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Gmail integration with Internet Explorer 8

2008 Apr 3, 9:00

Internet Explorer LogoGmail Logo licensed under CC by Victor de la FuenteWith the new features of IE8 there's several easy ways to integrate Gmail, Google's web mail service, for mail composition, searching, and monitoring that I enjoy using.

I made a Send via Gmail activity that allows you to select some text, a document, or link and via the activity menu open a new tab to compose a new message with the selection. Go to my activity page and click "Send via Gmail" (source) to install it. I found info on the gmail composition URL in the comments of this gmail howto article and used that in the activity. I talked about activities previously.
I've made a search provider that searches your gmail account. See my search provider page and select 'Gmail' (source) to install the Gmail search provider. Search providers aren't new to IE8 but this fits in with Gmail integration in IE. Again in the comments of another howto I found information on a Gmail search URL.
New to IE8 is authenticated feed support and favorites bar monitoring which combined with the Gmail inbox feed means you can see when you get new mail in your favorites bar in IE. To do this, navigate to the feed, click 'Subscribe to this feed', then click on the Add button in the upper left (the star with plus icon) and select 'Monitor on Favorites Bar' to add this as a monitored item in the favorites bar. Next, right click on the new item in your favorites bar, open the properties dialog, and enter your Gmail username and password into the new username and password fields. Now when you get new mail the Gmail feed item will shine and bold and you'll be able to get to new messages in the dropdown. I described monitored feed items previously.
PermalinkCommentsactivity gmail search howto google ie feed rss opensearch

Set Gmail as Default Mail Client in Ubuntu :: the How-To Geek

2008 Apr 3, 6:48The comments have info on URI template for gmail message composition: "`echo $1 | sed 's/mailto://'`"PermalinkCommentsgmail mail uri howto reference google

frequency decoder ~ Link Preview V2

2008 Feb 11, 8:51A rather lovely webpage screenshot link preview implementation.PermalinkCommentslink-preview web script client-side browser snapshot screenshot webpage

Old Miscellaneous Thoughts

2007 Dec 26, 5:45PermalinkCommentspopfly apple personal history-channel indiana-jones pipes mac technical microsoft mashup yahoo nontechnical


2007 Dec 7, 9:15A client side javascript API to produce graphs.PermalinkCommentsjavascript visualization web client code programming graph via:swannman

Worse Than Failure - Character encoding WTF

2007 Oct 19, 4:10FTA: 'This letter was sent to a Russian student by her French friend, who manually wrote the address that he received by e-mail. His e-mail client, unfortunately, was not set up correctly to display Cyrillic characters, so they were substituted with diacrPermalinkCommentsencoding charset unicode language humor article

e-ignite: Webmail With Encryption and Signing

2007 Oct 15, 1:31This is a howto on using encryption with web based mail clients. This article suggests a FireFox plugin. I should look into doing this in IE.PermalinkCommentsemail secure webmail google gmail pgp encryption howto article

Terminal Services Team Blog : Multi Monitor support in the Vista TS Client.

2007 Sep 28, 11:24How to get mstsc to span multiple monitors -- sort of. Actually this kind of sucks. It just makes my TS session the size of a rectangle that would include all of my client side monitors.PermalinkCommentsdesktop remote mstsc tools tool tips windows microsoft blog article howto vista

Backup Notes

2007 Jul 13, 8:30I bought an external backup drive a few weekends ago. I've previously setup a Subversion repository so I decided to move everything into the repository and then back it up. So in went the contents of all of my %USERPROFILE% and ~ directories with a bit of sorting and pruning. Not too much though given its much easier to dump in everything and search for what I want then to take the time to examine and grade each file. What follows are the notes I took while setting this up. It takes me a bit of time to look up the help on each command so I figure I'll write it all down here for the benefit of myself and potentially others...

Setting Up the Backup Drive For Linux
I first changed the filesystem on the drive to ext3. I plugged it into my USB2.0 port and ran fdisk:

sudo fdisk /dev/sda

Useful commands I used to do this follow mostly in order:
print current partitions
delete current partition
create new partition (I used the defaults)
write changes and exit
Then I formatted for ext3.

sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1

I made it easy to mount:

sudo vim /etc/fstab
# added line to end:
/dev/sda1 /media/backup ext3 rw,user,noauto 0 0

I setup the directory structure on the disk

mount /media/backup
sudo mkdir /media/backup/users
sudo mkdir /media/backup/users/dave
sudo chown dave:dave /media/backup/users/dave

After all that its easy to make a copy of the Subversion repository:

mount /media/backup
cp -Rv /home/dave/svn /media/backup/users/dave/
umount /media/backup

Next on the agenda is to add a cron job to do this regularly.

Subversion Command Reference
On a machine that has local access to the Subversion repository you can check out a specific subdirectory as follows using the file scheme:

svn co file:///home/dave/svn/trunk/web/

Note also that although one of my directories is named '' Subversion requires the '@' to be percent-encoded.
Other useful subversion commands:
svn help
svn list file:///home/dave/svn/
list all files in root dir of svn depot
svn list -R file:///home/dave/svn/
list all files in svn depot
svn list -R file:///home/dave/svn/ | grep \/$
list all directories
svn status
List status of all files in the working copy directory as in - modified, not in repository, etc
svn update
Brings the working copy up to date wrt the repository
svn commit
Commit changes from the working copy to the repository
svn add / move / delete
Perform the specified action -- occurs immediately

Setting up Windows Client for Auto Auth into SVN
When using an SVN client on Windows via svn+ssh its useful to have the Windows automatically generate connections to the SVN server. I use putty on my Windows machines so I read the directions on using public keys with putty.

cd .ssh
vim authorized_keys # leave the putty window open for now
Click the 'generate' button
Move the mouse around until finished
Copy text in 'Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file:' to putty window & save & close putty window
Enter Key passphrase & Comment in puttygen
Save the private key somewhere private
'Add Key' the private key just saved.

Checking out using Tortoise SVN
On one of my Windows machines I've already installed Tortoise SVN. Checking out from my SVN repository was really easy. I just right clicked in Explorer in a directory and selected "SVN Checkout...". Then in the following dialog I entered the svn URI:


Note again that the '@' that is part of the directory name is percent-encoded as '%40' while the '@' in the userinfo is not.

Windows Command Line Check Out
On my media center I didn't want to install Tortoise SVN so rather I used the command line tool. I setup pageant like before the only difficulty was getting the SVN command line tool to use putty. With the default configuration you can use the SVN_SSH environment variable to point at a compliant SSH command line tool. The trick is that its interpreted as a backslash escaped string. So I set mine thusly:

set SVN_SSH=C:\\users\\dave\\bin\\putty\\plink.exe

The escaping solved the vague error I received about not being able to create the tunnel.PermalinkCommentsbackup technical personal windows svn linux subversion

PuTTY: a free telnet/ssh client

2007 Apr 9, 5:15The SSH client I like to use.PermalinkCommentsclient ssh tool tools free encryption privacy putty security sftp setupnewcomputer

2007 Mar 19, 12:08Tortoise is a Subversion client for Windows that integrates with your Explorer shell.PermalinkCommentssubversion svn version client software tools free extension windows

Moved to Server-Side Scripting

2007 Jan 19, 9:15I've moved my homepage to server-side scripting. Previously I've mentioned that I was using client side scripting to interpret and sort my livejournal and delicious entries together. Now I'm using PHP and XSLTs to process and sort my livejournal, delicious, flickr, and librarything entries. See my homepage for the finished result.
LibraryThing is pretty cool despite being pretty niche. Its like flickr but for books. I display a random sampling of the covers of books I have listed in librarything on my page. I've also hooked the display of the covers of my book up to the corner image. Now when you hover over the cover of a book a bigger picture of its cover appears in the corner of the webpage. Also, flickr entries in the main section how have the same on hover behavior.
This may not be the best use of my time, but its still fun.PermalinkCommentslibrarything xslt delicious homepage flickr technical php livejournal script

Xming Notes

2007 Jan 11, 12:01Xmin lets you run your X Windows applications remotely via SSH on Windows. Useful with my new server. Awesome!PermalinkCommentswindows x11 xserver software linux x xwindows client free open-source opensource remote unix

Retrieving Data Using Script

2006 Nov 27, 3:09This topic includes an example of how to write a script that obtains data through Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) either synchronously or asynchronously. The concepts demonstrated in this example provide the basis for writing client or middle-tiPermalinkCommentsmsdn development programming reference microsoft http javascript script

John Resig - Javascript Diff Algorithm

2006 Nov 6, 4:50A Javascript lib that does diff for you. Could be useful in implementing cool AJAX-y clientside things. Also has link to ACM paper describing the diff algorithm used.PermalinkCommentsacm ajax algorithm article blog code development diff javascript library programming reference

Proxy Client Autoconfig File Format

2006 Mar 20, 6:01PermalinkCommentspac proxy javascript reference web mozilla http ie

SSH : Support : Downloads : SSH Secure Shell for Workstations

2005 Sep 15, 7:10PermalinkCommentstools ssh client software

Client Side State - HTTP Cookies

2005 Mar 28, 10:46Netscape's definition of cookiesPermalinkCommentscookie reference development http internet specification
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