2007 Nov 15, 4:04Coming soon: case law freely available in the public domain.
copyright government information internet law legal 2007 Nov 15, 12:27Article on encrypted email company Hushmail giving email up to The Man. Includes interview with Hushmail CTO Brian Smith.
encryption article cryptography crypto anonymity anonymous email government privacy webmail mail legal security 2007 Nov 14, 2:56News on recent privacy related matters with social websites and Donald Kerr's redefinition of privacy. Lots of good links.
privacy anonymity blog post article government politics donald-kerr steven-bellovin 2007 Oct 31, 4:41ONN has a piece on how the government can help paranoid schizophrenics.
onion privacy humor video satire government 2007 Oct 21, 5:52From USGS is Earthquake info in RSS form.
data gis earthquake rss science usgs government 2007 Jul 22, 7:50Enter your views on various topics and see which candidates publicly stated opinions most match.
government politics quiz vote 2007 Jul 14, 3:17Purchase used Seattle street signs from the Seattle DOT.
government street signs purchase shopping seattle 2007 Jul 14, 12:15How hackers bugged the largest Greek cell provider and listened to government and military officials.
article ieee cellphone phone conspiracy hack hackers politics privacy security 2007 May 29, 5:59Traffic map of the seattle area.
traffic camera car public government tool free travel 2007 Apr 15, 4:06For the past several months I've seen various articles suggesting why bees are disappearing. At first I thought this was another crackpot's article that somehow made it onto digg.com. But they keep
coming and sometimes from credible sources. After the article I saw tonight I thought I should go back and put together the various articles I've read on this topic. Bees may be disappearing due to
new organic pathogens,
genetically modified crops,
phones, or
climate change. Apparently,
the US hasn't been keeping accurate counts of its
bees so we don't know the extent of the situation. There's an
interview with Maryann Frazier, M.S., of the Dept.
of Etymology at Penn State and a
congressional hearing on the matter.
I know this is all very serious and could signal the end of our ecosystem as we know it, but I can't help throwing in the following links as well. The bees could be
hiding in this Florida couple's kitchen. Or perhaps they're laying low while being
trained by the government to fight terrorism. Or
they're hiding in extra dimensions that we mere humans can't perceive (I'm fairly certain that's what this
article is suggesting. Really. Read it. Seriously. Its awesome.)
roundup personal bees nontechnical 2007 Apr 13, 2:52Shocking newsflash: Kids view adult content! OMG! FTA: "Commission investigators also found that youth access to violent fare had fallen since 2000, especially in video games. Only 42 percent of
unaccompanied young buyers were able to buy games rated M (f
article business censorship government rights violence videogames 2007 Apr 5, 11:45British cameras watching the public now have loudspeakers hooked up to scold people behaving inappropriately. What year is it?
paranoia government tv camera article bbc 2007 Mar 30, 3:21The FTC describes why you don't need to register your cell phone on the national Do Not Call registry.
phone cellphone spam junk ftc government 2007 Mar 19, 1:23A site dedicated to creating a tool for leaking documents in an uncensorable fashion.
wiki politics censorship government privacy security crypto cryptography 2007 Mar 13, 1:00The Secret Service's guide to siezing electronic evidence. Are people still using pagers?
government security forensics secret-service 2006 Nov 27, 2:15Public bodies are by far the largest producers of information in Europe. This information is recognised as a major, but so far under-exploited asset, which could and should be a fundamental building
block of the ‘new economy’ in the Information Soci
study economics europe public-domain information government read 2006 Nov 27, 12:46Exec Summary: ... Since some high-ranking government officials and pundits are now referring to the war on terror as the “Long War” or “World War III,” because its duration is not clear, now is an
appropriate time to take a few steps back and
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