2009 Feb 4, 4:16From Sorting it all Out wrt the weather gadget in Vista's sidebar, this link to China's laws on weather forecast: "Article 22 The State applies a unified system for the issue of public meteorological
forecast and severe weather warning... No other organizations or individuals may issue to the community such forecast or warning." "Article 25 When the media, including radio, television, newspaper
and telecommunication, issue to the community public meteorological forecast or severe weather warning, they shall use the latest meteorological information provided by a meteorological office...
Part of the revenues from the distribution of meteorological information shall be drawn to support the development of meteorological service." Whether an application is legally allowed to provide a
weather forecast is not an attribute I would have imagined necessary for a localization API.
via:michael-kaplan china law legal politics weather forecast localization 2009 Jan 15, 8:00Cool application that turns your sketches into graphs. I wonder if this can ever come to my phone? "Sketch a rough shape with your finger and Instaviz transforms what you drew in a split second.
Sketch a link between two shapes and Instaviz quickly redraws the graph with the best layout."
graph visualization iphone graphviz phone software application development 2008 Nov 16, 9:48Flickr's Developer Blog has some interesting posts including various folks personal projects that use Flickr.
development flickr monthly blog web 2008 Nov 15, 12:45Lame: "Question: Is it possible for us to write custom gadgets for the home screen like the clock or the Google search box? Is there a public API for this purpose? ... No, such an API does not exist
and won't exist in 1.0."
development google android g1 howto 2008 Nov 5, 3:55A graphing library which includes variaous graph visualization algorithms. GNU licensed. "igraph is a free software package for creating and manipulating undirected and directed graphs. It includes
implementations for classic graph theory problems like minimum spanning trees and network flow, and also implements algorithms for some recent network analysis methods, like community structure
reference free development programming visualization graph math library opensource c++ igraph graphviz via:mattb 2008 Nov 5, 3:51This site has example implementations for feedsync: "The FeedSync Specification is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License and the Microsoft Open Specification Promise.
Microsoft encourages developers to create independent implementations of the FeedSync specification. See the Developer page for more information on how to write a FeedSync enabled application, and
the Implementations page to see how people are using FeedSync already."
free software development feedsync feed microsoft live windows rss sse 2008 Oct 11, 12:44GPL Java Prolog library. "tuProlog is a Java-based light-weight Prolog for Internet applications and infrastructures."
development java language jvm prolog tuprolog logic programming 2008 Oct 2, 9:37Cool graphical ANTLR IDE! They didn't have this the last time I used ANTLR. "ANTLRWorks is a novel grammar development environment for ANTLR v3 grammars written by Jean Bovet (with suggested use
cases from Terence Parr). It combines an excellent grammar-aware editor with an interpreter for rapid prototyping and a language-agnostic debugger for isolating grammar errors. ANTLRWorks helps
eliminate grammar nondeterminisms, one of the most difficult problems for beginners and experts alike, by highlighting nondeterministic paths in the syntax diagram associated with a grammar."
antlr ide graph grammar tool free download development opensource java 2008 Oct 1, 1:08A weekly summary of the going-ons in the WHATWG usually on the topic of squabbles in HTML5 esp. what to do about the alt attribute in the img tag. Interesting stuff on charsets.
development software whatwg html5 html specification feed rss user-agent w3c 2008 Sep 16, 7:54
I just upgraded to the Zune 3.0 software which includes games and purchasing music on the Zune via WiFi
and once again I'm thrilled that the new firmware is available for old
Zunes like mine. Rooting around looking at the new features I noticed Zune Badges for
the first time. They're like Xbox Achievements, for example I have a Pixies Silver Artist Power Listener award for listening to the Pixies over 1000 times. I know its ridiculous but I like it, and
now I want achievements for everything.
Achievements everywhere would require more developments in self-tracking. Self-trackers, folks who keep statistics on exactly when and what they eat, when and how much they exercise, anything one
may track about one's self, were the topic of a Kevin Kelly Quantified Self blog post (also check out Cory Doctorow's SF
short story The Things that Make Me Weak and Strange Get Engineered Away featuring a colony of self-trackers).
For someone like me with a medium length attention span the data collection needs to be completely automatic or I will lose interest and stop collecting within a week. For instance, Nike iPod shoes that keep track of how many steps the wearer takes. I'll also need software to analyze, display, and share this data on a website like
Mycrocosm. I don't want to have to spend extreme amounts of time to create something as wonderful as the Feltron
Report (check out his statistic on how many daily measurements he takes for the report). Once we have the data we can give out achievements for everything!
Achievements for Everyday Life
Eat at least ten different kinds of animals.
Make Friends
Meet at least 10% of the residents in your home town.
Visit a city in every country.
You're Old
Survive at least 80 years of life.
Of course none of the above is practical yet, but how about Delicious achievements based on the public Delicious feeds? That should be doable...
self-tracking data achievements 2008 Sep 3, 12:44This is the public site for logging and tracking IE8 Beta bugs. Read access is available to all. Write access requires acceptance into the Technical Beta program. Check the blog for info on joining
ie blog ie8 bug development microsoft 2008 Sep 3, 9:49Notes on how COM classes are registered on 64bit versions of Windows. Whole swaths of the registry (among other things) are redirected to a subnode named Wow6432Node when you're a 32bit process
running on a 64bit Windows.
msdn registry development microsoft 64bit 2008 Aug 29, 10:31Differences between Microsoft's JScript and the ES3 standard with example output from all major browsers on each point.
microsoft development jscript javascript standard reference programming browser ie8 es3 compatibility 2008 Aug 25, 11:39"The Seattle Municipal Archives documents the history, development, and activities of the agencies and elected officials of the City of Seattle. Strengths of the records include those documenting
engineering, parks, urban planning, the legislative process and elected officials. Holdings include over 6,000 cubic feet of textual records; 3,000 maps and drawings, 3,000 audiotapes; hundreds of
hours of motion picture film; and over 1.5 million photographic images of City projects and personnel."
via:swannman photo flickr seattle history public-domain 2008 Aug 19, 4:45Finally, .NET executables from a share! =)
dotnet development microsoft blog article 2008 Jun 12, 3:24A nice in browser regex tester. Give a sample string and a regex and the matches are highlighted.
regex javascript programming development 2008 May 9, 9:25Create fonts online, download the resulting font as a TrueType font, embed the font in a webpage. Requires created fonts to be released under creative commons. The embedding method is lame - via
font development web graphic free cc creativecommons text 2008 May 5, 8:59Its vi in Javascript! Woo! Vi is awesome!
via:callmevlad vi vim development javascript editors 2008 May 5, 11:45Free OpenSource C# paint program replacement with many more features than paint.exe =)
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