Dave's Blog

My timeline on Mastodon

HTTP framework for time-based access to resource states -- Memento

2011 Apr 30, 4:33"The HTTP-based Memento framework bridges the present and past Web by interlinking current resources with resources that encapsulate their past. It facilitates obtaining representations of prior states of a resource, available from archival resources in Web archives or version resources in content management systems, by leveraging the resource's URI and a preferred datetime. To this end, the framework introduces datetime negotiation (a variation on content negotiation), and new Relation Types for the HTTP Link header aimed at interlinking resources with their archival/version resources. It also introduces various discovery mechanisms that further support briding the present and past Web."PermalinkCommentstechnical rfc reference http header time memento archive

Experiences from an IPv6-Only Network

2011 Apr 30, 4:05"This document discusses our experiences from moving a small number of users to an IPv6-only network, with access to the IPv4-only parts of the Internet via a NAT64 device. The document covers practical experiences as well as road blocks and opportunities for this type of a network setup. The document also makes some recommendations about where such networks are applicable and what should be taken into account in the network design. The document also discusses further work that is needed to make IPv6-only networking applicable in all environments."PermalinkCommentsinternet ip ipv6 ipv4 nat technical reference

URI Fragment Identifiers for the text/csv Media Type

2011 Apr 29, 3:55This memo defines URI fragment identifiers for text/csv MIME entities. These fragment identifiers make it possible to refer to parts of a text/csv MIME entity, identified by cell, row, column, or slice.PermalinkCommentscsv uri technical mime reference

That’s What She Said: Double Entendre Identification

2011 Apr 29, 3:54That’s What She Said: Double Entendre Identification
Chlo´e Kiddon and Yuriy Brun
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Seattle WA 98195-2350
fchloe,brung@cs.washington.eduPermalinkCommentstechnology humor twss science paper csc technical system:filetype:pdf system:media:document

Nighty Night | Amanda Palmer

2011 Apr 27, 4:10PermalinkCommentsmusic download amanda-palmer ben-folds neil-gaiman damian-kulash ok-go mp3

draft-abarth-url-01 - Parsing URLs for Fun and Profit

2011 Apr 27, 3:12Prescriptive spec on URI parsing. "This document contains a precise specification of how browsers process URLs. The behavior specified in this document might or might not match any particular browser, but browsers might be well-served by adopting the behavior defined herein."PermalinkCommentstechnical rfc reference uri

Why We Need An Open Wireless Movement | Electronic Frontier Foundation

2011 Apr 27, 2:23"The gradual disappearance of open wireless networks is a tragedy of the commons, with a confusing twist of privacy and security debate. This essay explains why the progressive locking of wireless networks is harmful — for convenience, for privacy and for efficient use of the electromagnetic spectrum."PermalinkCommentslaw eff wireless internet technical privacy security

Lessig: Copyright isn't just hurting creativity: it's killing science (video) | Motherboard

2011 Apr 27, 2:22"Larry Lessig gave a new talk at CERN last week about copyright and how it has affected open access to academic or scientific information"

The Architecture of Access to Scientific Knowledge from lessig on Vimeo.

PermalinkCommentscopyright science lawrence-lessig video talk

Amazon’s $23,698,655.93 book about flies

2011 Apr 27, 2:21Competing price setting algorithms create a very high priced book. "But Peter Lawrence can now comfortably boast that one of the biggest and most respected companies on Earth valued his great book at $23,698,655.93 (plus $3.99 shipping)."PermalinkCommentshumor internet blog science book commerce ad

pbryan-json-patch - A JSON Media Type for Describing Partial Modifications to JSON Documents

2011 Apr 20, 2:27"JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Patch defines the media type "application/patch+json", a JSON-based document structure for specifying partial modifications to apply to a JSON document."PermalinkCommentsjson reference patch mime mimetype technical

JSONPath - XPath for JSON

2011 Apr 20, 2:26PermalinkCommentsjson xpath javascript library technical

YouTube - Star Trek's White and Nerdy

2011 Apr 18, 2:18PermalinkCommentsstartrek humor remix white-and-nerdy weird-al data


2011 Apr 18, 12:37PermalinkCommentscat music humor html

President Barack Obama stands by a cut-out picture of First Lady

2011 Apr 18, 4:28"President Barack Obama stands by a cut-out picture of First Lady Michelle Obama during a visit to Miami Central High School in Miami, Fla., March 4, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)"
PermalinkCommentshumor photo obama

SRU: Search/Retrieval via URL -- SRU, CQL and ZeeRex (Standards, Library of Congress)

2011 Apr 18, 4:27"SRU is a standard XML-focused search protocol for Internet search queries, utilizing CQL (Contextual Query Language), a standard syntax for representing queries."PermalinkCommentsstandards search library metadata xml uri technical library-of-congress

draft-hammer-hostmeta-14 - Web Host Metadata

2011 Apr 17, 12:51"Web-based protocols often require the discovery of host policy or metadata, where "host" is not a single resource but the entity controlling the collection of resources identified by Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) with a common URI host [RFC3986]."PermalinkCommentshost rfc reference metadata technical

X-Icon Editor

2011 Apr 15, 8:13PermalinkCommentseditor icon favicon html5 online

Re: [FileAPI] File.slice spec bug from Jonas Sicking on 2011-04-12 (public-webapps@w3.org from April to June 2011)

2011 Apr 14, 11:27If only all web compat issues were so easily fixed: "If someone knows about any websites I can personally take care of contacting them and trying to get them fixed."PermalinkCommentsw3c reference file api standard

Funny Or Die Beats Weird Al at Twitter from Al Yankovic, NickCorirossi, CharlesIngram, Scott Gairdner, AaronMoorhead, and FOD Team

2011 Apr 14, 5:19PermalinkCommentsweird-al humor video twitter funny-or-die

Powershell to test your XPath

2011 Apr 14, 5:11This page and esp. the final comment on the page were very helpful with describing how to parse XML in PowerShell.PermalinkCommentspowershell xml xpath technical programming
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