Wizner had to jump on a phone call during a meeting with his whistleblower client. When he got off the phone, he found that Snowden had rolled the bot into civil liberties lawyer Jameel
Jaffer’s office and was discussing the 702 provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. “It was kind of cool,” Wizner says.
It is neat but they’re marketing video is at times strangely terrifying. Put different music on when the Susan-bot comes up behind the unknowing Mark and this could be a horror movie trailer.
2011 Feb 11, 4:15On the more web aspects and behind the scenes of Conan getting kicked off NBC and returning via TBS and the web. marketingtelevisionconanwebinternet
2009 Jul 1, 6:21"The QR code, used to store and decode small bits of data via printed symbol, received an artistic rendering by SET as part of its campaign for Marc by Marc Jacobs." I like the idea although in this
case its not very subtle or different from a regular QR code IMHO. Also, I was surprised that my phone could still read the QR code in this form.qrqrcodemarketingartinternetmobiletechnical
2009 Jun 2, 5:11"THE PERSUADERS: What's going on in the world of today's marketers and advertisers? What are the new and surprising methods they're using to decipher who we are and what we want? And where is this
taking us?"videoadvertisingbusinesspropagandadocumentarypbspsychologymarketing
2009 May 13, 11:21Lots of interesting notes on the company culture of Zappos. "Yesterday I was lucky enough to visit Zappos and get a tour and talk with some of their executives, including Tony Hsieh, CEO."twittermarketingbusinessculturezapposshoesecommerce
2009 Apr 20, 3:14This site does user generated reports on (mostly) spam phone numbers. They have a RESTful API to get at that data too! I'm looking for more like this.apiphonespamsearchreferencetelemarketingtelephonelookup
2008 Nov 6, 6:27Examination of the who and why behind those 'Single?' lawn signs: 'At this point, I came to the realization that every question I answered seemed to introduce two more. In this case, they were "did
someone hire these firms or are they acting on their own?" and, more confusingly, "how did a web design firm in Panama or India get a lawn sign physically planted in the front lawn of my high school
in South Jersey?"'signblogmarketingdnsadvertisingbusinesswebinternetresearch
2008 May 30, 10:02'What happened to me (and what happens to thousands of others each month) is known as "cramming." The [FTC] calls this "the practice of placing unauthorized, misleading, or deceptive charges on your
telephone bill...'articlecrammingsecuritymarketing