Dave's Blog

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Remixes of the paranoid London police "anti-terror"/suspect your neighbours posters - Boing Boing

2009 Mar 26, 2:24"Yesterday's remix challenge -- to mock the ridiculous new "anti-terrorism" posters the London police have put up that tell you to spy on your neighbors -- was a smashing success. I've collected the 25 or so that came in to date below". I enjoyed: "A bomb won't go off here because people tend to be quite nice really." "Terribly convenient, isn't it? Incriminating evidence left right out where you'll spot it and call it in..." "A bomb won't go off here because the true likelihood of you being the victim of a terror attack is really very low, especially when compared to other causes of death or injury."PermalinkCommentshumor politics poster paranoia security via:boingboing.comments photoshop privacy

MP3 player from Yahoo! - bookmarklet / phpied.com

2009 Mar 25, 10:09Bookmarklet to apply the Yahoo media player to any page that has mp3 links. "Take the player with you. Run my bookmarklet that will simply insert the required javascript into the page."PermalinkCommentsbookmarklet mp3 javascript music yahoo

Christ I need a haircut - Bad Science

2009 Mar 25, 4:51The Bad Science guy has a spot on the news on the topic of the poor reporting of science in the news.PermalinkCommentsscience video ben-goldacre mmr media conspiracy immunization

Information Decoration

2009 Mar 25, 4:03"...we can look at the contemporary screen virus as a transitional phase - a growing pain, if you will, of the information age. Tiling our environment with screens is an extremely literal, and on top of that rather unimaginative, way to introduce virtuality into the physical world: simply piling it on where seamless integration was what was wanted."PermalinkCommentsvia:infosthetics visualization information architecture culture design art

Spectrum Atlas

2009 Mar 25, 3:49A flashy Flash 3d chart of the electromagnetic spectrum. Pretty.PermalinkCommentsart visualization science radio sound 3d design electromagnetic flash

Nintendo GDC keynote: Wii Storage, new Zelda, world domination - Ars Technica

2009 Mar 25, 1:03Finally more storage for all those virtual console games I download: "What is going to interest gamers, however, is the expanded support for storage on the Nintendo Wii. The new update for the Wii Menu allows you to download and launch content straight from an SD card, and there is now support for SDHC cards, meaning you can cheaply add as much storage to your system as you'd like. A game was shown launching from a memory stick, with only a short loading time."PermalinkCommentsnintendo wii videogame storage

Warp Whistle - Chunnel

2009 Mar 25, 11:03Mario blows the warp whistle and finds himself in Chicago.PermalinkCommentsmario video videogames warp-whistle matthew-dominick via:boingboing

GraphML Primer

2009 Mar 23, 6:19"GraphML Primer is a non-normative document intended to provide an easily readable description of the GraphML facilities, and is oriented towards quickly understanding how to create GraphML documents."PermalinkCommentsgraphml graph format xml howto reference w3c

Security Research & Defense : Released build of Internet Explorer 8 blocks Dowd/Sotirov ASLR+DEP .NET bypass

2009 Mar 23, 12:58Details on a particular browser exploit and how its been resolved in IE8. "One approach they presented allowed attackers to use .NET framework DLL's to allocate executable pages of memory at predictable locations within the iexplore.exe process. They were then able to demonstrate how .NET behavior could be combined with a separate exploitable memory corruption vulnerability to run arbitrary code."PermalinkCommentssecurity ie8 ie browser hack via:ericlaw

Web addresses in HTML 5

2009 Mar 23, 11:06The HTML5 spec tells us how it is in the real world for URLs: "This specification defines various algorithms for dealing with Web addresses intended for use by HTML user agents. For historical reaons, in order to be compatible with existing Web content HTML user agents need to implement a number of processes not defined by the URI and IRI specifications [RFC3986], [RFC3987]."PermalinkCommentshtml html5 url uri reference w3c

GRcade.com - View topic - BLH's tour of Chernobyl. Hello Digg/Reddit/world!!

2009 Mar 23, 9:41"So heres my trip to Chernobyl in pictures." Nice photo of the tree growing through the floor next to the chair. The whole set is like Fallout 3 but there's plants. Didn't realize plants could do well in such a situation.PermalinkCommentsvia:swannman photo history science nuclear russia chernobyl

Command-line Fu - The best UNIX commands on the web

2009 Mar 23, 9:35Ohhh some nice ones in here. "Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again."PermalinkCommentsshell unix linux cli howto tips via:swannman

Outline View Internet Explorer Extension

2009 Mar 23, 8:13

I've made another extension for IE8, Outline View, which gives you a side bar in IE that displays an outline of the current page and lets you make intrapage bookmarks.

The outline is generated based on the heading tags in the document (e.g. h1, h2, etc), kind of like what W3C's Semantic data extractor tool displays for an outline. So if the page doesn't use heading tags the way the HTML spec intended or just sticks img tags in them, then the outline doesn't look so hot. On a page that does use headings as intended though it looks really good. For instance a section from the HTML 4 spec shows up quite nicely and I find its actually useful to be able to jump around to the different sections. Actually, I've been surprised going to various blogs how well the outline view is actually working -- I thought a lot more webdevs would be abusing their heading tags.

I've also added intrapage bookmarks. When you make a text selection and clear it, that selected text is added as a temporary intrapage bookmark which shows up in the correct place in the outline. You can navigate to the bookmark or right click to make it permanent. Right now I'm storing the permanent intrapage bookmarks in IE8's new per-domain DOM storage because I wanted to avoid writing code to synchronize a cross process store of bookmarks, it allowed me to play with the DOM storage a bit, and the bookmarks will get cleared appropriately when the user clears their history via the control panel.

PermalinkCommentstechnical intrapage bookmark boring html ie8 ie extension

Anitmaion Spotlight: The Little Red Riding Hood Meets Royksopp | Brain Pickings

2009 Mar 22, 11:40"We're going short and sweet today, with this brilliant interpretation of The Little Red Riding Hood, inspired by Royksopp's Remind Me."PermalinkCommentshumor visualization animation video graphic design royksopp


2009 Mar 22, 11:03'Speaker are high-quality multimedia speakers that plug directly into your computer or MP3 player. Their iconic shape put the "speak" in speakers. Set includes a left and right speaker and power adapter.'PermalinkCommentsspeaker purchase design shopping gadget comic

Effektive CV/Poster Mailer on the Behance Network

2009 Mar 22, 10:35Graphic designer's awesome resume.PermalinkCommentsresume internet art design portfolio

MetLife Home Loans - Bobbi Moody

2009 Mar 22, 10:33Bobby Moody contact info.PermalinkCommentsbobbi-moody home home-loan

Download details: Headers and Libraries for Windows Internet Explorer 8

2009 Mar 20, 5:03"This package contains header files and libraries to help you develop Windows applications that use Windows Internet Explorer."PermalinkCommentsie8 ie msdn microsoft development C++ com visual-studio windows

Internet Explorer 8: History of the Internet

2009 Mar 20, 10:10Its IE8 advertising that doesn't make me cringe. On the contrary it has Ask a Ninja, Janeane Garofalo, and several comedians I recall collectively from either 'I Love the [decade]' or 'Best Week Ever'.PermalinkCommentshumor video ie8 advertising via:louis

Internet Explorer 8 Released

2009 Mar 20, 6:18

Our Fearless Leader reveals IE8 at MIX09. Photo by DBegley.IE8, the software I've been working on for some time now, has finally been released at MIX09.

As I mentioned previously, I worked on accelerators (previously named Activities) in IE8. Looking at the kinds of things I blog about on the IE Blog, you might also correctly guess that I work on the networking stack. Ask me about what else I worked on during IE8 development. The past few months were very busy for me and I'm happy this is finally out.PermalinkCommentstechnical internet explorer ie8
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