2009 Jan 20, 2:20"Because the G1 has a compass inside, nru presents its data as a sonar-like spinning map when held parallel to the ground, but presents a snazzy augmented reality overlay when tipped up towards the
horizon. It's easier to grok when you can see it in motion; there's a video up above."
g1 phone cellphone compass geolocation video android 2008 Nov 18, 1:10"...Just in case the previous 62 questions do not ferret out any potential controversy, the 63rd is all-encompassing: 'Please provide any other information, including information about other members
of your family, that could suggest a conflict of interest or be a possible source of embarrassment to you, your family, or the president-elect.' ... For those who clear all the hurdles, the reward
could be the job they wanted. But first there will be more forms, for security and ethics clearances from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Office of Government Ethics."
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