2008 Mar 31, 3:43Clay Shirky talks to a very small audience. Starts with more examples like prev. video. @20:30 describes interesting problems he hasn't resolved. @31:04 interesting exchange between listeners and
video cooperation social web politics law internet culture collaboration community 2008 Mar 31, 2:33Clay Shirky gives a talk about how the Internet changes everything via organization and collaboration.
video book clay-shirky via:librarythingblog social talk research internet 2008 Mar 31, 2:31Social local's guide to various areas including Seattle.
via:swannman guide seattle food social 2008 Mar 31, 1:19Some interesting notes on Vista defrag."We don't try to make the volume 100% defragmented because defragmenting to the point where there are no fragmented files has negligible benefits.", "We don't
give a percent complete or time to completion estimat
progress progress-bar windows vista blog msdn microsoft defrag 2008 Mar 31, 1:11Guy messes with various file timestamps on NTFS on Windows.
time timestamp ntfs windows blog article 2008 Mar 31, 1:08"Why would the bad guys do this? To buy time. ...say you arrived at that site via a search engine and you were clueful and you got owned. You're going to give the URL that tried to exploit you to
your local IT security geek and he's going to paste it i
security web internet spam microsoft blog research 2008 Mar 31, 10:36"The advantage, of course, is that developers can integrate WebSlices into their applications just as easily as they can integrate RSS feeds. To illustrate this, and to try out developing a gadget, I
created a WebSlice viewer gadget."
webslice ie8 rss msdn microsoft sean-lyndersay blog vista vista-gadget extension 2008 Mar 28, 1:37Cory Doctorow regularly reads from his books and irregularly includes random other stuff. Currently reading the novella he co-wrote with Ben Rosenbaum, 'True Names'.
cory-doctorow creativecommons boingboing book fiction podcast scifi 2008 Mar 28, 10:39Justin's blog posts on regex in .NET.
regex justin-rogers ie programming .net 2008 Mar 28, 10:38Running time of regular expression matching. Most modern regex APIs do backtracking and can have exponential running time depending on the regex string.
regex programming reference wikipedia big-oh running-time 2008 Mar 28, 10:35Scott A Crosby and Dan S Wallach "present a new class of low-bandwidth denial of service attacks that exploit algorithmic deficiencies in many common applications' data structures." DoS via worst
case behavior in hash tables and exponential time RegExp's
scott-crosby dan-wallach dos programming regex research security hash 2008 Mar 28, 10:07"Trust the open-source lovin' contributors at Wikipedia to be early adopters of Microsoft web technologies. Beginning just a couple of days ago, Wikipedia user "Soum Yasch" began building Wiki
templates to support the new content-subscription featur
ie8 ie browser wikipedia article 2008 Mar 27, 9:33
The Goodwin family, except for Michelle who is taking a class trip to Washington DC and New York, was in Seattle this week. Sarah and I met up with them for dinner last night at the Icon Grill. I
enjoy the Icon Grill in general and last night was no exception especially having dinner with the Goodwins which was a lot of fun. It was particularly cold and at one point snowed. The Goodwin's
are seeing all the classic tourist attractions in Seattle some of which are depicted in the following 1962
Seattle's Worlds Fair postcard. The postcard is featured on Paleo-Future and unsurprisingly the 1962 Worlds Fair favored Seattle's Space Needle and
icon grill life washington goodwins sarah seattle nontechnical 2008 Mar 25, 11:05A trunk with a button. When you push the button the trunk opens, a robotic arm comes out and pushes the button again to turn itself off.
via:ethan_t_hein art robot trunk machine humor 2008 Mar 24, 11:22Tetris Holding LLC trademarked "an instrumental tune in the style of a Russian folk song in 2/2 time or cut time having at least two 8-bar phrases" used in video games. "Trademark Document Retrieval"
links to mp3s of examples from GB Tetris.
tetris copyright game music korobeiniki russia 2008 Mar 24, 9:53'Then, a security guard for the film approached the calmly seated man and told him, "I may have to ask you to leave." "Does anyone else see how ironic this is?" the guy asked.'
article science intelligent-design ben-stein humor 2008 Mar 24, 9:42Zeno's progress bar. Stolen thoughts...
progress-bar zeno gui ui programming stolen-thoughts 2008 Mar 23, 3:39A cool clock that is essentially a robot operating an Etch-a-Sketch. Zang!
angela-yuan clock build diy art etch-a-sketch humor robot 2008 Mar 23, 3:26Flash versions of retro games with humorous differences.
game humor retro games flash web internet pacman space-invaders tetris via:boingboing