swannman page 2 - Dave's Blog

My timeline on Mastodon


2008 Nov 23, 9:34The folks who made the awesome inforgraphic music video for Royksopp's 'Remind Me' has it as well as a bunch of their other videos on the site.PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman visualization music video music-video art advertising design animation france

The (Mostly) True Story of Helvetica and the New York City Subway: Voice: AIGA Journal of Design: Writing: AIGA

2008 Nov 22, 6:01"There is a commonly held belief that Helvetica is the signage typeface of the New York City subway system, a belief reinforced by Helvetica, Gary Hustwit's popular 2007 documentary about the typeface. But it is not true - or rather, it is only somewhat true"PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman nyc subway history font typography sign helvetica

Best Esquire Magazine Stories - Top Articles in History of Journalism - Esquire

2008 Nov 22, 5:59"Five years ago, we named 'Frank Sinatra Has a Cold,' by Gay Talese, the greatest story Esquire ever published. Here, as we close out our 75th anniversary celebration, are the top seven, with several republished online in their entirety for the first time ever."PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman esquire article essay humor

Broke Man Tries Paying Bill With a Picture of a Spider - Urlesque

2008 Nov 20, 10:58I, like Matt, am a bit incredulous but this is still funny. "Check, cash or money order are acceptable forms of payment when the bill collector comes knocking (or e-mailing), not a picture you doodled of a spider."PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman humor art spider money

Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories - Binary Birthday

2008 Nov 19, 4:28"A binary birthday candle. It consists of a single candle with seven wicks, where the wicks that are lit represent the birthday individual's age in binary. This single candle design works flawlessly to represent any age from 1 to 127, never requiring anyone below the age of 127 to blow out more than a mere six candles at a time."PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman birthday geek math humor howto cake birthday-cake candle binary

The urban art of Joshua Callaghan: the man who can turn street objects invisible - Telegraph

2008 Nov 16, 10:10"Joshua Callaghan disguises utility boxes by pasting pictures onto them of the scenery behind, thereby creating the illusion of an uninterrupted view."PermalinkCommentsart streetart graffiti urban via:swannman

Halloween and Gas Park Weekend

2008 Nov 4, 10:14

Gas Works Park, SeattleGas Works Park, SeattleThe weekend before last Sarah and I went down to Gas Works Park in Seattle. Gas Works Park is a former Seattle Gas Light Company gasification plant now turned into a park with the machinery kept intact and found right on the shore of Lake Union. There's a large hill right next to the plant with an embedded art installation from which you get an excellent view of the park and the lake. Anyway a very cool place. Afer, we ate at Julia's of Wallingford where I stereotypically had the Santa Cruz omelet. Good food, nice place, nice neighborhood.

Trick-or-Treat at MSFT by Matt SwannThis past weekend was Halloween weekend. On Halloween at Microsoft parents bring their kids around the office buildings and collect candy from those who have candy in their office. See Matt's photo of one such hallway at Microsoft. The next day Sarah and I went to two birthday parties the second of which required costume. I went as House (from the television show House) by putting on a suit jacket and carrying a cane. Sarah wore scrubs to lend cred. to my lazy costume. Oh yeah and on Sunday Sarah bought a new car.

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The Unfinished Swan

2008 Oct 29, 9:40Cool game concept: "The Unfinished Swan is a first-person painting game set in an entirely white world. Players can splatter paint to help them find their way through an unusual garden."PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman game design videogame art 3d xna

Carnegie's Restaurant

2008 Sep 23, 10:58Matt says this is a good restaurant. It certainly looks interesting.PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman seattle food restaurant

Flickr: Seattle Municipal Archives

2008 Aug 25, 11:39"The Seattle Municipal Archives documents the history, development, and activities of the agencies and elected officials of the City of Seattle. Strengths of the records include those documenting engineering, parks, urban planning, the legislative process and elected officials. Holdings include over 6,000 cubic feet of textual records; 3,000 maps and drawings, 3,000 audiotapes; hundreds of hours of motion picture film; and over 1.5 million photographic images of City projects and personnel."PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman photo flickr seattle history public-domain


2008 Jul 22, 11:02Gallery of nice website backgroundsPermalinkCommentsbackground web webdesign free gallery graphic via:swannman

YouTube - Resonantie

2008 Jul 12, 12:33Rice on a speaker makes interesting patterns based on the tone played. Like the cornstarch subwoofer video earlier.PermalinkCommentsrice video youtube sound science via:swannman

A Remarkable Photo From Tornado Country

2008 Jun 16, 3:57An awesome and frightening photo of a tornado.PermalinkCommentsphoto nature tornado weather news via:swannman

Richard Feynman and the Connection Machine

2008 May 30, 10:52'"Richard Feynman reporting for duty. OK, boss, what's my assignment?" The assembled group of not-quite-graduated MIT students was astounded.... So we sent him out to buy some office supplies.'PermalinkCommentshistory richard-feynman programming computer article essay technology physics science via:swannman

YouTube - Principles of economics, translated

2008 May 16, 5:07'"Mankiw's 10 principles of economics, translated for the uninitiated", by Yoram Bauman'PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman economics humor video youtube

Welcome to DEF CON, the Largest Underground Hacking Convention in the World

2008 May 4, 10:35Video archives of DEFCON presentations.PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman security video feed defcon conference hack monthly

Web Security Research- Alex's Corner: HTTP Range & Request-Range Request Headers

2008 May 2, 1:55Avoid sniffing using the HTTP range header: "...if we have an application...which protects against FindMimeFromData XSS attacks by searching the first 256 bytes for certain strings, then we can simply place our strings after the first 256 bytes and get FlPermalinkCommentsvia:swannman http http-header range xss security

A List Apart: Articles: Accessible Data Visualization with Web Standards

2008 Apr 9, 8:26"I'm going to cover three basic techniques for incorporating some simple data visualization into standards-based navigation patterns."PermalinkCommentscss web visualization chart html via:swannman

bunnie's blog - Blog Archive - Chumby Wifi Sniffer

2008 Apr 8, 1:08"... a version of the chumby that sniffs wifi and renders captured packets onto the display."PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman chumby wifi sniff security sniffing wireless network

YouTube - Seattle Pillow Fight 2008 in Pike Place Market

2008 Apr 2, 6:29A pillow fight in Pike Place Market. "A group of web-connected friends converge at a specified location in the city and at a designated time produce previously concealed pillows and begin an awesome fight."PermalinkCommentsflash-mob seattle washington pike-place-market pillow pillow-fight youtube video humor social via:swannman
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