2010 Aug 22, 4:04Demo of marked-up video with the people and places shown in the video popping up along side in real time.videohtmlhtml5javascripttechnicalmozilla
For a new project I'm working on involving IE's installed Accelerators and OpenSearch search providers via the Windows 7
Accelerator Platform, I've created a C#/COM interop class for those APIs.
I've just got a new media center PC connected directly to my television with lots of HD space and so I'm ripping a bunch of my DVDs to the PC so I don't have to fuss with the physical media. I'm
ripping with DVD Rip, viewing the results in Windows 7's Windows Media Center after turning on the WMC DVD Library, and using a powershell script I wrote to copy over cover art and metadata.
My powershell script follows. To use it you must do the following:
Run Windows Media Center with the DVD in the drive and view the disc's metadata info.
Rip each DVD to its own subdirectory of a common directory.
The name of the subdirectory to which the DVD is ripped must have the same name as the DVD name in the metadata. An exception to this are characters that aren't allowed in Windows paths (e.g.
<, >, ?, *, etc)
Run the script and pass the path to the common directory containing the DVD rips as the first parameter.
Running WMC and viewing the DVD's metadata forces WMC to copy the metadata off the Internet and cache it locally. After playing with Fiddler and reading this blog post on WMC metadata I made the following script that copies metadata and cover art from the WMC cache to the corresponding
DVD rip directory.
2010 Aug 13, 11:47Other characters sets for HTTP headers: "By default, message header field parameters in Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) messages cannot carry characters outside the ISO-8859-1 character set. RFC
2231 defines an encoding mechanism for use in Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) headers. This document specifies an encoding suitable for use in HTTP header fields that is compatible with
a profile of the encoding defined in RFC 2231."rfclanguagelocalizationcharsethttptechnicalreferencehttp-header
2010 Aug 13, 11:46RESTful machine learning API from Google... "The Prediction API implements supervised learning algorithms as a RESTful web service to let you leverage patterns in your data, providing more relevant
information to your users. Run your predictions on Google's infrastructure and scale effortlessly as your data grows in size and complexity."restaigoogleprogramminganalysismachine-learningdevelopmenttechnical
2010 Aug 4, 2:29Using games for good! Foldit players are solving real biochemistry problems. "Scientists have turned to games for a variety of reasons, having studied virtual epidemics and tracked online communities
and behavior, or simply used games to drum up excitement for the science. But this may be the first time that the gamers played an active role in producing the results, having solved problems in
protein structure through the Foldit game."videogamegamebiologyscienceresearch
Video of racer 0.2 a video game made real sort of. Arcade racing cabinet hooked up to an RC car with wireless video camera placed on a cardboard track.