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Tweet from Garrett Serack

2016 Aug 18, 2:57
For the record, yes you can run on Linux in Bash on Windows (aka ) /cc @bitcrazed @bradwilson

WinRT Toast from PowerShell

2016 Jun 15, 3:54

I've made a PowerShell script to show system toast notifications with WinRT and PowerShell. Along the way I learned several interesting things.

First off calling WinRT from PowerShell involves a strange syntax. If you want to use a class you write [-Class-,-Namespace-,ContentType=WindowsRuntime] first to tell PowerShell about the type. For example here I create a ToastNotification object:

$toast = New-Object Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification -ArgumentList $xml;
And here I call the static method CreateToastNotifier on the ToastNotificationManager class:
$notifier = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager]::CreateToastNotifier($AppUserModelId);
With this I can call WinRT methods and this is enough to show a toast but to handle the click requires a little more work.

To handle the user clicking on the toast I need to listen to the Activated event on the Toast object. However Register-ObjectEvent doesn't handle WinRT events. To work around this I created a .NET event wrapper class to turn the WinRT event into a .NET event that Register-ObjectEvent can handle. This is based on Keith Hill's blog post on calling WinRT async methods in PowerShell. With the event wrapper class I can run the following to subscribe to the event:

function WrapToastEvent {
param($target, $eventName);

Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $myPath "PoshWinRT.dll")
$wrapper = new-object "PoshWinRT.EventWrapper[Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification,System.Object]";
$wrapper.Register($target, $eventName);

[void](Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject (WrapToastEvent $toast "Activated") -EventName FireEvent -Action {

To handle the Activated event I want to put focus back on the PowerShell window that created the toast. To do this I need to call the Win32 function SetForegroundWindow. Doing so from PowerShell is surprisingly easy. First you must tell PowerShell about the function:

Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class PInvoke {
[DllImport("user32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hwnd);
Then to call:
[PInvoke]::SetForegroundWindow((Get-Process -id $myWindowPid).MainWindowHandle);

But figuring out the HWND to give to SetForegroundWindow isn't totally straight forward. Get-Process exposes a MainWindowHandle property but if you start a cmd.exe prompt and then run PowerShell inside of that, the PowerShell process has 0 for its MainWindowHandle property. We must follow up process parents until we find one with a MainWindowHandle:

$myWindowPid = $pid;
while ($myWindowPid -gt 0 -and (Get-Process -id $myWindowPid).MainWindowHandle -eq 0) {
$myWindowPid = (gwmi Win32_Process -filter "processid = $($myWindowPid)" | select ParentProcessId).ParentProcessId;
PermalinkComments.net c# powershell toast winrt

Tweet from Philip II

2016 Jun 9, 9:01
Silly Queen Elizabeth thinks her nation secure from our Spanish Armada. We will soon see @lizbet1533 in chains. No naval power. Sad!

WinRT Launcher API in PowerShell

2016 Mar 31, 10:12
You can call WinRT APIs from PowerShell. Here's a short example using the WinRT Launcher API:
$uri = New-Object System.Uri "http://example.com/"
Note that like using WinRT in .NET, you use the System.Uri .NET class instead of the Windows.Foundation.Uri WinRT class which is not projected and under the covers the system will convert the System.Uri to a Windows.Foundation.Uri.

JavaScript Types and WinRT Types

2016 Jan 21, 5:35PermalinkCommentschakra development javascript winrt

Retweet of SwiftOnSecurity

2015 Dec 23, 7:28
Does the NSA actually hack anybody, or do they just make PowerPoint presentations

Tweet from David_Risney

2015 Apr 9, 4:34
Scripting in cdb/kd is not pleasant. Using PowerShell to script cdb/kd instead: http://www.leeholmes.com/blog/2009/01/21/scripting-windbg-with-powershell/ … . Any other better ways?

Retweet of kylealden

2015 Apr 6, 8:51
Unlimited power forever. RT @NeowinFeed: what happens when you plug Surface 3 into itself http://neow.in/1Gi3ZPj  pic.twitter.com/R5kAduccqn

Tweet from David_Risney

2015 Mar 20, 10:30
VHD in PowerShell: easy. Find drive letter: hard. Mount-DiskImage $vhd; Get-Partition -DiskNumber (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $vhd).Number

Retweet of ivanristic

2015 Feb 26, 2:45
Blink browser engine: "Intent to deprecate: Insecure usage of powerful features" https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!msg/blink-dev/2LXKVWYkOus/gT-ZamfwAKsJ … < Pushing toward more HTTPS

Retweet of PuN1sh_3r

2015 Feb 18, 6:40
PowerShell: Better phishing for all! http://d.uijn.nl/?p=116 

Tweet from David_Risney

2015 Jan 28, 9:57
Ross: Attorney built on IBM's Watson http://www.poweredbyross.com/  Can Ross legally practice law? We'd have to research that... Let's ask Ross

Image Manipulation in PowerShell - Windows PowerShell Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

2015 Jan 5, 1:20

Great blog post and set of powershell scripts for manipulating images.

PermalinkCommentsprogramming coding powershell

Image Manipulation in PowerShell - Windows PowerShell Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

2015 Jan 5, 1:20

Great blog post and set of powershell scripts for manipulating images.

PermalinkCommentsprogramming coding powershell

Quadrilateral Cowboy gameplay video “Quadrilateral Cowboy...

2014 Oct 6, 2:41

Quadrilateral Cowboy gameplay video

“Quadrilateral Cowboy is a game we’ve been watching with great interest ever since Thirty Flights Of Loving creator Brendon Chung first debuted it last year. It’s about hacking, but not via irritating minigames or jargon-your-problems-away Hollywood magic. Instead, you learn basic (albeit fictional) code and take down everything from laser grids to gun emplacements with a twitch of your fingers and a wriggle of your brain. It’s already an extremely clever game, and it’s quite empowering despite the fact that you play as someone who probably couldn’t even heft an assault rifle - let alone fire one. Basically, it’s a wonderfully novel idea - more Neuromancer than Deus Ex - but words only do it so much justice. Thus, I’ve decided to play it for your enrichment, in hopes that you will understand why Quadrilateral should be driving your radar haywire.”

PermalinkCommentsgame video-game hack computer

Internet Archive lets you play one of the earliest computer...

2014 Apr 28, 9:39

Internet Archive lets you play one of the earliest computer games Space War! emulated in JavaScript in the browser.

This entry covers the historical context of Space War!, and instructions for working with our in-browser emulator. The system doesn’t require installed plugins (although a more powerful machine and recent browser version is suggested).

The JSMESS emulator (a conversion of the larger MESS project) also contains a real-time portrayal of the lights and switches of a Digital PDP-1, as well as links to documentation and manuals for this $800,000 (2014 dollars) minicomputer.

PermalinkCommentscomputer-game game video-game history internet-archive

Moving PowerShell data into Excel

2013 Aug 15, 10:04
PowerShell nicely includes ConvertTo-CSV and ConvertFrom-CSV which allow you to serialize and deserialize your PowerShell objects to and from CSV. Unfortunately the CSV produced by ConvertTo-CSV is not easily opened by Excel which expects by default different sets of delimiters and such. Looking online you'll find folks who recommend using automation via COM to create a new Excel instance and copy over the data in that fashion. This turns out to be very slow and impractical if you have large sets of data. However you can use automation to open CSV files with not the default set of delimiters. So the following isn't the best but it gets Excel to open a CSV file produced via ConvertTo-CSV and is faster than the other options:

$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application

$xlDelimited=1 # 1 = delimited, 2 = fixed width
$xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote=1 # 1= doublt quote, -4142 = no delim, 2 = single quote
$consequitiveDelim = $False;
$tabDelim = $False;
$semicolonDelim = $False;
$commaDelim = $True;

$excel.workbooks.OpenText($Path,$xlWindows,$StartRow,$xlDelimited,$xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote,$consequitiveDelim,$tabDelim,$semicolonDelim, $commaDelim);
See Workbooks.OpenText documentation for more information.
PermalinkCommentscsv excel powershell programming technical


2013 Jun 19, 2:50




So I lost. Wah, boohoo, etc etc. It doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. I love The Last Halloween. If you also loved The Last Halloween, don’t worry, it’s happening. But first I have to Kickstart it! The Kickstarter goes up within the next few days, and I hope you guys will fund it, if you’ll have me.

I’ll do a much larger post when the Kickstarter kickstarts so you’ll all know my feelings and how great everything is and how much you will be into backing it. 

I’m one of these guys being sshhhhhsh’ed. Abby had the best comics on Strip Search and so for my continued entertainment I shall help kickstart!

PermalinkCommentskickstarter strip-search

The amazing powers of CSS

2012 Jun 20, 3:32

Some fun CSS things including the following:

head { display: block; border-bottom: 5px solid red; }

script, style, link { display: block; white-space: pre; font-family: monospace; }

script:before { content: “ ”; }

PermalinkCommentscss technical html

Permanently Add Path to System PATH Environment Variable in PowerShell

2012 May 17, 7:16
According to MSDN the proper way to permanently add a path to your system's PATH environment variable is by modifying a registry value. Accordingly this is easily represented in a PowerShell script that first checks if the path provided is already there and otherwise appends it:
param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path);
$FullPathOriginal = (gp "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment").Path;
if (!($FullPathOriginal.split(";") | ?{ $_ -like $Path })) {
sp "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" -name Path -value ($FullPathOriginal + ";" +
PermalinkCommentspowershell registry technical code programming
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