“TechCrunch and others are reporting that a program called “Carrier IQ”
that comes pre-installed on Sprint phones has some pretty amazing spyware capabilities, right down to keylogging everything you do on the phone.”
2011 Jun 20, 2:36A mix of 36 YouTube videos of various people playing Radiohead's Paranoid Android. It sounds good but the video too is very compelling. Also I would be psych'ed if it were my video picked to
rock out at 2:50.
2011 Jun 1, 11:20Weezer covers Radiohead's Paranoid Android. I enjoyed this now but if you could send it to me in 1999 I would have freaked out. videomusicparanoid-androidweezerradiohead
2011 May 26, 1:28This was on my todo list. I'll scratch it off knowing far more funded folks are doing this: "A startup called BlueStacks has developed an Android runtime environment for the Windows operating
system. It will enable users to run Android applications alongside conventional Windows software on Microsoft's operating system." "One example would be a convertible netbook tablet that
normally runs Windows but switches to an Android interface for greater touch-friendliness when the screen is flipped.
Such a product would offer the full power and multitasking capabilities of Windows but also benefit from having access to Android's broad touch-enabled software ecosystem."windowsprogrammingandroidjavatechnical
Also, the movie Moon is really good on a variety of points. Sam Rockwell and the voice of Kevin Spacey! Its
available on Netflix Watch Instantly so you have no excuse!
2010 Mar 21, 3:22Google Calendar Sync is an Outlook plugin that syncs your Google and Outlook calendars (you get to pick 1way and direction or 2way sync'ing). This almost looks like what I want but perhaps my
feature requests are too obscure for someone to have already implemented them:
Events marked personal added on my Outlook calendar should get full 2-way sync'ing with my Google calendar.
All other events added on my Outlook calendar should be assumed to have private company information and should get 1-way sync'ing with just the time and location - no attendees or subject or
All events added on my Google calendar should get full 2-way sync'ing with Outlook and there should be marked personal.
I doubt I'm going to find a pre-made app to do this so I guess I should get coding. Otoh, if they ever bring the updated Android OS that has Exchange support to my G1 maybe none of this would be
This was very easy to put together as an Android activity. First its necessary to register the application as handling PDFs from the web. This is done via the intent-filter declaration in the
The action part says my activity will view PDFs, the data part says it accepts data with the PDF mime-type and with a URL that has an HTTP scheme. The browsable category
is necessary to allow links from a browser to open this activity.
Second, the activity opens up the browser to Google Docs pointing to the PDF.