2015 Dec 13, 2:34
Imagine a world where FBI director Comey talked about guns the way he talks about cryptography
2012 Jun 7, 9:12
So this is another Stuxnet by Israel/US?
The analysis reinforces theories that researchers from Kaspersky Lab, CrySyS Lab, and Symantec published almost two weeks ago. Namely, Flame could only have been developed with the backing of a
wealthy nation-state. … “It’s not a garden-variety collision attack, or just an implementation of previous MD5 collisions papers—which would be difficult enough,” Matthew Green, a professor
specializing in cryptography in the computer science department at Johns Hopkins University, told Ars. “There were mathematicians doing new science to make Flame work.”
technical security web internet md5 cryptography flame 2010 Apr 21, 6:51Adds SHA 256 & 512 to HTTP instance digest: 'The IANA registry named "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Digest Algorithm Values" defines values for digest algorithms used by Instance Digests in
HTTP. Instance Digests in HTTP provide a digest, also known as a checksum or hash, of an entire representation of the current state of a resource. This document adds new values to the registry and
updates previous values.'
hash cryptography http instance-digest sha security technical ietf rfc standard 2009 Aug 14, 6:20"This paper presents efficient off-line anonymous e-cash schemes where a user can withdraw a wallet containing coins each of which she can spend unlinkably."
money future reference research economics cryptography technical system:filetype:pdf system:media:document 2008 Oct 27, 1:39Rubber-hose cryptanalysis is first defined by Marcus J. Ranum on Oct 15 1990: "..unless you resort to the rubber-hose technique of cryptanalysis. (in which a rubber hose is applied forcefully and
frequently to the soles of the feet until the key to the cryptosystem is discovered, a process that can take a surprisingly short time and is quite computationally inexpensive)"
humor cryptography rubber-hose security 2008 Oct 14, 11:14Similar in concept to the Pirate Bay suggestion of encrypting all TCP/IP connections if both server and client support it: "Obfuscated TCP is a transport layer protocol that adds opportunistic
encryption. It's designed to hamper and detect large-scale wiretapping and corruption of TCP traffic on the Internet."
internet tcp encryption security google privacy opensource cryptography network ssl 2008 Jul 10, 4:44More on IPETEE w/ some of the politics and commentary. "The Pirate Bay has ambitious plans to bring end-to-end encryption to all network activity..."
article encryption privacy security ip cryptography 2008 Jul 10, 4:43"The goal is to implement IP-transport encryption in a way that is transparent both to the IP-layer (including nodes in the network path) and to the applications that benefit from the encryption."
Seems like a good idea to me.
cryptography encryption internet privacy security ip wiki 2008 Apr 9, 2:36History of Enigma in WW2: "One particular German code clerk continually used his girlfriend's name, Cillie, for his messages, and so these easy-to-guess indicators became known as "Cillies.""
history encryption cryptography article security nsa enigma 2008 Apr 4, 9:48I wonder if my car uses KeeLoq: "Hence, using the methods described by us, an attacker can clone a remote control from a distance and gain access to a target that is protected by the claimed to be
"highly secure" KeeLoq algorithm."
cryptography rfid security keeloq via:schneier car 2007 Nov 15, 4:03Colossus set to compete against modern PC in decrypting Nazi messages in promotion of museum.
bbc article computer cryptography encryption hardware history turing 2007 Nov 15, 12:27Article on encrypted email company Hushmail giving email up to The Man. Includes interview with Hushmail CTO Brian Smith.
encryption article cryptography crypto anonymity anonymous email government privacy webmail mail legal security 2007 Oct 15, 1:33Info on a plugin for FireFox that gives GMail S/MIME support. This is a similar idea to the last but these folks have executed the idea in a different fashion.
article browser blog cryptography crypto mail mime mozilla pgp privacy security extension firefox gmail google 2007 Sep 12, 1:06As close to the Cryptonomicon as you'll be able to find. The first few chapters of a rare 17th century work on cryptography.
book history crypto cryptography 2007 Apr 8, 9:02Bookmark things on delicious very privately. This is an actual tool this time that uses encryption to ensure that even delicious doesn't know what you bookmarked.
bookmark cryptography encryption privacy delicious tag tagging tool 2007 Mar 19, 1:23A site dedicated to creating a tool for leaking documents in an uncensorable fashion.
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