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The Independent Gaming Source

2010 Jan 4, 2:22"A metric ton of fantastical and diverse games came out in 2009. Here are 20 of them"PermalinkCommentsgame videogame list

Benji Hughes – Discover music, videos, concerts, & pictures at

2009 Dec 22, 7:17Listen to "Why do These Parties Always End" and "You Stood Me Up"PermalinkCommentsmusic benji-hughes electronica folk rock

Big Lebowski vs Lost: Dude (YouTube Doubler)

2009 Dec 17, 12:06The Waxy list of supercuts ( is ripe material for YouTube Doubler. For instance, I simply pop in Big Lebowski dude montage and Lost dude montage and...PermalinkCommentshumor dude tv movie big-lebowski lost

ThinkGeek :: Static Electricity Eliminator

2009 Dec 14, 2:12I've been very statically charged recently. May be the new couch?PermalinkCommentsgeek wishlist gift static electricity tool purchase

Essential Android Apps - - Gizmodo

2009 Dec 12, 12:56Gizmodo has a list of some excellent Android apps. Includes an OpenTable app, Flixster, and others. But doesn't mention the Aldiko, the ebook reader I like.PermalinkCommentsreference android g1 cellphone app

Discontinued desktop 3D printers on the cheap Boing Boing

2009 Dec 8, 1:56More good gift ideas just in time for the holidays: "The Invision LD 3D-Modeler printer has been discontinued and is being sold off for $5,000 a throw -- it uses Laminated Object Manufacturing to produce low-rez 3D models"PermalinkComments3d printer purchase gift wishlist

Yahoo Issues Takedown Notice for Spying Price List | Threat Level |

2009 Dec 7, 5:15"Yahoo isn’t happy that a detailed menu of the spying services it provides law enforcement agencies has leaked onto the web." ... "Cryptome also published lawful data-interception guides for Cox Communications, SBC, Cingular, Nextel, GTE and other telecoms and service providers. But of all those companies, it appears to be Yahoo’s lawyers alone who have issued a DMCA takedown notice to Cryptome demanding the document be removed."PermalinkCommentsprivacy security copyright yahoo dmca internet web surveillance

Latest ‘Square’ Details Include Free Dongles, Craigslist, Alyssa Milano | Epicenter |

2009 Dec 7, 3:25Cool, I've been waiting for this: "Twitter creator Jack Dorsey’s Square application, which is like a smartphone PayPal for credit cards, attracted lots of warranted attention for its potential to enable peer-to-peer and merchant credit card transactions in the real world far beyond what’s capable today in most countries." Oh, never mind... "As a customer, all you need to buy from a Square merchant is a credit, debit or pre-paid card"PermalinkCommentscredit-card money via:louis cellphone square

All bow before the mighty power of the nocebo effect – Bad Science

2009 Nov 28, 3:50The downside of the placebo the nocebo: "This is the amazing world of the nocebo effect, where negative expectations can induce unpleasant symptoms, in the absence of a physical cause.", "In two of them, the consent form contained a statement outling various gastrointestinal side effects, and in these centres there was a sixfold increase in the number of people reporting such symptoms and dropping out of the trial, compared with the one centre that did not list such side effects in the form."PermalinkCommentsnocebo placebo science medicine ben-goldacre

Official Google Blog: Cutting back on your long list of passwords

2009 Nov 23, 11:28"Thanks to the utilization of new technology, we're now seeing large-scale success in eliminating the need for passwords while increasing the successful registration rate at websites to over 90%...In addition, after a thorough evaluation of the security and privacy of these technologies, the same techniques are being piloted by President Obama's open identity initiative to enable citizens to sign in more easily to government-operated websites."PermalinkCommentsidentity openid google security authentication facebook password via:connolly technical

IdeaPaint: A Blank Canvas For All Your Good Ideas - PSFK

2009 Nov 20, 7:03Whiteboard paint. As in, turn a surface into a whiteboard by applying this paint.
PermalinkCommentsproduct paint whiteboard wishlist

Bruce Schneier action figure

2009 Nov 15, 6:17Once again a wonderful gift for a very small set of people I know but a bit pricey: "This package includes Bruce Schneier's custom action figure head mounted on a matching DiD or Dragon action figure body with a choice of 2 different clothing styles. You can also buy Bruce Schneier's head on its own and fit it onto your own figurines."
PermalinkCommentshumor action-figure bruce-schneier security gift purchase wishlist

YouTube - JavaScript: The Good Parts

2009 Oct 28, 11:02"This session will expose the goodness in JavaScript, an outstanding dynamic programming language. Within the language is an elegant subset that is vastly superior to the language as a whole, being more reliable, readable and maintainable." Zeke recommended listening to his talks.PermalinkCommentsgoogle video technical douglas-crockford javascript programming presentation jslint web browser

Grocery Shopper Data Use

2009 Oct 13, 11:15

Photo of Hostess Pride chicken display from the Library of VirginaQFC, the grocery store closest to me, has those irritating shoppers cards. They try to motivate me to use it with discounts, but that just makes me want to use a card, I don't care whose card and I don't care if the data is accurate. They should let me have my data or make it useful to me so that I actually care.

I can imagine several useful tools based on this: automatic grocery lists, recipes using the food you purchased, cheaper alternatives to your purchases, other things you might like based on what you purchased, or integration with dieting websites or software. At any rate, right now all I care about is getting the discount from using a card, but if they made the data available to me then the grocery store could align our interests and I'd want to ensure the data's accuracy.

PermalinkCommentsidea boring data grocery store

Internet Architectual Principals: reading

2009 Sep 10, 10:26"Here’s the reading list for an upcoming session of Scott Bradner’s class on Internet Architectural Principles"PermalinkCommentsreference internet history architecture todo technical

Time/Date Conversion Tool

2009 Aug 28, 3:39

I built timestamp.exe, a Windows command line tool to convert between computer and human readable date/time formats mostly for working on the first run wizard for IE8. We commonly write out our dates in binary form to the registry and in order to test and debug my work it became useful to be able to determine to what date the binary value of a FILETIME or SYSTEMTIME corresponded or to produce my own binary value of a FILETIME and insert it into the registry.

For instance, to convert to a binary value:

[PS C:\] timestamp -inString 2009/08/28:10:18 -outHexValue -convert filetime
2009/08/28:10:18 as FILETIME: 00 7c c8 d1 c8 27 ca 01

Converting in the other direction, if you don't know what format the bytes are in, just feed them in and timestamp will try all conversions and list only the valid ones:

[PS C:\] timestamp -inHexValue  "40 52 1c 3b"
40 52 1c 3b as FILETIME: 1601-01-01:00:01:39.171
40 52 1c 3b as Unix Time: 2001-06-05:03:30:08.000
40 52 1c 3b as DOS Time: 2009-08-28:10:18:00.000
(it also supports OLE Dates, and SYSTEMTIME which aren't listed there because the hex value isn't valid for those types). Or use the guess option to get timestamp's best guess:
[PS C:\] timestamp -inHexValue  "40 52 1c 3b" -convert guess
40 52 1c 3b as DOS Time: 2009-08-28:10:18:00.000

When I first wrote this I had a bug in my function that parses the date-time value string in which I could parse 2009-07-02:10:18 just fine, but I wouldn't be able to parse 2009-09-02:10:18 correctly. This was my code:

success = swscanf_s(timeString, L"%hi%*[\\/- ,]%hi%*[\\/- ,]%hi%*[\\/- ,Tt:.]%hi%*[:.]%hi%*[:.]%hi%*[:.]%hi", 
&systemTime->wMilliseconds) > 1;
See the problem?

To convert between these various forms yourself read The Old New Thing date conversion article or Josh Poley's date time article. I previously wrote about date formats I like and dislike.

PermalinkCommentsdate date-time technical time windows tool

Creating Accelerators for Other People's Web Services

2009 Aug 18, 4:19

Before we shipped IE8 there were no Accelerators, so we had some fun making our own for our favorite web services. I've got a small set of tips for creating Accelerators for other people's web services. I was planning on writing this up as an IE blog post, but Jon wrote a post covering a similar area so rather than write a full and coherent blog post I'll just list a few points:

PermalinkCommentstechnical accelerator ie8 ie

Dandella by DIC - Design Year Book

2009 Aug 11, 7:35Lovely Dandella looks like an electric scallion and it "... works with GPS enabled mobile phones to track physical locations. Dandella bends and points toward the targeted location."
PermalinkCommentsdesign technology cool wishlist shopping cellphone gps

Question Suggestions - small voyages into the collective psyche of humans who ask google questions

2009 Jul 29, 4:40Lists of Google's search suggestions for the starts of various phrases. Sometimes humorous.
PermalinkCommentshumor google search search-suggestions web psychology

RFC 2483 - URI Resolution Services Necessary for URN Resolution

2009 Jul 27, 7:28Includes the text/uri-list mime type!PermalinkCommentstechnical url uri mime reference ietf
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