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List of useful free or CC licensed photography and icon sites.
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When writing a JavaScript library that uses postMessage and the message event, I must be considerate of other JS code that will be
running along side my library. I shouldn't assume I'm the only sender and receiver on a caller provided MessagePort object. This means obviously I should use addEventListener("message" rather than
the onmessage property (see related
What if two programs did this?). But considering the actual messages traveling
over the message channel I have the issue of accidentally processing another libraries messages and having another library accidentally process my own message. I have a few options for playing nice
in this regard:
Require a caller provided unique MessagePort
This solves the problem but puts a lot of work on the caller who may not notice nor follow this requirement.
Uniquely mark my messages
To ensure I'm acting upon my own messages and not messages that happen to have similar properties as my own, I place a 'type' property on my postMessage data with a value of a URN unique to me
and my JS library. Usually because its easy I use a UUID URN. There's no way someone will coincidentally produce this same URN. With this I can
be sure I'm not processing someone else's messages. Of course there's no way to modify my postMessage data to prevent another library from accidentally processing my messages as their own. I
can only hope they take similar steps as this and see that my messages are not their own.
Use caller provided MessagePort only to upgrade to new unique MessagePort
I can also make my own unique MessagePort for which only my library will have the end points. This does still require the caller to provide an initial message channel over which I can
communicate my new unique MessagePort which means I still have the problems above. However it clearly reduces the surface area of the problem since I only need once message to communicate the
new MessagePort.
The best solution is likely all of the above.
Photo is
Sharing by
leezie5. Two squirrels sharing food hanging from a bird
feeder. Used under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic.
DOM html javascript messagechannel postMessage programming technical 2012 Aug 11, 9:17
Winterton, a senior entomologist at the California Department of Food and Agriculture, has seen a lot of bugs. But he hadn’t
seen this species before.
There’s no off switch when you’re the senior entomologist. If you’re browsing the web you find your way to Flickr photos of insects or start correcting Wikipedia articles on insects.
flickr insect science photos 2012 Jun 25, 2:40
Tetris Street Art by Gaffa gallery
Located in Sydney on Abercrombie Lane.
I’d get out of there before they form a horizontal line…
tetris street-art photos 2012 Jun 18, 1:07
The Verge has the best earliest coverage of the Microsoft Surface press conference and pretty photos.
Microsoft Surface event 2012: everything you need to know
technical windows win8 tablet surface laptop windows-8 2012 Apr 25, 4:23
(via Descriptive Camera)
A digital camera sends photos to Mechanical Turk service to generate a textual description and print the result on a thermal printer. Thus a camera that prints out a textual description of
what you photographed.
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