2011 Jan 23, 3:26Personal photos from the Back to the Future set during filming taken by a Universal security guard.
photos bttf backtothefuture movies 2011 Jan 19, 7:44Lol at Team Rocket Julian Assange.
julian-assange humor image photo photoshop 2010 Jun 19, 5:03"Flickr is now offering the option for photographers to license their photos through Getty Images."
flickr economics photo legal getty-images 2010 Jun 13, 3:47From
Angie's photos of my wedding there's a sequence of four photos where everyone's holding still except me. Of
course I turned this into an animated GIF using
GIF Make, to produce my
animated wedding GIF. I don't embed the image in the HTML because it is really irritating.
wedding animated photo personal gif 2010 Jun 12, 2:18
Did I mention that I got married
two weeks ago today on May 29th? Its true! Our wedding was a kind of planning singularity -- all of my planning efforts would get sucked into that day and I couldn't make any plans past that date.
But the actual wedding itself was lovely and I didn't feel nearly as stressed out or nervous during the wedding as I did trying to plan for it. I've been gathering wedding photos on our wedding website photos page.
wedding photo personal marriage 2010 Jun 7, 2:40Maps of where tourists vs locals take photos in major cities like New York, San Francisco, etc. based on geotagged photos on Flickr.
geolocation geo geography map flickr photo tourist technical visualization