Remember when they killed off Superman? One of the guys behind Chronicle has made this video explaining that whole thing. Kind of like Drunk History but less drunk and more nerdy (via
Death and Return of Superman)
2011 Jul 1, 10:09"I periodically get email from folks who, having read "Accelerando", assume I am some kind of fire-breathing extropian zealot who believes in the imminence of the singularity, the uploading of the
libertarians, and the rapture of the nerds. I find this mildly distressing, and so I think it's time to set the record straight and say what I really think. Short version: Santa Claus
doesn't exist."scifisingularitycharles-strossfuturefiction
2011 Jun 30, 1:23"Join Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan) as she hosts The Captain's Summit. Whoopi sits down with Trek stars William Shatner (Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Spock), Patrick Stewart (Picard) and Jonathan Frakes
(Riker) and gets personal with them. From fan-etiquette to comparing series, this is a must see for all Trek fans."
2010 Sep 24, 3:00You'd imagine that putting the folks from the funny podcast The Nerdist onto the funny podcast Doug Loves Movies would be even funnier still -- and you'd be correct: 'Doug welcomes his
podcast brethren Chris Hardwick, Jonah Ray and Matt Mira of "The Nerdist" to the show.'humorpodcastchris-hardwickdoug-bensondoug-loves-movies
2010 May 19, 7:17A creative-commons released comedy album. Heard him on the Nerdist podcast where he played live several of the songs you'd imagine someone having a tough time playing live. Humorous and is that
Weird Al I hear in Street Meat?musichumormike-phirmancccreativecommons
2010 Mar 18, 7:23Right behind Bruce Schneier, Douglas Crockford now gets his own Facts page including awesome facts like "Crockford is the sole user of the super-strict equality operator (====), which either returns
true or kicks you in the balls."douglas-crockfordhumorjavascriptnerdtechnical
2010 Feb 23, 9:38Think you're a bad ass having installed some obscure and difficult to use Linux distro, then prove how hardcore of a Linux nerd you are with '...Suicide Linux, where any unrecognized
command is parsed as "rm -rf /"...'humorgeeklinuxbashtechnical
2009 Nov 27, 6:04"Megafonzies (coolness): We don’t know if Professor Hubert Farnsworth, inventor of the Finglonger, coined the term ‘Megafonzie.’ We can assume that one Fonzie is the amount of coolness generated by
Arthur Fonzarelli...", "Warhols (fame duration): 1 Warhol equals 15 minutes of fame, So if you’ve been famous for three years, that’s just over 105 kilowarhols..."via:kottkehumormeasurementnerd
2009 Jun 22, 2:42"Humorist John Hodgman was the entertainment headliner at the 2009 Radio and TV Correspondents' Dinner." John Hodgman does his thing and questions the president's nerd cred.humorvideonerdobamayoutubejohn-hodgmanpolitics
2009 Jun 11, 3:16Humorous science merit badges. "The 'I build robots' badge (LEVEL IV): In which, technically technically, the recipient is not in the business of world domination (as dictated by membership rules),
but has built a robot that is.", "The 'non-explainer' badge (LEVEL I): Where the recipient can no longer explain what they do to their parents", And other humorous badges.humorwebsciencemathnerdbadgevia:boingboing
I watched the new Star Trek movie Thursday morning, along with many others who work on Windows. Microsoft rented out a theater and played the movie on all screens. I greatly enjoyed the movie!
Spoilers follow... I'm obviously not the biggest Star Trek nerd (or at least TOS nerd) since I didn't even pick up on the fact that Kirk's dad being dead was a discrepancy from the TV series. I
only figured out the alternate time-line stuff when they killed most of the Vulcans. I was just surprised they didn't set right what once went wrong by the end of the movie with some more time
travel magic to bring back Vulcan. On that note, I'm pretty sure the Spock-Spock conversation at the end, is Nimoy Spock sending Sylar Spock off to school so that Nimoy Spock can get freaky
repopulating the Vulcan race. Although at first after his 'two places at once' comment I thought he was saying... something else. Also, was the main evil guy a random miner turned psycho? And his
crazy looking spaceship that destroys the Federation fleet was just a mining vessel from the future? Once they invent time travel anybody can get drunk, go back in time, and conquer Earth.
2008 Oct 23, 10:34Geoffrey K. Pullum of Language Log defines 'nerdview': "It is a simple problem that afflicts us all: people with any kind of technical knowledge of a domain tend to get hopelessly (and unwittingly)
stuck in a frame of reference that relates to their view of the issue, and their trade's technical parlance, not that of the ordinary humans with whom they so signally fail to engage... The
phenomenon - we could call it nerdview - is widespread." Woo, go year-month-day, go!nerdviewlanguagedateprogrammingnerdwriting