2016 Aug 21, 1:53
Gonna open a restaurant that serves food 4 hrs after cooking to 20% of customers and then blame them for not eating
2016 Jun 9, 3:26 2015 Nov 3, 8:33 2015 Jul 21, 12:13
I always thought BSG's Galactica disallowing networks and air gapping everything
was lame. Starting to get it now.
2015 Mar 7, 3:51
"This assert would've saved me hours of debugging. Why was it off?" *git blame*
commit: "disable assert that caused test failures" *sobs*
2014 Jun 4, 6:08
"A routine request in Florida for records detailing the use of a surveillance tool known as stingray turned extraordinary Tuesday when the U.S. Marshals Service seized the documents before local
police could release them."
Also what about the part where the PD reveals that its been using the stingray a bunch without telling any court and blames that on the manufacturer’s NDA.
technical law security phone 2012 Jun 11, 6:41
As you might have guessed, Flame is also US/Israel produced malware. From the people who brought you Stuxnet, its… Flame!
technical security malware politics internet microsoft 2012 Jun 7, 9:12
So this is another Stuxnet by Israel/US?
The analysis reinforces theories that researchers from Kaspersky Lab, CrySyS Lab, and Symantec published almost two weeks ago. Namely, Flame could only have been developed with the backing of a
wealthy nation-state. … “It’s not a garden-variety collision attack, or just an implementation of previous MD5 collisions papers—which would be difficult enough,” Matthew Green, a professor
specializing in cryptography in the computer science department at Johns Hopkins University, told Ars. “There were mathematicians doing new science to make Flame work.”
technical security web internet md5 cryptography flame 2012 Feb 15, 4:00
As a professional URI aficionado I deal with various levels of ignorance on URI percent-encoding (aka URI encoding, or URL escaping).
Worse than the lame blog comments hating on percent-encoding is the shipping code which can do actual damage. In one very large project I won't name, I've fixed code that decodes all
percent-encoded octets in a URI in order to get rid of pesky percents before calling ShellExecute. An unnamed developer with similar intent but clearly much craftier did the same thing in a loop
until the string's length stopped changing. As it turns out percent-encoding serves a purpose and can't just be removed arbitrarily.
Percent-encoding exists so that one can represent data in a URI that would otherwise not be allowed or would be interpretted as a delimiter instead of data. For example, the space character
(U+0020) is not allowed in a URI and so must be percent-encoded in order to appear in a URI:
http://example.com/the path/
In the above the first is a valid URI while the second is not valid since a space appears directly in the URI. Depending on the context and the code through which the wannabe URI is run one
may get unexpected failure.
For an additional example, the question mark delimits the path from the query. If one wanted the question mark to appear as part of the path rather than delimit the path from the query, it must
be percent-encoded:
In the second, the question mark appears plainly and so delimits the path "
" from the query "
". And in the first, the querstion mark is percent-encoded and so
the path is "
encoding uri technical ietf percent-encoding 2009 Oct 5, 8:44Brief history of the Luddites. "Are we all Luddites now? ... If you are reading this essay on your laptop or iPhone, chances are that you aren't an unemployed weaver staring starvation in the
face." Also: "The Luddites didn't oppose technology; they opposed the sudden collapse of their industry, which they blamed in part on new weaving machines." So the TV and newspaper associations
and Rupert Murdoch are Luddites.
history technology luddite 2009 Aug 26, 3:28"Don't they know this is just another passing lame-ass internet fad?" Hitler mocks the subtitled Hitler Internet meme, and those not in on the joke. Note that this is a bit meta: see some of the
other videos first for examples of what Hitler is talking about here.
humor youtube video hitler meme 2009 Jun 20, 9:45"When the scan button is pressed on the product, nothing happens. The scan button does not work correctly." The workarounds are all basically, "don't use that button then." They say their Vista
driver doesn't support sending the appropriate event. Lame.
vista hp scanner driver lame technical 2009 Apr 7, 11:58
This past week I finished Anathem and despite the intimidating physical size of the book (difficult to take and read on the bus) I became very engrossed and was able to finish it in several orders of
magnitude less time than
what I spent on the Baroque
Cycle. Whereas reading the Baroque Cycle you can imagine Neal Stephenson sifting through giant economic tomes (or at least that's where my mind went whenever the characters began to explain
macro-economics to one another), in Anathem you can see Neal Stephenson staying up late
pouring over philosophy of mathematics. When not
exploring philosophy, Anathem has an appropriate amount of humor, love interests, nuclear bombs, etc. as you might hope from reading Snow Crash or Diamond Age. I thoroughly enjoyed Anathem.
On the topic of made up words: I get made up words for made up things, but there's already a name for cell-phone in English: its "cell-phone". The narrator notes that the book has been translated
into English so I guess I'll blame the fictional translator. Anyway, I wasn't bothered by the made up words nearly as much as some folk. Its a good thing I'm long
out of college because I can easily imagine confusing the names of actual concepts and people with those from the book, like Hemn space for Hamming distance. Towards the beginning, the description
of slines and the post-post-apocalyptic setting reminded me briefly of Idiocracy.
Recently, I've been reading everything of Charles Stross that I can, including about a month ago, The Jennifer Morgue from the surprisingly awesome amalgamation genre of spy thriller and Lovecraft
horror. Its the second in a series set in a universe in which magic exists as a form of mathematics and follows Bob Howard programmer/hacker, cube dweller, and begrudging spy who works for a
government agency tasked to suppress this knowledge and protect the world from its use. For a taste, try a short story from the series that's freely available on Tor's website, Down on the Farm.
Coincidentally, both Anathem and the Bob Howard series take an interest in the world of Platonic ideals. In the case of Anathem (without spoiling anything) the universe of Platonic ideals, under a
different name of course, is debated by the characters to be either just a concept or an actual separate universe and later becomes the underpinning of major events in the book. In the Bob Howard
series, magic is applied mathematics that through particular proofs or computations awakens/disturbs/provokes unnamed horrors in the universe of Platonic ideals to produce some desired effect in
Bob's universe.
atrocity archives neal stephenson jennifer morgue plato bob howard anathem 2009 Jan 8, 5:45"It is a newly opened high-security data center run by one of Sweden's largest ISPs, located in an old nuclear bunker deep below the bedrock of Stockholm city... The bunker was designed to be able to
withstand a near hit by a hydrogen bomb." Wait, you mean it can't take a direct hit? Lame.
sweden photos design datacenter underground bomb technology 2008 Nov 15, 12:45Lame: "Question: Is it possible for us to write custom gadgets for the home screen like the clock or the Google search box? Is there a public API for this purpose? ... No, such an API does not exist
and won't exist in 1.0."
development google android g1 howto 2008 Aug 28, 10:57Apparently we've got some videos showing off IE8 features. Some are the kind you would expect: informative with music. Others are trying to be funny. Those aren't nearly as lame as I would have
video microsoft ie ie8 2008 Aug 26, 6:13Anteaters hate art. Its true. I blame the public school system.
art humor anteater via:ethan_t_hein 2008 Jun 19, 6:08Argh!! "Unfortunately for its users, the mail-rental outlet has decided to kill the profile feature in just a couple of months, a move that is already prompting an outcry around the Internet."
netflix article movie lame customer-service 2008 May 9, 9:25Create fonts online, download the resulting font as a TrueType font, embed the font in a webpage. Requires created fonts to be released under creative commons. The embedding method is lame - via
font development web graphic free cc creativecommons text 2008 Apr 24, 9:41This is a CAPTCHA in which you must id the center of subimages in a collage and then choose the correct caption for a second a photo. It took me seven tries to click close enough to the center of a
subimage. I'm human I swear! Lame implementation.
captcha image security