2016 Jan 25, 10:04 2016 Jan 17, 5:39 2016 Jan 16, 6:11 2015 Dec 22, 7:08 2015 Nov 30, 11:41 2015 Nov 19, 8:28 2015 Oct 26, 9:03 2015 Sep 20, 8:45 2015 Aug 19, 1:54
The thing where you remember old versions of the spec and, despite being the "expert"
in the room, can't recall what was eventually decided.
2015 Aug 5, 8:09
@TeslaMotors: Charger prototype finding
its way to Model S " Elon Musk audition video for next Spiderman as Doc Ock
2015 Jul 26, 10:32 2015 Jul 21, 12:59
"Chrysler’s patch must be manually implemented via a USB stick". Maybe hire the
hackers to help you out with OTA updates.
2015 Apr 11, 10:19
Naming is important: in Rails you can output raw unescaped HTML with
.safe_html - in React a similar API is called dangerouslySetInnerHTML
2015 Apr 3, 7:24
Go watch Primer. Do it. It's the only movie you'll still feel like an idiot watching
after 5 times. Seriously. It's amazing.
2015 Apr 2, 10:43 2015 Mar 1, 5:49
autocomplete="on/off", spellcheck="true/false". How did we end up in this mess? :(
2015 Feb 20, 4:19