somebody else sees that it has market value and replicates it in order to steal part of my market, then that’s not cool. But the way I make art—the way a lot of people make art—is as an extension of language and communication, where references are incredibly important. It’s about making a work that is inspired by something preexisting but changes it to have a new value and meaning that doesn’t in any way take away from the original—and, in fact, might provide the original with a second life or a new audience."
PermalinkCommentsart legal law ip shepard-fairey obey interview

Hitler tries a DMCA takedown | Brad Ideas

2010 Apr 21, 1:47So... There's Downfall a 2004 film about the final days of Hitler's life. Then folks take the most dramatic scene and parody it with new subtitles having Hitler yell about various things like his cell phone or Burning Man. It becomes a meme and meta Downfall parodies show up with Hitler yelling about the Downfall parodies. Now the studio producing the film has sent DMCA takedown notices to Youtube and many of the videos are disappearing. In response is a new Downfall parody in which Hitler issues DMCA notices to Youtube...PermalinkCommentscensorship hitler humor copyright dmca eff legal youtube video fairuse meme web internet technical

A look into the past « Flickr Blog

2010 Jan 28, 4:28Photos of locations in present day with aging photos of the same location overlaid. Cool idea, nice execution, and also does that lady have a pet rabbit on a leash?
PermalinkCommentsart photo flickr history

Tetris Guideline - Tetris Wiki

2010 Jan 20, 8:56I had no idea of the amount of variation: "The Tetris Guideline is the current specification that The Tetris Company enforces for making all new (2001 and later) Tetris game products alike in form." Covers things like piece color, vocabulary, speeds, rotation system etc etc etc. I'll be adopting some of this in Polytope Tetris...PermalinkCommentstetris wiki reference game videogame


2009 Dec 27, 7:43"Have a look what happens when a huge hamster hits the Amsterdam Canals in a giant inflatable ball!" Almost a good idea. Maybe next time add some paddles to the outside of the ball.PermalinkCommentshumor video youtube hamster amsterdam water

TopatoCo: White Rabbit Shirt

2009 Dec 23, 10:15Cute bunny tshirt gift idea...PermalinkCommentsgift purchase bunny cute rabbit tshirt

Lessons Learned From Paintball

2009 Dec 16, 2:47

Dressed for Paintball.I played paintball for the first time at Eric's bachelor party a couple months ago. With the worst of my bruises fading I'm examining what I've learned:

PermalinkCommentspaintball lessons

Get cached images from your visitors | Diovo

2009 Dec 15, 2:01"Jeff Atwood (Coding Horror fame) was in for a horror when he realized that his server crashed and his data was gone and due to some reason, the backup mechanism was not working. ... So what should Jeff do now? Since Coding horror is a high traffic blog, I think there is a way to get back at least some of the images." Reconstruct the HTML from Google's cache, change the HTTP server to tell the client it has the correct cached image for all the images, add script to the HTML to grab the images and send them back. Awesome idea. Of course now I want to setup Fiddler to swap in random images...PermalinkCommentsvia:ericlaw jeff-atwood backup web http cache image javascript technical

NYT's 9th Annual Year in Ideas

2009 Dec 10, 3:44Some great stuff in here but it kills me how traditional media generally doesn't do hyperlinks in their articles.PermalinkCommentsnytimes ideas article

How to be the world's greatest ISP

2009 Dec 9, 1:32"We're not always aware of it here in the USA, but there are many ISPs out there in the world who do things quite differently than what we're used to. Some of these ISPs ideas are even really good. Ars surveys the global ISP landscape and paints a picture of what a dream ISP might look like."PermalinkCommentstechnical internet isp web article

Discontinued desktop 3D printers on the cheap Boing Boing

2009 Dec 8, 1:56More good gift ideas just in time for the holidays: "The Invision LD 3D-Modeler printer has been discontinued and is being sold off for $5,000 a throw -- it uses Laminated Object Manufacturing to produce low-rez 3D models"PermalinkComments3d printer purchase gift wishlist

YouTube - Google Chrome OS Demo

2009 Nov 20, 7:20I think I'm stuck on the first part of the Ars review "so it has taken the netbook, which was already a crippled notebook, and crippled it even further by removing a ton of flexibility and functionality". Still conceptually I like the idea and hope they figure out all their use cases.PermalinkCommentsgoogle chrome video os web browser technical

IdeaPaint: A Blank Canvas For All Your Good Ideas - PSFK

2009 Nov 20, 7:03Whiteboard paint. As in, turn a surface into a whiteboard by applying this paint.
PermalinkCommentsproduct paint whiteboard wishlist

Grocery Shopper Data Use

2009 Oct 13, 11:15

Photo of Hostess Pride chicken display from the Library of VirginaQFC, the grocery store closest to me, has those irritating shoppers cards. They try to motivate me to use it with discounts, but that just makes me want to use a card, I don't care whose card and I don't care if the data is accurate. They should let me have my data or make it useful to me so that I actually care.

I can imagine several useful tools based on this: automatic grocery lists, recipes using the food you purchased, cheaper alternatives to your purchases, other things you might like based on what you purchased, or integration with dieting websites or software. At any rate, right now all I care about is getting the discount from using a card, but if they made the data available to me then the grocery store could align our interests and I'd want to ensure the data's accuracy.

PermalinkCommentsidea boring data grocery store

Kid Robot’s QR Code Scavenger Hunt - PSFK

2009 Sep 1, 4:59"...toy and apparel designers Kid Robot (with the help of creative ideas studio We Are Plus) have organized a mobile phone-based scavenger hunt in Manhattan centered around scanning QR codes."PermalinkCommentsqrcode phone scavenger-hunt toy advertising

Creating Accelerators for Other People's Web Services

2009 Aug 18, 4:19

Before we shipped IE8 there were no Accelerators, so we had some fun making our own for our favorite web services. I've got a small set of tips for creating Accelerators for other people's web services. I was planning on writing this up as an IE blog post, but Jon wrote a post covering a similar area so rather than write a full and coherent blog post I'll just list a few points:

PermalinkCommentstechnical accelerator ie8 ie

How myths are made – Bad Science

2009 Aug 12, 8:08"In a formal academic paper, every claim is referenced to another academic paper... This convention gives us an opportunity to study how ideas spread, and myths grow, because in theory you could trace who references what, and how, to see an entire belief system evolve from the original data."PermalinkCommentsscience meme research health medicine ben-goldacre network graph
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