2009 Nov 23, 11:28"Thanks to the utilization of new technology, we're now seeing large-scale success in eliminating the need for passwords while increasing the successful registration rate at websites to over
90%...In addition, after a thorough evaluation of the security and privacy of these technologies, the same techniques are being piloted by President Obama's open identity initiative to enable
citizens to sign in more easily to government-operated websites."identityopenidgooglesecurityauthenticationfacebookpasswordvia:connollytechnical
2009 Oct 30, 10:33"What does a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) mean? Does it have a sense, and can it refer to things?" I hope it will cover some of the new scheme vs always HTTP scheme and distinct vs not distinct
URLs for a real world object and its web page perma-arguments.via:connollyurluriw3csemanticwebhttptodotechnical
2009 Oct 28, 8:31"The presentation will focus on the pioneering work of Paul Otlet, Vannevar Bush, and Doug Engelbart, forebears of the 1960s and 1970s like Ted Nelson, Andries van Dam, and the Xerox PARC team, and
more recent forays like Brown's Intermedia system." Covers things like As We May Think and others who could have made the Web. Would love to have this as a summary with links to everything
rather than a video =)via:connollytechnicalgooglevideointernetwebinformationtechnologymemex
2009 Oct 27, 9:47"We're excited to announce that you now have the choice to get Google Voice with your existing mobile number OR with a Google number." You can use their voicemail features with your existing
phone number.via:connollygooglevoicephonecellphonevoicemailblog
2009 Sep 11, 8:39"In the W3C Media Fragment Working Group (MFWG) we have had long discussions about the use of the URI query (”?”) or the URI fragment (”#”) addressing approach for addressing directly into media
fragments, and the diverse new HTTP headers required to serve such URI requests, considering such side conditions as the stripping-off of fragment parameters from a URI by Web browsers, or the
existence of caching Web proxies."fragmenturivia:connollymediaurlqueryhttphttp-header
2009 Sep 1, 4:25"Each unit has a stable URI, making it possible to link to it from your own domain models in a reliable way. For each unit, the ontology defines some useful metadata including abbreviation, a link to
DBpedia and a categorization of units into groups, such as length units."semanticwebvia:connollywebunitconversionuritechnical
2009 Apr 7, 1:59A URL shortening service that tries to find the normal form (which hopefully translates to shorter in length) of a URL via