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Amazon.com: A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates: RAND Corporation: Books

2008 Oct 31, 7:10Bruce Schneier pointed out this book: "A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates (Paperback)". Its 600 pages of random numbers. I'd get a copy if it didn't cost $90! From the stats page Amazon lists the 100 most used words in the book: "6 8 11 19 23 28 30 32 37 38 42 47 52 54 56 60 72 77 80 84 86 92 101 102 107 108 111 115 125 126 131 143 147 148 150 157 158 163 166 167 171 179 183 188 190 197 206 207 212 215 218 220 226 228 230 234 236 242 247 249 251 253 261 265 272 292 297 304 311 323 332 336 337 338 344 345 354 356 358 359 364 371 372 374 384 389 391 409 412 413 421 433 436 443 457 481 489 516 517 642"PermalinkCommentsvia:schneier random book humor math csc

Testing Tools

2008 Oct 31, 2:37"The Microsoft Active Accessibility SDK provides several utilities that can be used by both clients and servers as testing tools."PermalinkCommentsmsdn microsoft accessibility tool free download

OpenID being Balkanized even as Google, Microsoft sign on

2008 Oct 30, 12:13On hearing news of Live ID supporting OpenID this is pretty much exactly what I was thinking: "With every big portal acting as a provider but not a consumer of identity credentials, users are still going to wind up creating accounts for more than one service (says this user of Flickr and Google Calendars). When it comes to third-party sites, they may not need to remember a new username and password, but they will have to remember to which of the providers they chose to provide the credentials for their account. Anyone who slips up may wind up with three or more identities on a single website, with different data associated with each."PermalinkCommentsopenid identity microsoft google

[0810.5056] P is not equal to NP

2008 Oct 29, 10:22If this is true Charles Stross is going to have to rewrite a story or two.PermalinkCommentsvia:kris.kowal algorithm csc

MTV Documentation Home

2008 Oct 29, 9:50MTV's new music video web service's API. The API provides feeds of music videos by artist or search term, list of artists that are 'like' other artists. Things it doesn't do: doesn't provide access to the video files instead provides URI to flash player. Also doesn't provide access to user's favorite videos or other user information.PermalinkCommentsapi video music mtv web feed rss

WIRED Blogs: Elsewhere

2008 Oct 29, 3:45Apparently the government routinely suppresses patents when they fear the invention may harm national security. 5002 total patents suppressed at the end of FY07 according to PTO. "...U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's record of the number of patent applications kept from public scrutiny under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, which allows the government to lock up a patent application on national security grounds, even if the inventor has no connection to the government."PermalinkCommentspatent wired article government security

Microsoft takes touchscreens to the next dimension - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist

2008 Oct 29, 3:09Video showing some more interesting touch screen ideas from Microsoft Research. A touch sensitive sphere that can accomodate multiple users and a table which projects one image onto itself and another image onto objects beyond itself: "But hold another piece of a translucent glass in the air above the table, and it catches a second ghostly image. This trick is in the tabletop glass, which electronically flickers between translucent and transparent 60 times per second, faster than the eye can notice."PermalinkCommentsresearch microsoft video touchscreen table

MTV Music - User's profile

2008 Oct 29, 10:27MTV has tons of music videos online. The service has an API and everything. No more adding music video on YouTube to delicious only to have the video taken down later... hopefully.PermalinkCommentsproldfile music music-video mtv video me

The Unfinished Swan

2008 Oct 29, 9:40Cool game concept: "The Unfinished Swan is a first-person painting game set in an entirely white world. Players can splatter paint to help them find their way through an unusual garden."PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman game design videogame art 3d xna

Beggining Watercolor - Session 1 - Student Work

2008 Oct 29, 9:33Grandma's watercolor class has some of their work online.PermalinkCommentswatercolor family grandma

Word Wrapping IE's Plain Text

2008 Oct 28, 11:23

If you view a plain text document in Internet Explorer 8, for instance the plain text version of Cory Doctorow's book Little Brother and press F12 to bring up the developer toolbar, you can see that IE simply takes the plain text, sticks it inside a

 tag, and renders it.  This means that word wrapping isn't supplied and the only line breaks that appear are those in the document.  However, since the text document is converted to HTML it means I can implement word wrap myself using a bookmarklet:
javascript:function ww() { var preTag = document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0]; preTag.style.fontFamily="arial"; preTag.style.wordWrap='break-word'; }; ww();
After adding a favorite and setting the favorite's URL to the previous, I can view plain text documents, and select my Word Wrap favorite to apply word wrap and non-fixed width font.
PermalinkCommentsbrowser technical ie wordwrap

Signs of Fall Tree

2008 Oct 28, 9:01

sequelguy posted a photo:

Signs of Fall Tree

Immediately after Sarah took this photo, a truck pulled into the empty parking spot and the driver jumped out to apologize for messing up the photo. The driver was a zombie.

PermalinkCommentsseattle tree nature gasworkspark sarahtookthisphoto

Gas Works Park, Seattle

2008 Oct 28, 9:28

sequelguy posted a photo:

Gas Works Park, Seattle

PermalinkCommentsseattle graffiti washington gasworkspark

Gas Works Park, Seattle

2008 Oct 28, 9:27

sequelguy posted a photo:

Gas Works Park, Seattle

PermalinkCommentsseattle washington gasworkspark

Gas Works Park, Seattle

2008 Oct 28, 9:27

sequelguy posted a photo:

Gas Works Park, Seattle

PermalinkCommentsseattle sign graffiti washington neat gasworkspark

Gas Works Park, Seattle

2008 Oct 28, 9:19

sequelguy posted a photo:

Gas Works Park, Seattle

PermalinkCommentsseattle washington gasworkspark

Gas Works Park, Seattle

2008 Oct 28, 9:18

sequelguy posted a photo:

Gas Works Park, Seattle

PermalinkCommentsseattle washington gasworkspark

Machinery with graffiti, Gas Works Park, Seattle

2008 Oct 28, 9:18

sequelguy posted a photo:

Machinery with graffiti, Gas Works Park, Seattle

PermalinkCommentsseattle graffiti washington machinery neat gasworkspark

Gas Works Park, Seattle

2008 Oct 28, 9:17

sequelguy posted a photo:

Gas Works Park, Seattle

PermalinkCommentsseattle washington gasworkspark

Gas Works Park, Seattle

2008 Oct 28, 9:17

sequelguy posted a photo:

Gas Works Park, Seattle

PermalinkCommentsseattle washington machinery gasworkspark
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