2016 Nov 28, 10:07 2012 Mar 15, 4:05
“This rather embarrassing issue was pointed out to the committee, the fact that there were three votes too many, and that these three
votes determined the outcome. When this was done, along with formally requesting a re-vote, that re-vote on the points in question was
copyright legal europe law 2010 Apr 6, 5:06"Palimpsest by Charles Stross, 2009. This version made available for 2010 Hugo Award voters by kind permission of the publishers."
charles-stross palimpset fiction scifi todo time-travel hugo-award 2008 Nov 17, 8:21"The organization is now five years old, and our membership is larger than ever. It is estimated that one out of every four people on Earth is now a devoted member. The secret language has been
perfected-- it allows us to talk freely, and sounds just like normal small talk. Also, we have an order of special agents who are particularly dangerous, and are all disguised as normal people. Our
goal is the annihilation of all paranoid people."
humor club paranoia sam-kass 2008 Nov 9, 11:18
This past Tuesday I voted in my first presidential election. Of course I was eligible twice before so don't tell my social studies teacher. I
read about folks who stood in line for twelve hours waiting to vote but I personally had no issues. I found the voting location around 10am and it seemed appropriately busy: There were people
voting but no lines. I came in and looked confused until an elderly lady gave me a paper to bubble in. The voting booth was more like a fold out voting table at a very awkward height and in the end
my back ached. It feels better to vote in person and have a back ache after. Its more like I've accomplished something.
personal voting 2008 Nov 6, 6:24Comparison of various website's US presidential election maps: "Most media outlets covering the 2008 US Presidential Election used the familar red/blue map to track the progress of the race as
results from the polls rolled in Tueday evening. Here are several of those maps, in some ways as similar to each other as they are varied."
map visualization geography president election vote voting politics 2008 Nov 4, 1:33Kid dresses up as voting booth for Halloween collecting candy as votes in either a McCain or Obama bag and tallies the results on CandyVote.com: "Welcome to CandyVote.com - The results are in!"
humor video politics election obama mccain voting halloween costume 2008 Sep 11, 1:02Register to vote in Washington State online. "You must complete a voter registration form if you are registering for the first time in Washington or if you have moved to a new county. If you have
moved within the same county, you may transfer your registration by completing a new form or contacting your County Auditor by mail, email, or phone. There is no registration by political party in
Washington state."
politics government vote washington elections registration 2008 Sep 8, 10:23"Voices without Votes opens a window on what non-Americans are saying in blogs and citizen media about US foreign policy and the 2008 presidential elections."
via:sambrook vote politics government blog 2008 Apr 16, 6:42A working group devoted to getting fragments to ID pieces of images or time positions or ranges in audio and video.
mime w3c standard uri fragment 2008 Mar 9, 1:17"It is, quite frankly, one of the best critiques of current K-12 mathematics education I have ever seen. Written by a first-class research mathematician who elected to devote his teaching career to
K-12 education."
via:ethan_t_hein math education paper 2007 Jul 22, 7:50Enter your views on various topics and see which candidates publicly stated opinions most match.
government politics quiz vote 2007 Mar 24, 1:22A poster suggesting you vote for Robot Nixon (Futurama reference).
humor nixon robots poster product futurama wishlist purchase 2007 Mar 1, 1:01Wired reported pays a service to make his fake blog popular on Digg.com
article digg fraud bribe 2006 Nov 29, 5:34List of Lists. Vote things up and down and create arbitrary lists. Neat!
amazon reference unspun social lists web2.0 2006 Oct 2, 11:14We present a new paper-based voting method with attractive security properties. Not only can each voter verify that her vote is recorded as she intended, but she gets a “receipt” that she can take
home that can be used later to verify that her vote is
voting reference security algorithm read 2003 Mar 1, 5:22Today will produce the Mardi Gras parade in my town. I haven't been the previous two years, but I'm considering it this time around. San Luis Obispo, as a college town, contains many teens and young
adults who enjoy occasional festivities accompanied with inebriation. San Luis Obispo, as relatively cheap beach front or at least near beach property, contains many vacationing elderly. As we all
know, voting increases proportionally with age and, as such, any person under the age of thirty in public after dark is arrested. Mardi Gras is yet another of the bouts in the battle between the
Youngsters and the Old-timers in the SLO ring. I will be very happy when this quarter is over. Chemistry may yet have a happy ending, but I don't know that Technical Writing can. I don't believe any
grade in that class would make me think, "I'm glad I spent all those weekends working on that report". The quarter's end will also mean I can devote some time to my attention starved
Polytope Tetris project. As a side note, I was tempted to, yet again, not write in the journal on account of my poor attitude tonight. However, a journal
of one entry does seems a bit slim.