Dave's Blog

My timeline on Mastodon

YouTube - GTA:SA atv stunt gone wrong

2007 Apr 30, 11:33Video of attempted ATV base jump when somthing hilarious happens.PermalinkCommentsgta video humor plane atv game

Mark Jenkins: Street Installations

2007 Apr 27, 3:46Interesting street art. I like the empty outfit with hoodie up sitting crosslegged.PermalinkCommentsart photos sculpture graffiti humor streetart street mark-jenkins

RSS 2.0 Specification (RSS 2.0 at Harvard Law)

2007 Apr 25, 1:43The RSS spec.PermalinkCommentsdocumentation quickreference rss reference specification standard xml

HD View - Gigapixel Images and More (Tony Schreiner's WebLog)

2007 Apr 23, 1:46Control that does pan and zoom for high resolution images. As you zoom it dynamically loads more and more detail for that area.PermalinkCommentstony-schreiner hdview gigapixel photo photography images photos research microsoft blog article browser

Given a choice between two options, you influence the result by adding a third, inferior, alternative (The Old New Thing)

2007 Apr 23, 1:31As noted in the title, an interesting result from researchers who find that a third result which is clearly worse than the two other options will influence people picking from those two.PermalinkCommentsarticle raymond-chen business game-theory decoy-effect

Seeing through walls

2007 Apr 23, 1:13Researcher applies Van-Eck phreaking style attack to flat panel (non CRT) displays.PermalinkCommentssecurity article privacy hack van-eck-phreaking phreaking cryptonomicon

Aquanaut adventure

2007 Apr 23, 1:07An Australian biologist lives in a "bio-regenerative microcosm" an enclosed box underwater for weeks. In that time he writes a song...PermalinkCommentsscience article weird biodome biosub


2007 Apr 21, 11:38This previous Wednesday, I went to trivia at the Wilde Rover. Our team consisted of Sarah, myself, Jane, Eric, Rachel, and Ansen. Before the last round we were 16th (out of ~32) but after the final round we were 6th! The previous time Sarah played there the exact same thing happened. Of course you must be in the top five to win money (or last place who gets their money back). You could say, of those who didn't get any money we did the best! I didn't contribute too much except for spotting a street from Paris in the picture round and knowing which generation the Wii is of Nintendo home consoles. Mostly I focused on increasing our bill =)PermalinkCommentsbar game personal trivia nontechnical

WordNet - Princeton University Cognitive Science Laboratory

2007 Apr 19, 3:41"WordNet is a large lexical database of English... Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept...The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navPermalinkCommentsalgorithm collections etymology dictionary visualization xml language ontology tool free


2007 Apr 19, 3:35Interesting projects related to maps of physical space and the semantic web.PermalinkCommentsarchitecture data map ontology rdf place semanticweb tag wifi xml space research


2007 Apr 19, 3:34mudlundon is a collaborative mapping project presented in the style of a text adventure or MUD and with its data saved in RDF.PermalinkCommentsmud rdf map semanticweb geo london im aim

Berners-Lee Disses Web 2.0

2007 Apr 18, 1:25SirTBL disses the Web2.0 buzz-phrase.PermalinkCommentsarticle humor web2.0 tim-berners-lee

Canon SD800 IS Digital ELPH Review: 1. Introduction: Digital Photography Review

2007 Apr 18, 1:04I just purchased this camera.PermalinkCommentscamera photo review shopping photography canon sd800

ThinkGeek :: Gadget Shoulder Holster

2007 Apr 18, 11:31A shoulder holster to replace your wallet, store your keys, ipod, etc. Sounds neat but I imagine it would take some explaining at the airport. Also, I like the idea but I don't think I'd want anyone to see me wearing this.PermalinkCommentsshopping clothing gadget shoulder holster bag

BBC NEWS | Technology | BBC to open up archive for trial

2007 Apr 18, 11:22For a trial period the BBC will open its archive online for free. Hopefully this is the start of a trend otherwise in the future the only freely available content will be reruns of Absolutely Fabulous.PermalinkCommentsbbc television archive article ip

nanda - robot alarmclock

2007 Apr 17, 11:03A robotic alarmclock that runs and hides if you don't get up in time.PermalinkCommentsdesign furniture robot toys time alarm clock shopping humor

How can I Make my Offline Life Easier?

2007 Apr 17, 8:04A list of simple things you can do to make life easier.PermalinkCommentsadvice howto tips

Try ruby! (in your browser)

2007 Apr 17, 2:54Its a little ruby tutorial that runs in your browser.PermalinkCommentsruby programming tutorial ajax browser code howto interactive shell script

Behavioral Extensions to CSS

2007 Apr 17, 1:31The behaviors standard on the w3c.PermalinkCommentsbehavior css w3c extension browser standard

MathTrek: Can't Knock It Down

2007 Apr 17, 12:28Mathematicians design an object that can't be knocked down. I like the part when looking for self righting objects in the natural world they test turtles...PermalinkCommentsmath humor balance
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