2015 Nov 11, 9:42 2009 Apr 3, 11:40"'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information." The page
is a lot easier to read with styling turned off. Actually, skip the text just watch the TED video.
visualization design research mit hci mobile interactive ted 2009 Feb 23, 11:04"...the two have designed what they are calling a SmartSwitch, which lets people know how much energy they are using, not through colors, but through tactile feedback."
ecology ui interface hci energy light lightswitch 2008 Mar 3, 3:32Research paper on progress bar UI improvements counters my thoughts on progress bar demanded for case where we only know when we're done: set progress as function of time where function has asymptote
at %100. Zeno's progress bar.
design gui hci interface paper progress progress-bar usability research 2006 Oct 29, 12:32Presentations on GUI Design stuff. Probably
hci usability gui visualization presentation lecture