2007 Apr 10, 2:55Loopster does a bunch of things Vishu and I wanted to implement. It merges profiles from different social networks together.
social aggregator profile identity mashup openid 2007 Mar 21, 5:59Grandcentral is a service that acts as a phone proxy. Friends call your new Grandcentral number and GC calls all of your phones (cell, home, work, etc). The additional associated features are pretty
phone grandcentral article 2004 May 10, 10:37Looking around the Microsoft campus it was easy to tell people who were there for an interview from the programmers who worked there. All of the people who were dressed formally, a suit or tie was an
obvious sign, were there for an interview. I spent my time between interviews talking to other over dressed people between interviews. The usual topics of conversation included name, city of origin,
computer science background, and the crazy problems our interviewers had asked us. Going through these topics with one such person, who incidentally was the only woman I saw interviewing, I asked
what school she was attending. She told me she was just finishing her Masters in Computer Science at
[some college]
and I told her where I was from. She then asked me, "You have your
Doctorate in Computer Science?" "No," I said, "My Bachelors... I'm working on my Bachelors." "Oh," she said, "Well you look very mature." I'm fairly certain that's a first for me -- being told I look
"very mature" that is. Unfortunately, at that point my tram showed up and I had to travel to a different building. Now I'm left wondering what made me look mature. It could have been the gel or the
slacks or the tucked in shirt. The day previous while dressed casually, hanging out with my friend Jeannie, some of her friends thought I was her age, about eight years older. The common element
between my two appearances were my new black dressy-ish shoes. Maybe its just that easy.
2003 Feb 12, 1:35After much insisting and assisting from Jessica, I have a Live Journal account. Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to make it look respectable and add in more friends. Thanks for the code and
suggestions Jessica. This morning, I ran around collecting various forms from a plethora of offices in an attempt to figure out how to graduate. I had a modicum of success and I'm fairly happy, but
all this thinking about the future has left me feeling tired and little time to study for Chemistry, or, as I refer to it, the class I hope I don't have to take next quarter. Speaking of which, I
really should get back to that. Or maybe I'll just go to sleep.