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Steven Pinker on the myth of violence | Video on TED.com

2010 Feb 1, 8:39"Steven Pinker charts the decline of violence from Biblical times to the present, and argues that, though it may seem illogical and even obscene, given Iraq and Darfur, we are living in the most peaceful time in our species' existence." Working up towards Forever Peace?PermalinkCommentsvideo history violence culture ted steven-pinker game-theory

Thought Experiments and Design Principles

2010 Jan 29, 3:54

Raymond Chen has some thought experiments useful for discovering various kinds of stupidity in software design:

Tim Berners-Lee's principles of Web design includes my favorite: Test of Independent Invention. This has a thought experiment containing the construction of the MMM (Multi-Media Mesh) with MRIs (Media Resource Identifiers) and MMTP (Muli-Media Transport Protocol).

The Internet design principles (RFC 1958) includes the Robustness Principle: be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving. A good one, but applied too liberally can lead to interop issues. For instance, consider web browsers. Imagine one browser becomes so popular that web devs create web pages and just test out their pages in this popular browser. They don't ensure their pages conform to standards and accidentally end up depending on the manner in which this popular browser tolerantly accepts non-standard input. This non-standard behavior ends up as de facto standard and future updates to the standard essentially has had decisions made for it.

PermalinkCommentstechnical design principles software development

Concept Art From The Legend Of Zelda - Nintendo - Kotaku

2010 Jan 29, 10:01PermalinkCommentsart game videogame nintendo zelda map design history

A look into the past « Flickr Blog

2010 Jan 28, 4:28Photos of locations in present day with aging photos of the same location overlaid. Cool idea, nice execution, and also does that lady have a pet rabbit on a leash?
PermalinkCommentsart photo flickr history

Auto-appendectomy in the Antarctic: case report -- Rogozov and Bermel 339: b4965 -- BMJ

2010 Jan 20, 2:03The only doctor in Antarctica has to remove his own appendix. "When Rogozov had made the incision and was manipulating his own innards as he removed the appendix, his intestine gurgled, which was highly unpleasant for us..." Oh wow, Rogozov should for sure appologize for making you uncomfortable. Jerk. There's photos in the report too. Gross.PermalinkCommentshistory science medicine antarctic appendix russia via:kottke

crayons « Weather Sealed

2010 Jan 18, 3:11Crayola's Law: "The number of colors doubles every 28 years!" With chart depicting Crayola colors over the years.PermalinkCommentsvisualization via:waxy history timeline crayon crayola color

Post Position » A Note on the Word “Zork”

2010 Jan 15, 6:03The derivation of the word Zork.PermalinkCommentshistory language english game if interactive-fiction zork mit

Victorian Infographics - a set on Flickr

2010 Jan 5, 6:38Lovely historical infographics. For instance, check out the topographical map of NY city from 1874.
PermalinkCommentsinformation infographics graph design history via:kottke

Eye On Springfield

2009 Dec 16, 9:48Its sometimes captioned frames from hilarious moments you may recall from The Simpsons!
PermalinkCommentshumor history tv simpsons image

Every College Student Should Just Buy a Typewriter - Typewriters - Gizmodo

2009 Dec 11, 5:13"A real true history lesson: Before there were laptops, everyone had to carry entire desktop computers to class. Before there were desktops, they had to lug typewriters. Before that, everyone just tried real hard to remember stuff. Ask your grandparents!"PermalinkCommentshumor typewriter satire laptop college

Hark, a vagrant: 145

2009 Dec 10, 6:53Tycho was a jerk.PermalinkCommentshumor tycho comic history

Paleo-Future - Paleo-Future Blog - Burglars of the Future (1910)

2009 Dec 8, 12:02"This illustration, from the September 10, 1910 New York Tribune, imagines the rooftop burglars of the future. 'BURGLARS LEARN TO HANDLE THE AEROPLANE WITH PRECISION AND SILENCE: Our artist takes a look into the future and foresees the time when roofs must be secured as carefully as any other part of the home.'"PermalinkCommentshumor history burglar crime newspaper news

Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Language Detection: A Witch’s Brew?

2009 Dec 4, 10:24Flickr dev. blog on the accept-language HTTP header: "It’s true that the Accept-Language header has a troubled history. Because of this, many developers regard it the way medieval villagers might have regarded a woman with a warty nose and a pet cat – it should be shunned, avoided and possibly burned at the stake." And this great anecdote: "In two and a half years of running as an international site, we’ve only ever had one case where it didn’t work. Helio, a cellphone company, had a browser was custom-built for them in Korea, and had its “Accept-Language” header hard-coded to always request Korean, something which led to much confusion for the Flickr users amongst their American customers."PermalinkCommentsflickr internationalization language accept-language http http-header development technical web

Watch America's public domain video treasures, rescue the public domain from paywalls Boing Boing

2009 Dec 4, 5:06"If you want to watch videos from the National Archives today, they try to talk you into buying a DVD from the official government partner, Amazon.Com...To demonstrate to the Congress that if we liberated this wonderful content people would really care, I forked over $251 for 20 DVDs and posted them on-line."PermalinkCommentsvideo history politics government public-domain internet-archive

Inspirations typographiques françaises | Pixiome : nouvelles inspirations et tendances.

2009 Nov 23, 1:21"Je vous propose aujourd’hui de découvrir le travail de StarType, un ex typographe qui a connu le temps du plomb et travaillé dans de nombreuses imprimeries pour évoluer et devenir graphiste par la suite."PermalinkCommentstypography advertising font french design history

The Old New Thing : Can I talk to that William fellow? He was so helpful

2009 Nov 23, 11:47'Bill Gates is being taken on a guided tour of the product support department's new office building...Bill puts on a headset, sits down, and answers the phone. "Hello, this is Microsoft Product Support, William speaking. How can I help you?"'PermalinkCommentshumor microsoft bill-gates raymond-chen support history

Why do we have an IMG element? [dive into mark]

2009 Nov 3, 1:33'A few hours after that, Tim Berners-Lee responded: I had imagined that figues would be reprented as <a name=fig1 href="fghjkdfghj" REL="EMBED, PRESENT">Figure </a>'. Ohhhh, that would have been better.PermalinkCommentshtml history mark-pilgrim browser web images technical

The Expurgation of Maniac Mansion

2009 Oct 30, 10:41All the stuff Nintendo forces developers to take out of the Nintendo Maniac Mansion port. I had read this before and didn't connect after watching Douglas Crockford's JavaScript talk that this was the same guy.PermalinkCommentsdouglas-crockford game videogame nintendo censorship pc history geek

Are you new to "Hadoop"? Settle in...

2009 Oct 8, 4:59A brief introduction to Hadoop, its history, subprojects, and current statusPermalinkCommentsvia:pskomoroch hadoop introduction google yahoo facebook database technical

You know the name, but just who were the Luddites? - Ars Technica

2009 Oct 5, 8:44Brief history of the Luddites. "Are we all Luddites now? ... If you are reading this essay on your laptop or iPhone, chances are that you aren't an unemployed weaver staring starvation in the face." Also: "The Luddites didn't oppose technology; they opposed the sudden collapse of their industry, which they blamed in part on new weaving machines." So the TV and newspaper associations and Rupert Murdoch are Luddites.PermalinkCommentshistory technology luddite
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