Remember when they killed off Superman? One of the guys behind Chronicle has made this video explaining that whole thing. Kind of like Drunk History but less drunk and more nerdy (via
Death and Return of Superman)
Your callback is called on each element in the array in sequence (from start to finish in reduce and from finish to start in reduceRight) with the result of the previous callback call passed to
the next. Reduce your array to a single value aggregated in any manner you like via your callback function.
Finds the first or last (respectively) element in the array that matches the provided value via strict equality operator and returns the index of that element or -1 if there is no such element.
Surprisingly, no custom comparison callback method mechanism is provided.
Shortly after joining the Internet Explorer team I got a bug from a PM on a popular Microsoft web server product that I'll leave unnamed (from now on UWS). The bug said that IE was handling empty
path segments incorrectly by not removing them before resolving dotted path segments. For example UWS would do the following:
In step 1 they are given a URI with dotted path segment and an empty
path segment. In step 2 they remove the empty path segment, and in step 3 they resolve the dotted path segment. Whereas, given the same initial URI, IE would do the following:
IE simply resolves the dotted path segment against the empty path segment and removes them both. So, how
did I resolve this bug? As "By Design" of course!
The URI RFC allows path segments of zero length and does not assign them any special meaning. So generic user agents that intend to work on the web must not treat an empty path segment any
different from a path segment with some text in it. In the case above IE is doing the correct thing.
That's the case for generic user agents, however servers may decide that a URI with an empty path segment returns the same resource as a the same URI without that empty path segment. Essentially
they can decide to ignore empty path segments. Both IIS and Apache work this way and thus return the same resource for the following URIs:
The issue for UWS is that it removes empty path segments before resolving dotted path segments. It must
follow normal URI procedure before applying its own additional rules for empty path segments. Not doing that means they end up violating URI equivalency rules: URIs (A.1) and (B.2) are equivalent
but UWS will not return the same resource for them.
In C++ there’s no guarantee about the order in which parameters for a function or method are evaluated. In the case above, &resolvedUri clears out the ccomptr before evaluating
resolvedUri.Get() and so ResolveHostAlias gets a nullptr.
2011 Sep 20, 7:17There's no race between posting to a web worker and the web worker setting up its message handler as long as the web worker sets its message handler in the first sync. block of code that runs in the
web worker: "Basically, once the initial worker script returns, the worker's port is enabled and the normal message port event delivery mechanism kicks in (including dropping unhandled messages on
the floor)."technicalweb-workerwebbrowserprogrammingpostMessage
2011 Jul 10, 5:49"The ‘analog dollars to digital dimes’ problem doesn’t actually seem to be a problem. It seems to be a feature of reality. Digital revenue per head is not replacing lost print revenue and, barring
some astonishment in the advertising market, it never will."newsmediajournalismclay-shirky
As it turns out the WPAD Server Fiddler Extension I made a while back actually has a non-malicious purpose. Apparently its useful for debugging HTTP on the WP7
phone (or so I'm told). Anyway I took some requests and I've fixed a few minor bugs (start button not updating correctly), changed the dialog to be a Fiddler tab so you can use it non-modally, and
the WPAD server is now always off when Fiddler starts.
2011 May 30, 3:13"We covered the Newstweek, a wall-wart sized box that injects fake news stories over public WiFi connections last February, but now there’s a great walk through and it seems our doubts about this
project were disproved."securityjournalismwifihacktechnical
2011 Mar 14, 4:30A web service to turn multiple web browsing devices into one larger screen. Panning and zooming on one screen (for phones) changes the whole picture. qrcodewebvideouitv
2011 Feb 11, 4:15On the more web aspects and behind the scenes of Conan getting kicked off NBC and returning via TBS and the web. marketingtelevisionconanwebinternet
2010 Sep 4, 7:40"In the past, Lions Gate, which owns the rights to the “Mad Men” clip, might have requested that TomR35’s version be taken down. But it has decided to leave clips like this up, and in return, YouTube
runs ads with the video and splits the revenue with Lions Gate."adadvertisingcopyrighteconomicsgoogleinternettvvideoyoutubearticle
I've just got a new media center PC connected directly to my television with lots of HD space and so I'm ripping a bunch of my DVDs to the PC so I don't have to fuss with the physical media. I'm
ripping with DVD Rip, viewing the results in Windows 7's Windows Media Center after turning on the WMC DVD Library, and using a powershell script I wrote to copy over cover art and metadata.
My powershell script follows. To use it you must do the following:
Run Windows Media Center with the DVD in the drive and view the disc's metadata info.
Rip each DVD to its own subdirectory of a common directory.
The name of the subdirectory to which the DVD is ripped must have the same name as the DVD name in the metadata. An exception to this are characters that aren't allowed in Windows paths (e.g.
<, >, ?, *, etc)
Run the script and pass the path to the common directory containing the DVD rips as the first parameter.
Running WMC and viewing the DVD's metadata forces WMC to copy the metadata off the Internet and cache it locally. After playing with Fiddler and reading this blog post on WMC metadata I made the following script that copies metadata and cover art from the WMC cache to the corresponding
DVD rip directory.
2010 Aug 4, 2:29Using games for good! Foldit players are solving real biochemistry problems. "Scientists have turned to games for a variety of reasons, having studied virtual epidemics and tracked online communities
and behavior, or simply used games to drum up excitement for the science. But this may be the first time that the gamers played an active role in producing the results, having solved problems in
protein structure through the Foldit game."videogamegamebiologyscienceresearch
2010 Jul 5, 4:23Cross-site scripting attack on YouTube over the weekend: "That turned out to be as simple as using two script tags in a row (<script><script>fun scripting stuff goes here!), as noted by
F-Secure researcher Mikko H. Hypponen on Twitter—the first of the two tags would get stripped, and the second was allowed through."technicalyoutubesecuritycross-site-scriptingjavascript
2010 Jul 1, 10:51"Sometimes it’s hard to judge whether an engineering effort has been successful or not. It can take years for an idea to catch on, to go from being the butt of jokes to becoming an international
imperative (IPv6). Uniform Resource Names (URNs), which are part of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) family, are conceptually at least as old as IPv6. While not figuring in international
directives for deployment, they-and the technology engineered to resolve them-are still going concerns."ietfurnurihistorytechnicalinterneturl
2010 Jun 29, 6:40A fan made Kings Quest sequel gets an official go-ahead: "After negotiations, the C&D [cease and desist] has been officially rescinded, and Phoenix Online has been granted a non-commercial
license to release The Silver Lining!"gamelegallawvideogamekings-questsierratechnical
2010 Apr 21, 1:47So... There's Downfall a 2004 film about the final days of Hitler's life. Then folks take the most dramatic scene and parody it with new subtitles having Hitler yell about various things like his
cell phone or Burning Man. It becomes a meme and meta Downfall parodies show up with Hitler yelling about the Downfall parodies. Now the studio producing the film has sent DMCA takedown notices to
Youtube and many of the videos are disappearing. In response is a new Downfall parody in which Hitler issues DMCA notices to Youtube...censorshiphitlerhumorcopyrightdmcaefflegalyoutubevideofairusememewebinternettechnical