illustration - Dave's Blog

My timeline on Mastodon

idrawnintendo: Game Jinn.

2012 Aug 8, 1:08


Game Jinn.

PermalinkCommentshumor history illustration gif nes game-genie

Star Trek: TNG Season 8 illustration has us longing for more [Star Trek]

2012 Mar 5, 3:17

Fictional plot summaries of TNG S8 episodes.    Like:

  • Q’s back: he’s wearing scuba gear and needs Picard’s help dumping his girlfriend. Barclay accidentally locks himself outside the ship.
  • Geordie and Data nurse a space bird back to health, and are sad when they have to release it. Picard is trapped in a turbolift with a baby.
  • Starfleet sends a cantankerous admiral to boss around Picard during delicate peace talks. Data seems to have mastered bragging.
  • Riker’s ex-girlfriend arrives and dies, leaving behind a pile of glowing dust and a mystery. Picard is trapped on a turbolift with a horse.
  • A planet of suspicious docents abduct Riker for their museum of amazing men. Geordi and Data are too excited to sleep at their sleepover.
  • Picard is trapped inside a sentient turbolift. A clip show highlights the most memorable “Picard is trapped on a turbolift” moments.
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15 Clever, Witty Illustrations - My Modern Metropolis

2010 Mar 12, 8:58Various sometimes entertaining or humorous tshirt designs available from purchase all from Chow Hon Lam. I enjoy the ginger bread men shirt
PermalinkCommentsshirt humor tshirt design purchase gift

The "blueprints" of Monsieur Eiffel

2009 Dec 23, 10:02"These designs are reproductions of Eiffel's original designs included in his book "The 300 Meter Tower", Lemercier publications, Paris 1900."PermalinkCommentsdesign architecture blueprints france eiffel eiffel-tower retro visualization illustration

Paleo-Future - Paleo-Future Blog - Burglars of the Future (1910)

2009 Dec 8, 12:02"This illustration, from the September 10, 1910 New York Tribune, imagines the rooftop burglars of the future. 'BURGLARS LEARN TO HANDLE THE AEROPLANE WITH PRECISION AND SILENCE: Our artist takes a look into the future and foresees the time when roofs must be secured as carefully as any other part of the home.'"PermalinkCommentshumor history burglar crime newspaper news

Dive Into HTML 5 by Mark Pilgrim with illustrations from the Public Domain

2009 Aug 21, 3:26"Dive Into HTML 5 seeks to elaborate on a hand-picked Selection of features from the HTML 5 specification and other fine Standards. I shall publish Drafts periodically, as time permits." Lovely design.PermalinkCommentsvia:waxy reference programming howto design html5 typography mark-pilgrim html web development technical

Love this laughter: Sony's sublime emotion-detecting patent illustration | Offworld

2009 Aug 19, 8:06"I can conceive of no reality in which the designer behind Fig. 2 of Sony's newly patented emotion-detecting system didn't understand what he'd just created, especially as they perfectly distilled What TV Comedy Looks Like."
PermalinkCommentshumor tv ps3 patent design videogame

the box doodle project //

2008 Dec 31, 2:14Art on boxes: "the rules are quite simple: rearrange a box to make any kind of figure or object. make the most of least."PermalinkCommentsart box design diy paper gallery sculpture doodle illustration

VJ Shantell Martin brings music to life with Intuos3 | Wacom Asia-Pacific

2008 Oct 15, 2:50VJ who does live illustrations on her Wacom tablet that's projected onto walls or crowds while DJ plays music: "An illustrator by training, Shantell's VJing style is to illustrate the music being played, mesmerizing the crowd with the line art drawn in time to the beat. She originates from London where she received a degree in graphic design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. Moving to Tokyo in 2004, she began working as an illustrator and soon, the VJing scene found her."PermalinkCommentsmusic dj art vj wacom
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