2009 Dec 3, 4:52Having replaced HTTP with SPDY, Google digs deeper into the Web stack providing their own DNS servers. Also, as Waxy noted, you can't argue with the most memorable IP addresses I've seen: "Configure
your network settings to use the IP addresses and as your DNS servers". Also check out their DNS server's DNS prefetching in the performance notes.
google dns internet network security performance dns-prefetching technical 2009 Jun 22, 3:28Details on Firefox's DNS prefetching: "The Firefox implementation takes this approach one step further than just pre-resolving anchor href hostnames. It uses the prefetch logic on URLs that are being
included in the current document. By this I mean that it uses the prefetch logic on things like images, css, and jscript that are being loaded right away, in addition to anchor links which might be
clicked on at a slightly later time."
dns dns-prefetching html performance networking firefox mozilla technical 2009 Jun 22, 2:55"To speed up browsing, Google Chrome resolves domain names before the user navigates, typically while the user is viewing a web page." In addition to noting what and how they do it, and how web devs
can control it, they give a few stats on how much it helps.
google dns chrome dns-prefetching browser networking performance technical 2009 Jun 22, 2:53"Firefox 3.5 performs DNS prefetching. This is a feature by which Firefox proactively performs domain name resolution on both links that the user may choose to follow as well as URLs for items
referenced by the document, including images, CSS, JavaScript, and so forth."
dns firefox mozilla networking performance dns-prefetching technical