list page 8 - Dave's Blog

My timeline on Mastodon

Category:Valued images sorted by promotion date - Wikimedia Commons

2008 Sep 16, 4:30Wikimedia Commons' list of 'Valued images'PermalinkCommentswiki wikimedia creativecommons copyright photos

Radiohead Extends Remix Voting as Entrants Bellyache | Listening Post from

2008 Sep 15, 1:50This just in: people on the Internet are complaining. Also Radiohead has a remix contest. Neat. "No good deed goes unpunished. After letting fans pay whatever they wanted for In Rainbows and releasing stem tracks via iTunes so that one of the songs on the record could be remixed, Radiohead is facing accusations that its "Nude" remix contest is unfair."PermalinkCommentsmusic wired radiohead remix contest

Re: [DNSOP] Public Suffix List

2008 Sep 10, 1:32Discussion on IETF DNS mailing list about Mozilla's Public Suffix list and what they should do ultimately. "I'm inclined to suggest: Gather and hard-code your list into Firefox, and also provide a mechanism by which domain authorities can publish information which overrides your list for their domain."PermalinkCommentsidn domain firefox publicsuffix ietf mozilla tld

Tag Metadata in Feeds

2008 Aug 25, 10:13

As noted previously, my page consists of the aggregation of my various feeds and in working on that code recently it was again brought to my attention that everyone has different ways of representing tag metadata in feeds. I made up a list of how my various feed sources represent tags and list that data here so that it might help others in the future.

Tag markup from various sources
Source Feed Type Tag Markup Scheme One Tag Per Element Tag Scheme URI Human / Machine Names Example Markup
LiveJournal Atom atom:category yes no no , (source)
LiveJournal RSS 2.0 rss2:category yes no no technical
WordPress RSS 2.0 rss2:category yes no no , (source)
Delicious RSS 1.0 dc:subject no no no photosynth photos 3d tool
Delicious RSS 2.0 rss2:category yes yes no domain="">

Flickr Atom atom:category yes yes no term="seattle"
scheme="" />

Flickr RSS 2.0 media:category no yes no scheme="urn:flickr:tags">
seattle washington baseball mariners

YouTube RSS 2.0 media:category no no no label="Tags">
bunny rabbit yawn cadbury

LibraryThing RSS 2.0 No explicit tag metadata. no no no n/a, (source)
Tag markup scheme
Tag Markup Scheme Notes Example
Atom Category
Required category name.
Optional IRI id'ing the categorization scheme.
Optional human readable category name.
label="category name in human readable format"/>
RSS 2.0 category
empty namespace
Optional string id'ing the categorization scheme.
Required category name. The value of the element is a forward-slash-separated string that identifies a hierarchic location in the indicated taxonomy. Processors may establish conventions for the interpretation of categories.
Yahoo Media RSS Module category
Required category name.
Optional string id'ing the categorization scheme.
label="Ace Ventura - Pet Detective">
Dublin Core subject
Required category name. Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.

Update 2009-9-14: Added WordPress to the Tag Markup table and namespaces to the Tag Markup Scheme table.

PermalinkCommentsfeed media delicious technical atom youtube yahoo rss tag

GAMA-GO :: Men's :: Men's Tees :: Deathbot Coffee

2008 Aug 21, 5:13Suited deathbots drinking coffee in a diner. This is nice and also I'd like one.PermalinkCommentstshirt shirt deathbot robot wishlist purchase

Dr. Horrible Link Roundup

2008 Aug 10, 3:33

Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog is an Internet only show you may have already watched and heard everything about. If you missed this somehow, its a musical by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly) staring Neil Patrick Harris as an aspiring super villian who can't get up the courage to talk to his laundromat crush. Its very funny, fairly geeky, and on the Internet so of course I've enjoyed it thoroughly and have some links to share. It surprised me how many blogs that I don't usually see posting the same things telling me about it: first on Eric's blog, then The Old New Thing, and even Penny-Arcade.

Dr. Horrible's again available online via Hulu with commercial interruption.

Check out the official fan site. They link to such things as the owner of Dr. Horrible's house. He had appeared on Monster House, a reality show about remaking people's homes like Monster Car or Pimp My Ride is about remaking folk's cars, and had his house turned into a evil scientist's lab. Consequently its a perfect fit for Dr. Horrible and in return the owner appears in one of the final scenes and in the credits as the 'Purple Pimp'. Apparently the purple suit is his. Also on his blog you can find out what's happened on that big chair that appears in the show. All I'll say about that is, good thing Neil Patrick Harris wears a lab coat while sitting on it.

At the recent Comic Con some attendees took video of the Dr. Horrible Comic Con panel (video clips contain spoilers) some of which I've grouped together. Besides the videos containing the creators and stars of the musical who are all hilarious (see Felicia Day's comment on twittering) there's also some excellent bits about a possible second installment and information on the impending DVD. To finish off this series of Dr. Horrible links check out this Venn Diagram of Felicia Day's work.

PermalinkCommentsdr. horrible doctor horrible humor link roundup

TopatoCo: To Do List T-Shirt

2008 Aug 6, 3:44Read shirt then visit comic for full appreciation. "Okay! If you were reading this comic where T-Rex had a great idea for a tattoo, but wanted to 'test drive' it first, then this is the shirt for you! It is also the shirt for you if you want a shirt that is essentially like wearing foreplay."PermalinkCommentshumor tshirt clothing

Reporters sans frontieres - Beijing Games 2008

2008 Jul 30, 10:45"Reporters Without Borders therefore offers the following practical advice to foreign journalists to help them cover the human rights situation in China." Install Tor, use PGP and other interesting things.PermalinkCommentscensorship china internet privacy olympics journalism

Balloon Graffiti: Balloon Graffiti Can End Vandalism Forever

2008 Jul 11, 12:57A commentor writes: "wow, street art's really blowin' up". This is using balloons to graffiti. Realistically though you've still got to deal with cleaning up the plastic. I like the reverse graffiti better.PermalinkCommentsvia:ethan_t_hein humor art streetart graffiti

Earplug Alarm Clock

2008 Jul 9, 1:37

Dirt PileIn my previous home, just after I moved in, my neighbor which was the city of Redmond's various city government buildings, decided to build a parking structure. This was maybe 30 feet from my window, lasted for at least a year and would regularly wake me up at seven or eight in the morning. Determined to not be so punctual for work, I got earplugs which meant in addition to not hearing the construction outside, I couldn't hear my alarm. I had an idea for a combination ear plug, headphone, alarm clock that I never did anything with, except to write down the phrase "earplug / headphone / alarm clock" on a list that I just now found. In retrospect, I think this problem might be too specific to result in my earplug alarm clock selling well.

PermalinkCommentsidea earplug headphone alarm clock random nontechnical

SPLITREASON.COM :: Time Travel t-shirt

2008 Jun 19, 11:10Most excellent! "Because time travel is still one of the most interesting motifs used in games, movies and on TV, we bring you this fine piece of cotton. Oh, and it comes from the future!"PermalinkCommentstshirt timetravel bttf purchase wishlist shirt

Salvador Dali on What's My Line? - Very Short List

2008 Jun 16, 12:51Salvador Dali's appearance on the 1950's game show "What's My Line" in which a panel must determine the occupation of a mystery guest using only yes/no questions. "...Watch the shamelessly self-promotional proto-Warhol's 1952 appearance on What's MPermalinkCommentsvideo gameshow 50s tv salvador-dali

Generating N-D Tetris Pieces

2008 Jun 1, 7:27

When I woke up this morning for some reason I was thinking about Polytope Tetris, my N-D Tetris game, and specifically generating Tetris pieces in various number of dimensions. When I first wrote PTT I thought that as the number of dimensions increased you could end up with an infinite number of non-equivalent crazy Tetris pieces. However this morning I realized that because you only get four blocks per piece there are only a possible three joints in a single Tetris piece which means that you only need three dimensions to represent all possible distinct N-D Tetris pieces.

Below is the table of the various possible pieces per number of dimensions and sorted by the number of joints in the piece. Notice that the 'J' and 'L' become equivalent in 3D because you can rotate the 'J' through the third dimension to make it an 'L'. The same happens for 'S' and 'Z' in 3D, and 'S+' and 'Z+' in 4D.

Joints Name 1D 2D 3D +
1 I I I I I
2 J J J J
3 O O O O
T+ T+ T+
S+ S+ S+
Z+ Z+
Total 1 7 8 7

As a consequence of not realizing there's a finite and small number of N-D Tetris pieces, I wrote code that would randomly generate pieces for a specified number of dimensions by wandering through Tetris space. This consists of first marking the current spot, then randomly picking a direction (a dimension and either forward or backward), going in that direction until hitting a previously unvisited spot and repeating until four spots are marked, forming a Tetris piece. However this morning I realized that continuing in the same direction until reaching am unvisited spot means I can't generate the 'T+' piece. I think the better way to go is keep the list of all possible pieces, pick one randomly, and rotate it randomly through the available dimensions. Doing this will also allow me to give distinct pieces their own specific color (like the classic Tetris games do) rather than picking the color randomly like I do now.

PermalinkCommentspolytope tetris tetris

Lifeboat Foundation Bios: Joshua W. Klein, M.S.

2008 May 16, 2:33This guy works on interesting projects. "Joshua W. Klein, M.S. is a Mobile, Personal, and Future Technology Specialist who is currently Senior Technology Principal at Frog Design."PermalinkCommentsjoshua-klien bio

Joshua Klein, Mobile, Personal, and Future Technology Specialist

2008 May 16, 2:32"Roo'd by Joshua Klein". Cyberpunk, fiction, creative-commons.PermalinkCommentscyberpunk fiction scifi free book writing cc joshua-klein

List Of The Day: Banned Ikea Commercials Of The Day

2008 Apr 29, 4:34Humorous Ikea commercials not seen in the US. I like the lamp one.PermalinkCommentsikea commercial tv blog humor video

Saul and Ciera's Wedding

2008 Apr 26, 11:45

Saul IncredulousLast weekend while Sarah was up in Canada for a spa weekend with her sister and her sister's other bridesmaids, I went to Saul and Ciera's wedding in Three Rivers, California near Sequoia National Park. I flew into Fresno picked up a rental car and my GPS device navigated me to a restaurant with the wedding location no where in sight. "No problem," I thought, "I'll just call someone with an Internet connection and..." I had no cell reception. What did people do before GPS, Internet, and cell phones?

Saul and Ciera's Wedding CakeA waitress in the restaurant pointed me down the road a bit to the wedding location which was outside overlooking a river. Their wedding cake was made up like a mountain with two backpacks at the top and rope hanging down. Ciera's father married them and the ceremony was lovely. The music after included Code Monkey to which all the nerds were forced to get up and awkwardly dance.

Vlad plays with KatieBesides getting to see Ciera and Saul who I hadn't seen in quite a while, I got to see Daniil and Val, Vlad, and Nathaniel. Since last I saw Daniil and Val they had a child, Katie who is very cute and in whom I can see a lot of family resemblance. The always hilarious Vlad, Daniil's brother, was there as well with his wife who I got to meet. Nathaniel, my manager from Vizolutions was there and I don't know if I've seen him since I moved to Washington. It was fun to see him and meet his girlfriend who was kind enough to donate her extra male to male mini-phono cord so I could listen to my Zune in the rental car stereo on the drive back.

PermalinkCommentswedding saul and ciera california nontechnical

Official Gmail Blog: 2 hidden ways to get more from your Gmail address

2008 Apr 11, 3:48Howto avoid spam with Gmail: "If your name was, you could send mail to or"PermalinkCommentsspam gmail blog google howto mail email

The Forbes Fictional 15 -

2008 Apr 11, 3:22Forbe's ranks the 15 richest fictional characters: "The characters that make up this year's edition of the Forbes Fictional 15, our annual listing of fiction's richest, boast an aggregate net worth of $137 billion."PermalinkCommentsforbes humor fiction article comic

A List Apart: Articles: Accessible Data Visualization with Web Standards

2008 Apr 9, 8:26"I'm going to cover three basic techniques for incorporating some simple data visualization into standards-based navigation patterns."PermalinkCommentscss web visualization chart html via:swannman
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