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Thread Local Storage, part 1: Overview « Nynaeve

2011 Aug 6, 1:53Description of the inner workings of both of Window's TLS options, the Win32 APIs like TlsAlloc as well as __declspec(thread). I didn't know that the max number of TLS indices is now 1088.PermalinkCommentsblog programming development windows debug tls thread-local-storage

4chan BBS - Genius sorting algorithm: Sleep sort

2011 Jun 20, 2:20"Genius sorting algorithm: Sleep sort 1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-20 12:22 Man, am I a genius. Check out this sorting algorithm I just invented.
function f() { 
    sleep "$1" 
    echo "$1" 
while [ -n "$1" ] 
    f "$1" & 

example usage: 
./sleepsort.bash 5 3 6 3 6 3 1 4 7
"PermalinkCommentshumor programming code technical 4chan bash sort sleep-sort sleep

Native x86 Android runtime will enable Android apps on Windows

2011 May 26, 1:28This was on my todo list. I'll scratch it off knowing far more funded folks are doing this: "A startup called BlueStacks has developed an Android runtime environment for the Windows operating system. It will enable users to run Android applications alongside conventional Windows software on Microsoft's operating system." "One example would be a convertible netbook tablet that normally runs Windows but switches to an Android interface for greater touch-friendliness when the screen is flipped.
Such a product would offer the full power and multitasking capabilities of Windows but also benefit from having access to Android's broad touch-enabled software ecosystem."PermalinkCommentswindows programming android java technical

_opt Mnemonic

2011 May 24, 11:00

​I always have trouble remembering where the opt goes in SAL in the __deref_out case. The mnemonic is pretty simple: the _opt at the start of the SAL is for the pointer value at the start of the function. And the _opt at the end of the SAL is for the dereferenced pointer value at the end of the function.

SAL foo == nullptr allowed at function start? *foo == nullptr allowed at function end?
__deref_out void **foo No No
__deref_opt_out void **foo Yes No
__deref_out_opt void **foo No Yes
__deref_opt_out_opt void **foo Yes Yes
PermalinkCommentssal technical programming

PowerShell Script Batch File Wrapper

2011 May 22, 7:20

I'm trying to learn and use PowerShell more, but plenty of other folks I know don't use PowerShell. To allow them to use my scripts I use the following cmd.exe batch file to make it easy to call PowerShell scripts. To use, just name the batch file name the same as the corresponding PowerShell script filename and put it in the same directory.

@echo off
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
if "%1"=="/h" goto help
if "%1"=="-?" goto help
if "%1"=="-h" goto help

%systemroot%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command . %~dpn0.ps1 %*
goto end

%systemroot%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command help %~dpn0.ps1 -full
goto end


Additionally for PowerShell scripts that modify the current working directory I use the following batch file:

@echo off
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
if "%1"=="/h" goto help
if "%1"=="-?" goto help
if "%1"=="-h" goto help

%systemroot%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command . %~dpn0.ps1 %*;(pwd).Path 1> %temp%\%~n0.tmp 2> nul
set /p newdir=
PermalinkCommentspowershell technical programming batch file console

What are all the common undefined behaviour that a C++ programmer should know about? - Stack Overflow

2011 May 2, 7:33I recalled that the order of function/method parameter evaluation was not specified by C++ standard, but I didn't know the more general rule and the associated implications for the double check locking construct. Interesting.PermalinkCommentstechnical c++ programming

Powershell to test your XPath

2011 Apr 14, 5:11This page and esp. the final comment on the page were very helpful with describing how to parse XML in PowerShell.PermalinkCommentspowershell xml xpath technical programming

Patterns for using the InitOnce functions - The Old New Thing - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

2011 Apr 8, 2:32"Since writing lock-free code is issuch a headache-inducer,you're probably best off making some other people suffer the headachesfor you. And those other people are the kernel folks, who have developedquite a few lock-free building blocks so you don't have to. For example, there's a collection of functions for manipulatinginterlocked lists.But today we're going to look at theone-time initialization functions."PermalinkCommentstechnical windows programming raymond-chen lock thread-safety

Capturing HTTPS with FiddlerCore

2011 Apr 6, 10:00

I used FiddlerCore in GeolocMock to edit HTTPS responses and ran into two stumbling blocks that I'll document here. The first is that I didn't check if the Fiddler root cert existed or was installed, which of course is necessary to edit HTTPS traffic. The following is my code where I check for the certs.

    if (!Fiddler.CertMaker.rootCertExists())
if (!Fiddler.CertMaker.createRootCert())
throw new Exception("Unable to create cert for FiddlerCore.");

if (!Fiddler.CertMaker.rootCertIsTrusted())
if (!Fiddler.CertMaker.trustRootCert())
throw new Exception("Unable to install FiddlerCore's cert.");

The second problem I had (which would have been solved had I read all the sample code first) was that my changes weren't being applied. In my app I only need the BeforeResponse but in order to modify the response I must also sign up for the BeforeRequest event and mark the bBufferResponse flag on the session before the response comes back. For example:

    Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += new SessionStateHandler(FiddlerApplication_BeforeRequest);
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeResponse += new SessionStateHandler(FiddlerApplication_BeforeResponse);
private void FiddlerApplication_BeforeRequest(Session oSession)
if (IsInterestingSession(oSession))
oSession.bBufferResponse = true;
PermalinkCommentshttp fiddler technical https geolocmock programming fiddlercore

Oregon Trail: How three Minnesotans forged its path - Page 1 - News - Minneapolis - City Pages

2011 Mar 18, 6:17The history of Oregon TrailPermalinkCommentshistory education programming game

JavaScript Garden

2011 Mar 14, 1:33A great intro to the details of JavaScript for developers familiar with other languages but only a passing knowledge of JavaScript.PermalinkCommentsjavascript tutorial programming reference technical

Skynet meets the Swarm: how the Berkeley Overmind won the 2010 StarCraft AI competition

2011 Jan 19, 9:05
PermalinkCommentsgame programming design ai starcraft

Tessnet2 a .NET 2.0 Open Source OCR assembly using Tesseract engine

2010 Dec 7, 12:10PermalinkCommentsopen-source opensource ocr library .net csharp programming technical

"Programming Windows Phone 7" by Charles Petzold

2010 Dec 6, 8:01PermalinkCommentsbook development ebook technical

lcamtuf's blog: HTTP cookies, or how not to design protocols

2010 Nov 8, 3:34On crappy aspects of HTTP cookie design.PermalinkCommentshttp web browser history technical cookie header networking protocol security programming via:mattb

Google Prediction API - Google Code

2010 Aug 13, 11:46RESTful machine learning API from Google... "The Prediction API implements supervised learning algorithms as a RESTful web service to let you leverage patterns in your data, providing more relevant information to your users. Run your predictions on Google's infrastructure and scale effortlessly as your data grows in size and complexity."PermalinkCommentsrest ai google programming analysis machine-learning development technical

Behind The Code | Shows | Channel 9

2010 Jul 13, 6:27"Occasionally the Technical Community Network group sits down with some of Microsoft’s most influential technical employees to capture their stories. Instead of examining specific technologies, BTC takes a closer look at the person, the career and what it takes to produce world-class software."PermalinkCommentsmicrosoft msdn podcast channel9 c++ programming technical video

JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit

2010 Jul 8, 1:37Including graphs with force directed layout!PermalinkCommentsvia:mattb infographics javascript technical programming html graph chart visualization

Makefile Preprocessing Directives

2010 Jul 8, 11:07"!undef [macro]" to undefine a macro...PermalinkCommentsmicrosoft reference programming technical msdn build

What every programmer needs to know about game networking « Gaffer on Games

2010 Jul 5, 8:38"This way the player appears to control their own character without any latency, and provided that the client and server character simulation code is deterministic – giving exactly the same result for the same inputs on the client and server – it is rarely corrected."PermalinkCommentsnetwork programming game technical quake history
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